01. “The Iron Giant” 6 April 2000
Eli Marienthal as Hogarth Hughes, a 9-year-old energetic and curious boy with an active imagination. Marienthal's performances were videotaped and given to animators to work with, which helped develop expressions and acting for the character.

Christopher McDonald as Kent Mansley, a government agent sent to investigate sightings of the Iron Giant. The logo on his official government car says he is from the "Bureau of Unexplained Phenomena".

Harry Connick, Jr. as Dean McCoppin, a beatnik artist and junkyard owner. Bird felt it appropriate to make the character a member of the beat generation, as they were viewed as mildly threatening to small-town values during that time. An outsider himself, he is among the first to recognize the Giant as no threat.

Jennifer Aniston as Annie Hughes, the widow of a military pilot and Hogarth's widow mother.

Vin Diesel as The Iron Giant, a fifty-foot, metal-eating robot. Created for an unknown purpose, the Giant involuntarily reacts defensively if he recognizes anything as a weapon, immediately attempting to destroy it. The Giant's voice was originally to be electronically modulated but the filmmakers decided they "needed a deep, resonant and expressive voice to start with," so they hired Vin Diesel.

John Mahoney as General Kenneth Rogard, the military leader in Washington, D.C. who strongly dislikes Mansley.

M. Emmet Walsh as Earl Stutz, a sailor and the first man to see the robot.

James Gammon as Marv Loach, a foreman who follows the robot's trail after it destroys the power station.

James Gammon also voices Floyd Toubeaux

Cloris Leachman as Mrs. Tensedge, Hogarth's schoolteacher.

Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas as the train engineers. Johnston and Thomas were animators and members of Disney's Nine Old Men. Bird cited them as inspirations for his career and incorporated their voices and likenesses into the film.

Shortly after the launch of Sputnik in October 1957, nine-year-old Hogarth Hughes of the fictional town of Rockwell, Maine spots a meteorite crash into a nearby forest. Investigating, he finds a giant robot being electrocuted as it tries to eat the transmission lines of an electrical substation. Hogarth turns off the station, and the robot runs off. Hogarth tracks down and befriends the robot, finding it docile and curious. When it tries to eat railroad tracks in the path of an oncoming train, Hogarth tries to have the robot repair the damage, but the train collides with its head and derails. Hogarth helps usher the robot away from the scene, discovering that its damaged parts are drawn to the robot and can undergo self-repair. Hogarth hides the robot in his family's barn. After dinner with his widowed mother Annie, Hogarth reads comics to the robot. The robot is impressed with the adventures of Superman, but is agitated by how the villainous "Atomo the Metal Menace" is depicted. Hogarth calms the robot by telling it "you are who you choose to be".

The recent incidents lead U.S. government agent Kent Mansley to town. He discovers evidence of Hogarth's involvement and rents a room in their house to stay close to the boy. Hogarth ditches Kent long enough to move the robot to a junkyard owned by beatnik artist Dean McCoppin, where they are able to pretend the robot is one of Dean's scrap metal sculptures. Nevertheless, the easily-spooked Kent issues orders for the military, led by General Kenneth Rogard, to move into town.

Hogarth enjoys his time with the robot but is forced to explain the nature of death when they witness hunters kill a deer. One day, Hogarth is playing with the robot using a toy gun. The robot involuntary reveals several powerful weapons, and Dean rescues Hogarth before one strikes him. The robot reverts to its docile form and Dean orders it away for Hogarth's safety, but Hogarth gives chase. Dean realizes the robot was acting in self-defense and quickly catches up to Hogarth as they follow the robot into town.

The robot saves two boys falling from a roof when it arrives, impressing the townspeople. Kent convinces Rogard to start an attack against the robot. The robot exposes its weapons again, and readily overpower the military. Dean and Hogarth arrive and they are able calm the robot down. However, the military continue to attack, and the robot moves to protect Hogarth. Hogarth is knocked unconscious but the robot, believing him to be dead, engages its weapons against the military. Kent convinces Rogard to prepare to launch a nuclear missile from the USS Nautilus offshore if they cannot stop it. Dean and Annie revive Hogarth, and the boy is able to calm the robot down to its docile state, while Dean explains the situation to the military. Rogard is ready to stand down when Kent panics and orders the missile to fire. As everyone looks on at the launch, Rogard furiously reminds Kent that the missile is locked onto the robot and they will all be killed in the blast radius. Kent tries to escape but the robot stops him. Rogard tells his men to make sure he stays like a good soldier. Hogarth explains to the robot what is about to happen. The robot says farewell to Hogarth and flies off to intercept the missile, stating "I'm Superman". The missile explodes harmlessly in the atmosphere. As the townspeople and military are relieved to be alive, Hogarth is saddened by his loss.

Some months later, the town has constructed a statue of the robot in its memory, and Dean and Annie are starting to see each other. Hogarth receives a package from General Rogard, a bolt from the robot being the only remnant they could find. That night, Hogarth sees the bolt trying to move on its own, and he opens the window, letting the bolt roll free. The bolt joins many other parts as they converge on the robot's head in a tundra. The robot's head activates, and it smiles.
02. “Boiler Room” 18 February 2000
Giovanni Ribisi as Seth Davis

Vin Diesel as Chris Varick

Ben Affleck as Jim Young

Nia Long as Abbie Halpert

Nicky Katt as Greg Weinstein

Ron Rifkin as Judge Marty Davis

Tom Everett Scott as Michael Brantley

Scott Caan as Richie O'Flaherty

Taylor Nichols as Harry

Jamie Kennedy as Adam

Jon Abrahams as Jeff

Siobhan Fallon as Michelle

Mark Webber and Christopher Fitzgerald as Kids

In 1999, Seth Davis (Ribisi), a 19-year-old Queens College dropout, runs an unlicensed casino in his apartment. Although he earns a successful living, he is a disappointment to his father, Marty (Rifkin), a New York City federal judge. One night, his cousin Adam (Kennedy) stops by the casino to play blackjack, bringing a rich associate named Greg Weinstein (Katt) along with him. Greg recruits Seth to join J.T. Marlin, a brokerage firm based somewhere off the Long Island Expressway, promising him that he has the opportunity to get rich.

Arriving at J.T. Marlin, Seth attends a group interview and learns from Jim Young (Affleck), one of the co-founders of the firm, what is expected of his work and also how he can become a millionaire. The firm's techniques of selling are through cold calling investors to sell stock, and Seth joins as a stockbroker trainee, having to close 40 accounts and pass a Series 7 Exam in order to begin working independently. The brokers love to quote insider trader Gordon Gekko from Wall Street, seeing him as a role model. He is soon making a good living, as well as winning his father's approval and embarking on a romance with Abbie Halpert (Long), a secretary and Greg's ex-girlfriend.

Eventually, he learns that J.T. Marlin is a chop stock brokerage firm that runs a "pump and dump", using its brokers to create artificial demand in the stock of expired or fake companies, and speculative penny stocks. When the firm is done pumping the stock, the investors then have no one to sell their shares to in the market, and the price of the stock plummets. The FBI agents investigating the firm decide to pursue Seth, hoping to make him their informant.

Seth passes his Series 7 Exam and becomes a broker. He then contacts Harry Reynard (Taylor Nichols), the purchasing manager of a gourmet foods company. Although Harry is reluctant, he gives in after Seth lies that the stock is guaranteed to go up in value; Seth sells him 100 shares at $8 each. When the stock's value drops, Harry calls back to ask why the stock has done so poorly, only to have Seth persuade him to buy more worthless shares. The stock eventually tanks, costing Harry his savings and his family.

Feeling guilty for scamming Harry, Seth resolves to shut the firm down. Marty then disowns him, accusing him of destroying peoples' lives. Seth shows up at his father's office and tearfully explains that he shut down his casino and went along with a highly criminal line of work that he thought was legal in order to gain his family's approval. He then requests that his father help him on an IPO scheme in order to rob the firm of their money and bring them down. Although Marty initially refuses due to the risk of losing his judgeship, he calls Seth the next day, reconciling with him and offering to help with the scheme.

Seth is eventually arrested by the FBI for the violation of 26 SEC and NASD regulations, and is brought into their custody along with his father, as the bureau had discovered their IPO scheme from a tape-recorded phone conversation. The FBI offer him federal immunity if he agrees to testify against J.T. Marlin once all the suspects are brought into court, and threaten to involve Marty in order to assure Seth's cooperation. Seth asserts that he will testify against the firm and provide strong evidence of their illegal practices only if his father is released. He and the agents come to an agreement on this, with Seth being kept overnight only to return to work the next day and make copies of investment files onto a floppy disk to use as evidence. After that, it is implied that he will be free to go as the FBI will proceed to raid the building and prosecute everybody else.

Seth returns to work the next day and goes along with the FBI's instructions. Before leaving, Seth attempts to get Harry's money back. He lies to Michael Brantley (Scott), the company's founder, by explaining that the firm can lose a lot of money by refusing to continue to do business with Harry Reynard, who Seth makes out to be an important prospect at a make-or-break point. Brantley agrees to proceed, offering him shares of the next IPO, with a caveat that he cannot sell the shares until the firm has sold off theirs. In order to sell the shares behind Michael's back, Seth needs a ticket sale signed by a senior broker, something that his direct supervisor, Greg, has explicitly said that he would never do. He seeks a signing from Chris Varick (Diesel), explaining that he may as well "do one thing right" in helping a severely hit investor make his money back, now that the firm will be raided and, soon enough, there will be no future in continuing business at J.T. Marlin. Chris reluctantly agrees, and proceeds to escape the building in an attempt to flee federal enforcement. Seth walks out to his car, deciding what to do with his life now that his ties with J.T. Marlin are finished. As he departs in his car, several FBI cars, buses, and tow trucks enter the parking lot, with agents storming out ready to raid the building.
03. “Pitch Black” 18 May 2000
Vin Diesel as Richard B. Riddick. Furyan. Former mercenary, soldier, and pilot, an infamous criminal and murderer who was captured by Johns and placed in suspended animation along with Johns, who was to bring him to a prison to collect a bounty. He has surgically altered eyes that allow him to see in the dark but need protection from daylight.

Radha Mitchell as Carolyn Fry, a docking pilot for the commercial transport ship Hunter-Gratzner. She has a moment of moral weakness during the emergency landing attempt, intending to sacrifice the ship's passenger section to save herself. A relationship develops between Fry and Johns, until she finds out who he really is.

Cole Hauser as William J. Johns. A morphine-addicted bounty hunter and war veteran who is transporting Riddick to high-security prison to collect a large bounty on him. When the ship crashed, he presented himself as an intergalactic police officer and spread the story about Riddick being a serial killer so he could capture him for himself.

Keith David as Abu 'Imam' al-Walid. A Muslim preacher who was travelling to New Mecca for the annual preaching, and was stranded with others when the ship crashed. He is travelling with three young boys.

Lewis Fitz-Gerald as Paris P. Ogilvie. An intergalactic arts dealer selling weaponry and arts from Earth and other planets. He also provided the others with alcohol.

Claudia Black as Sharon 'Shazza' Montgomery. A free settler who was travelling across the universe looking for a new home.

Rhiana Griffith as Jack. A young girl who was travelling on a distant planet for unknown reasons, and she was posing as a boy named Jack to avoid any suspicion. Her real name is Kira.

John Moore as John 'Zeke' Ezekiel. A free settler along with Shazza and looking for a home.

Simon Burke as Greg Owens, co-pilot. During the emergency landing, Owens stopped Fry from dumping the passenger section of the ship, which would have resulted in their immediate deaths. He dies during the emergency crash landing of the Hunter-Gratzner on the uninhabited desert planet.

Les Chantery as Suleiman

Sam Sari as Hassan

Firass Dirani as Ali

Ric Anderson as Total Stranger

Vic Wilson as Captain Tom Mitchell

Angela Moore as Dead Crew Member

In the distant future, the transport ship Hunter-Gratzner passes a desert planet with its crew and passengers in cryostasis. The passengers consist of nomadic settlers who are relocating to other planets, a Muslim priest who goes by the title "Imam", accompanied by young pilgrims traveling to New Mecca, a boy named Jack, a pair of prospectors named Shazza and Zeke, a merchant named Paris, and a law enforcement officer, William J. Johns, who is transporting a notorious criminal, Richard B. Riddick. Riddick has surgically-modified eyes that allow him to see in the dark.

Debris from a comet tail rupture the hull, killing several passengers including the captain. The surviving crew members, docking pilot Carolyn Fry and co-pilot Greg Owens, attempt to land the ship on the nearby planet. As the ship falls apart, Fry is forced to jettison sections of the ship. Fry attempts to dump the passenger section of the ship to reduce their weight, but Owens prevents her. During the crash landing, several passenger compartments are destroyed and Owens sustains fatal injuries.

The group explore their surroundings. Riddick escapes and Johns warns everyone that he may kill them all. They notice that the three suns surrounding the planet keep it in perpetual daylight. Zeke goes missing and while searching for him, Fry escapes from photosensitive aggressive underground creatures. They find an abandoned geological research settlement, with a dropship with drained batteries. Inside the settlement, one of the young pilgrims is killed by the creatures. An orrery shows that an eclipse is imminent and that the creatures will be free to hunt above ground. Riddick rejoins the group and they return to the crash site to retrieve the power cells to power the dropship. Riddick reveals that Johns is not actually a law officer, but a bounty hunter who is attempting to collect the bounty on Riddick.

The group reaches the wreckage, but the eclipse begins before they can return to the settlement. The creatures pour out of the ground and kill Shazza and another of the children. The group salvages any light source that they can in their attempt to return to the dropship with the power cells. Riddick agrees to lead them. After accidentally cutting their light source power and crossing their own tracks, Riddick reveals that Jack is actually a girl and that the scent of her menstrual blood is attracting the most attention from the creatures. Johns suggests to Riddick that he kill Jack and use her corpse as bait to keep the creatures off the rest of the group. Riddick instead wounds Johns, who is attacked by the creatures, providing a distraction. Making flares, they move on.

Fry, Jack, Riddick and Imam make it to a cave near the ship after a rain puts out their flares. Riddick seals them in the cave and takes the power cells. Fry leaves the cave and finds Riddick powering up the ship to leave without them. She pleads with him to help her rescue Imam and Jack, but instead he offers to take her with him. Riddick has a change of heart and they retrieve Imam and Jack and take them to the ship, but Riddick is separated from the group and is wounded by the predators. Fry returns to help Riddick but she is killed after finding him. Riddick makes it to the ship and waits until the last moment before engaging the engines to incinerate as many creatures as possible. In orbit, Riddick tells Jack to tell anyone they meet that Riddick died on the planet below, and they depart for New Mecca.
04. “The Chronicles of Riddick - Dark Fury” 15 June 2004
Vin Diesel as Richard B. Riddick

Rhiana Griffith as Jack

Keith David as Imam Abu al-Walid

Roger L. Jackson as Junner

Tress MacNeille as Antonia Chillingsworth

Nick Chinlund as Toombs

Dwight Schultz as Skiff A.I.

Sarge as Escort Merc

Julia Fletcher as Merc Squad Leader

Hedy Burress as Lab Tech

Andrew Philpot as Tech

Rick Gomez as Lead Merc

Shortly after escaping the planet from Pitch Black, Riddick, Jack, and the Imam are picked up by a Mercenary spacecraft. Although Riddick attempts to conceal his identity from the mercenaries by impersonating William J. Johns (in Pitch Black) over the intercom, they quickly voice-print and identify him.

Captured by the mercenaries, the trio of survivors discover that their captors have unusual plans for them. The ship's owner, Antonia Chillingsworth (Tress MacNeille), collects criminals, whom she freezes and keeps as statues that are, in her view, art. Although the criminals are frozen, they are alive and conscious. To her Riddick is the ultimate "masterpiece" for her collection. Riddick, Jack, and Imam must fight their way through the army of human and alien creatures at her disposal or they will meet a fate crueler than death.

Riddick is pursued much of the story by Toombs and his mercs/bounty hunters. Mercs are kept in suspended animation until they are needed. They are released to confront Riddick and company aboard the ship.

Jack has important character development, as she discovers her violent side by shooting the ship's owner just before she can kill Riddick. This discovery is clearly a source of worry for Riddick and Imam as the three escape from the mercenary ship. Riddick decides to deliver both Jack and Imam to New Mecca, where they'll be safe.
05. “The Chronicles of Riddick” 11 June 2004
Vin Diesel as Richard B. Riddick

Colm Feore as Lord Marshal

Thandie Newton as Dame Vaako

Judi Dench as Aereon

Karl Urban as Lord Vaako

Alexa Davalos as Jack/Kyra

Linus Roache as Purifier

Yorick van Wageningen as The Guv

Nick Chinlund as Alexander Toombs

Keith David as Imam

Kim Hawthorne as Lajjun

Christina Cox as Eve Logan

Alexis Llewellyn as Ziza

Peter Williams as Convict

Richard B. Riddick has been in hiding for five years, evading bounty hunters and mercenaries sent to capture him. After killing a crew led by Toombs and stealing his ship he heads to New Mecca in the Helion System, after Toombs reveals his bounty originated there. Riddick is reunited with Imam, the man previously rescued. Imam believes Riddick is a Furyan, a race of warriors long thought extinct, and wants to know about his homeworld and if anyone other than himself is left. Imam believes Helion Prime is the next planet to be conquered by a mysterious force crusading across the stars. Aereon, an Air Elemental, identifies the army as the Necromongers, religious fanatics who seek to convert everyone and kill those who refuse. The Necromongers attack, and take control of the capital in a single night. In the battle, Imam is killed and Riddick escapes.

The next day, the Necromonger high priest called 'The Purifier' coerces the populace into converting, except for Riddick, who kills the man who killed Imam. Intrigued, the Lord Marshal orders Riddick be scanned by the Quasi-Dead, half-dead telepaths, who determine that he is indeed a Furyan survivor. Lord Marshal orders Riddick's death, but Riddick escapes only to be recaptured by Toombs. Riddick is taken to Crematoria, a harsh subterranean prison moon, where Jack, a girl Riddick rescued, is also held.

The Lord Marshal sends Commander Vaako to hunt Riddick down. Vaako's wife speaks to Aereon, who reveals that Furya was devastated by the Lord Marshal after he was told a child from that planet would kill him. Dame Vaako and her husband determine Lord Marshal wants Riddick dead, as he may be the child of said prophecy. On Crematoria, a disagreement breaks out between Toombs and the prison warden over what Toombs is owed for Riddick's bounty. Word about the Necromongers has reached the prison warden, who deduces that Toombs has stolen a prisoner from the Necromongers. Meanwhile, in the prison, Riddick finds Jack, now named Kyra, and they eventually reconcile.

The guards kill the bounty hunters, take the reward money and prepare to leave before the Necromongers arrive. Riddick leads several prisoners across Crematoria's volcanic surface to steal the ship. The guards reach the hangar, just as the prisoners arrive to find the Necromongers have cornered them there. All of the guards are killed and Riddick is incapacitated by Vaako. With the approach of the vicious sunrise (from -300 to 700 degrees in seconds), Vaako leaves Riddick to die; Kyra is captured by the Necromongers.

However, Riddick is saved by the Purifier, who tells him that if he stays away from the Necromongers, the Lord Marshal promises not to hunt him. The Purifier then reveals that he too is a Furyan before committing suicide by walking out into the scorching heat after encouraging Riddick to kill the Lord Marshal. Meanwhile, Vaako reports Riddick dead and is named heir apparent by the Lord Marshal. Riddick flies back to Helion Prime using Toombs' spacecraft.

Riddick, infiltrates the main hall; Dame Vaako sees him, but encourages her husband not to warn the Lord Marshal, but to let Riddick strike first and pave the way for Vaako to kill the Lord Marshal and take his place as leader. When Riddick attacks, the Lord Marshal presents Kyra, who appears to have been converted. Riddick fights the Lord Marshal one-on-one in front of his army, who prevails with his supernatural powers. When it appears that Riddick is about to be killed, Kyra stabs the Lord Marshal in the back with a spear. The Lord Marshal responds by punching her into a column of spikes, mortally wounding her. Vaako attempts to strike the wounded Lord Marshal, but misses. The distraction however, provides Riddick with the opportunity to deliver a killing blow. The film ends with Kyra dying in Riddick's arms just before the Necromongers, including Vaako, kneel before Riddick as their new leader.
06. “Riddick” 12 September 2013
Vin Diesel as Riddick

Matthew Nable as Colonel R. "Boss" Johns

Jordi Molla as Santana

Katee Sackhoff as Dahl

Dave Bautista as Diaz

Bokeem Woodbine as Moss

Raoul Trujillo as Lockspur

Conrad Pla as Vargas

Nolan Gerard Funk as Luna

Danny Blanco Hall as Falco

Noah Danby as Nunez

Neil Napier as Rubio

Karl Urban as Siberius Vaako

Alex Branson as Lex Branman

Andreas Apergis as Krone

Keri Hilson as Santana's Prisoner

Five years after Kyra's death, Riddick has become increasingly uneasy in his role as Lord Marshal of the Necromonger fleet. His refusal to swear into the Necromonger faith has caused dissent among his subjects and assassination attempts by his subordinates. After the latest attempt on his life, Riddick strikes a deal with Commander Vaako: the location of Furya and a ship to take him there, in exchange for Vaako succeeding him as the next Lord Marshal, so that he can achieve what he calls transcendence. Led by Vaako's aide, Krone, Riddick and a group of Necromongers arrive on a desolate planet. Realizing that it is not Furya, Riddick kills most of his escort when they attempt to assassinate him. In the chaos, Krone causes a landslide and buries Riddick alive.

Riddick emerges from the rubble with a broken leg, which he sets and splints while fending off native predators: vulture-like flying animals, packs of jackal-like beasts and swarms of venomous, scorpion-like water dwelling creatures called Mud Demons. Needing time to heal, Riddick hides himself within some abandoned ruins. After he's fully healed, Riddick notices a vast savanna beyond some rocky cliffs, but the only passage through is impeded by several muddy pools infested with Mud Demons. He begins injecting himself with Mud Demon venom in order to build an immunity and constructs improvised melee weapons, as well as raising and training an orphaned jackal-beast pup. He kills the Mud Demons and reaches the savannah. After finding a dormant mercenary station, Riddick notices a series of approaching storms, and concludes they will unleash an unidentified threat. Riddick activates an emergency beacon at the station, which broadcasts his identity to mercenary groups within the area.

Two ships promptly arrive in answer to the beacon, the first a group led by a violent and unstable man named Santana, and the second a better-equipped team of professional mercenaries led by a man named Colonel R. "Boss" Johns. Riddick leaves them a message promising they will all die unless they leave one of their ships and depart the planet on the other. Rubio, Nunez and Falco are killed by Riddick during the first night, forcing a reluctant Santana to cooperate with Johns. Riddick later steals power nodes from each of the teams' ships and approaches Johns and Santana to strike a deal for their return. However, the conversation turns into an ambush: Johns' second-in-command, Dahl, shoots Riddick with several rounds of horse tranquilizer, and Riddick's jackal-beast is shot and killed by Santana.

Back at the Station, Johns interrogates Riddick about the fate of his son, William J. Johns (the mercenary from Pitch Black). When the storms reach the station, Riddick's threat is revealed as thousands of Mud Demons emerge from hibernation underground, awakened by the rainwater, and besiege the station, killing Lockspur and Moss. Johns agrees to release Riddick in order to locate the hidden power cells. Santana attempts to kill Riddick, who is worth twice as much dead as he is alive. Riddick, with only one leg free, beheads Santana with his own machete, something he had promised to do. The group then releases Riddick.

They fight their way to the ship, with Vargas being killed. Johns, Santana's man Diaz, and Riddick leave the ship together on the hover-bikes to retrieve the power nodes. During their journey, Diaz knocks Johns' bike over the side, causing him to crash. He is then picked up by Riddick. After they reach the power nodes, Riddick reveals Johns' son's morphine addiction, as well as a 'spineless' attempt by William Johns to utilize a child as 'bait' for the creatures on the world they were stranded on twelve years prior. Diaz attempts to kill Riddick and Johns. Riddick fights and kills him, but a dying Diaz damages the only working hover bike, having already sabotaged the other.

Riddick and Boss Johns fend off a seemingly endless horde of Mud Demons while running back to the station. Riddick is severely wounded. Johns takes both nodes and abandons Riddick. Riddick begins to fight a futile battle against the advancing Demons. Just when it seems he is about to be killed, Johns arrives in one of the ships and shoots the creatures while Dahl descends to rescue Riddick. Riddick then takes the other ship and Riddick praises Johns for being a better man than his son and departs into deep space.

In the theatrical version, this is the end of the film, while in the extended version, there is an additional scene which takes place aboard the Necromonger capital ship where Riddick kills Krone and finds out that Vaako has crossed the threshold into the underverse - seen as a large hole in space surrounded by gas - to achieve transcendence where he is both dead and alive. Riddick looks out the window, indicating that he intends to find Vaako.
07. “Knockaround Guys” 11 October 2002
Barry Pepper as Matty Demaret

Andrew Davoli as Chris Scarpa

Seth Green as Johnny Marbles

Vin Diesel as Taylor Reese

John Malkovich as Teddy Deserve

Arthur Nascarella as Billy Clueless

Tom Noonan as Sheriff Stan Decker

Nicholas Pasco as Freddy the Watch

Shawn Doyle as Deputy Sheriff Donny Ward

Kevin Gage as Gordon Brucker

Dennis Hopper as Benny "Chains" Demaret

Andrew Francis as Matty (age 13)

John Liddle as Heslep the Barkeeper

Kris Lemche as Decker

Dov Tiefenbach as Teeze

Catherine Fitch as Louise

Ceciley Jenkins as Claire

Jennifer Baxter as Terri

Josh Mostel as Mac McCreadle

Mike Starr as Bobby Boulevard

Charlotte Studey as Mckenze

Matty Demaret (Barry Pepper) is the son of a mob boss, but he is used as little more than an errand boy. His relative and friend Chris (Andy Davoli) shares this urge to be part of something bigger, and Matty finally convinces his father to give him a job, with the help of his father's right-hand man Teddy (John Malkovich). Matty and Chris get their friend Johnny Marbles (Seth Green) to fly up to retrieve a bag full of money for Matty's father Benny "Chains" Demaret (Dennis Hopper), as there have been mysterious shortages in their money lately.

On the way back with the cash, Marbles stops in a small Montana town to refuel his personal plane. He has been instructed to guard the bag with his life so he takes the bag with him as he goes to pay for the fuel. However, Marbles sees the sheriff & his deputy and is paranoid that they may question him about the bag's contents. Marbles is also in possession of cocaine which he dumps on the runway. He drops the bag amongst a pile of luggage waiting to be loaded onto another flight, and despite telling the cashier to keep the change, the other flight takes off before he can retrieve his bag. Unknown to him, the bag of money was taken by two local teenage pothead skateboarders who work as baggage handlers at the airport.

He calls Matty and tells him the news. Matty, though upset, knows that he must fix the situation quickly and quietly if he ever wants to work for his father. Matty, Chris, and their friend Taylor (Vin Diesel) fly to the small town of Wibaux, Montana to help Marbles search for the missing money.

While in town, Matty and the other guys attract the attention of two local law-enforcement officers (Tom Noonan and Shawn Doyle) who find out about the money and want to keep it for themselves. The mob guys then try to negotiate with the officers to get the money back but are turned away. Matty calls Teddy and Teddy arrives in Wibaux with two other mob henchmen. Chris decides to leave for home and disappears. Marbles hangs around in a bar with the two mob henchmen who secretly hate him, while Taylor and Matty wait in their hotel for word from the Sheriff. After taking him outside in a friendly manner, the two mob men throw Marbles to the ground and ask where Chris is. Marbles, defending his friend, tells them he doesn't know and one of the men shoots him dead and puts his body in a trunk.

Later that night, a deal is arranged for the Sheriff and Deputy to meet Matty and Taylor in a warehouse. When they arrive, the lawmen are planning to kill Matty and the others and keep the money, but Teddy and the two mob men show up when Matty and Taylor do and the entire thing turns into a Mexican standoff. Chris arrives and shoots the Sheriff's cousin who came to help the Sheriff, and Matty and Taylor inquire about Marbles. Chris says that he thought he was with them. Teddy gives a signal to the two henchmen and they all fire on Chris who is killed. The Sheriff and Deputy, in the chaos, shoot the two mob men. Taylor then kills both of the lawmen. As Teddy prepares to shoot Matty, Taylor is shot instead in the arm when about to defend his friend from the bullet. Teddy's gun is out and Matty holds him at gunpoint. Matty says that it is Teddy that has been stealing and causing shortages from his father all along. Teddy tries to reload and shoot Matty claiming that Matty doesn't have the guts to shoot him. Teddy turns around and attempts to shoot Matty but Matty quickly shoots Teddy in the chest several times, killing him. Matty and Taylor get the money and return home. Matty hands the bag of money to his father and quits the family business. Matty and Taylor then drive off as the credits begin to roll.
08. “A Man Apart” 4 April 2003
Vin Diesel as DEA Agent Sean Vetter

Larenz Tate as DEA Agent Demetrius Hicks

Timothy Olyphant as "Hollywood" Jack Slayton

Geno Silva as Memo Lucero

Jacqueline Obradors as Stacy Vetter

Karrine Steffans as Candice Hicks

Steve Eastin as Supervisory DEA Agent Ty Frost

Juan Fernandez as Mateo Santos

Jeff Kober as Pomona Joe

Marco Rodriguez as Hondo

Mike Moroff as Gustavo Leon

Emilio Rivera as Garza

George Sharperson as Big Sexy

Malieek Straughter as Overdose

Alice Amter as Marta

Ken Davitian as Ramon Cadena

Sean Vetter (Vin Diesel) and Demetrius Hicks (Larenz Tate), who are former criminals, are members of the U.S. DEA working on the California/Mexico border. After arresting a drug baron named Memo Lucero (Geno Silva), the mysterious "Diablo" steps in and organizes the assassination of Vetter, but his wife, Stacy (Jacqueline Obradors), is the one who is killed instead.

Looking for revenge, Vetter acts outside the law to punish his wife's murderers. To accomplish that, he asks Memo, who is now in prison, for help finding Diablo. With Hicks' help, he hunts every member of the cartel from the bottom to the top of the organization's hierarchy and finds that Memo is linked to the recent activities.
09. “Find Me Guilty” 16 February 2006
Vin Diesel as Giacomo "Jackie" DiNorscio

Peter Dinklage as Ben Klandis

Linus Roache as Sean Kierney

Ron Silver as Judge Sidney Finestein

Annabella Sciorra as Bella DiNorscio

Alex Rocco as Nick Calabrese (Anthony Accetturo)

Jerry Adler as Rizzo

Raul Esparza as Tony Campagna

Richard Portnow as Max Novardis

Aleksa Palladino as Marina DiNorscio

Robert Stanton as Chris Newberger

Marcia Jean Kurtz as Sara Stiles

Domenick Lombardozzi as Jerry McQueen

Josh Pais as Harry Bellman

Peter McRobbie as Peter Petraki

Chuck Cooper as James Washington

Frank Pietrangolare as Carlo Mascarpone (Michael Taccetta)

Richard DeDomenico as Tom "Nappy" Napoli

Jerry Grayson as Jimmy "The Jew" Katz

Tony Ray Rossi as Joe Bellini

Vinny Vella as Graziedei

Paul Borghese as Gino Mascarpone (Martin Taccetta)

Frank Adonis as Phil Radda

Nick Puccio as Alessandro Tedeschi

Frankie Perrone as Henry Fiuli

Salvatore Paul Piro as Mike Belaggio

James Biberi as Frank Brentano

Oscar A. Colon as Pissaro

Ben Lipitz as Henry Kelsey

Steven Randazzo as Chris Cellano

Gerry Vichi as Theodorev Louis Guss as Court Clerk

Gene Ruffini as Giacomo DiNorscio, Sr.

Roger Zamudio as Octavio Juarez

Terry Serpico as Michael Kerry

Mark Kachersky as Agent Brandon

Frank Lentini as Charley Kraus

Antoni Corone as Detective

Dennis Paladino as Sylvester

David Brown as US Marshall #1

Louis Mustillo as US Marshall #2

John DiBenedetto as Jesse

Eddie Marrero as Guard

It's the late 1980s and low-level mobster Jackie DiNorscio (Vin Diesel) has just been shot by his junkie cousin Tony Compagna (Raul Esparza), but refuses to press charges against him to police. Jackie soon gets arrested and is sentenced to thirty years on an unrelated drug bust.

Tony, afraid of reprisals from the extended mob family run by Nick Calabrese (Alex Rocco), agrees to be a government witness for district attorney Sean Kierney (Linus Roache), who intends to bring down dozens of organized crime figures all at once. Kierney tries to bribe Jackie to be a government witness as well, but it's not in the gregarious Jackie's nature to be a rat.

That sets in motion a massive court case where Jackie, Nick and dozens of other mobsters are tried together for a countless number of crimes in front of presiding Judge Sidney Finestein (Ron Silver). Upset with his current lawyer, who couldn't even keep him from doing a 30-year stretch, Jackie turns down an offer to be represented by lead defense attorney Ben Klandis (Peter Dinklage) and decides to represent himself in court, despite having no legal background or any real knowledge of how to proceed.

Jackie's mischievous and vulgar manner amuses the jury on occasions but persistently irritates the judge, lawyers, witnesses, and defendants, including his friends from the mob. As weeks turn into months, the court case evolves into a marathon affair. Jackie turns the courtroom into something of a three-ring circus. Ben begins to believe that maybe Jackie could be effective, but Nick Calabrese is furious and Judge Finestein repeatedly threatens the charismatic mobster with contempt of court.

Jackie's estranged wife, Bella (Annabella Sciorra), visits him in jail, where he is becoming increasingly frustrated. Guards spy on him and prosecuting attorneys remove his favorite chair, causing considerable pain to Jackie's injured back.

He apologizes to the court and tries to mind his manners in the end. The prosecutors and the defense return to their offices expecting the jury to deliberate for at least a week. However, the jury comes to a decision after only 14 hours of deliberation. The jury reaches a verdict of not guilty for all. The entire courtroom reaches pandemonium as the family celebrates. The entire family hugs the twelve jury members as they leave. Meanwhile, Jackie is the only one bound for jail, returning there to finish his sentence. Jackie is welcomed as a hero in the correctional facility, where fellow prisoners chant "Jackie" and extend their hands in tribute to a man who refused to compromise his family for his life.
10. “The Pacifier” 24 March 2005
Vin Diesel as Lieutenant Shane Wolfe, United States Navy SEAL

Faith Ford as Julie Plummer

Lauren Graham as Claire Fletcher, the principal of the Plummer children's school, formerly in the Navy

Brittany Snow as Zoe Plummer, the eldest of the children; she is sixteen years old and a typical teenage cheerleader girl, she seems to have a crush on Scott

Max Thieriot as Seth Plummer, the second oldest child. He is thirteen years old and a sullen teenage boy

Morgan York as Lulu Plummer, the middle child and is ten years old.

Kegan and Logan Hoover as Peter Plummer, the second youngest; he is three years old and can only go to sleep when someone sings the "Peter Panda" song

Bo and Luke Vink as Baby Tyler Plummer, the youngest; a seven-month-old infant

Chris Potter as Captain Bill Fawcett, Wolfe's commanding officer

Carol Kane as Helga, the children's Czech nanny

Brad Garrett as Vice Principal Dwayne Murney, the school's deep voiced vice-principal and wrestling coach

Tate Donovan as Howard Plummer, a professor who develops "GHOST"

Denis Akiyama and Mung-Ling Tsui as Mr. and Mrs. Chun, villainous North Korean spies looking for "GHOST"

Scott Thompson as the director of a local production of The Sound of Music

U.S. Navy SEAL Lieutenant Shane Wolfe is assigned to rescue Howard Plummer, a man working on a top-secret government project, from a group of Serbian rebels. Wolfe and his team get Plummer off an enemy boat but are shot while boarding the escape helicopter. Plummer is killed in the attack, and Wolfe spends two months in the hospital. Wolfe's commanding officer, Captain Bill Fawcett, is assigned to escort Plummer's widow, Julie, to Zürich, where Plummer's safety deposit box has been discovered. Wolfe is assigned to stay at the Plummer residence, in Bethesda, Maryland, to search for the secret project called GHOST and look after the family's five children: Zoe, Seth, Lulu, Peter, and Baby Tyler. The kids prove to be difficult to handle, even with the help of nanny Helga, who quits when one of Zoe and Seth's pranks intended for Wolfe goes wrong.

The school's vice principal, Duane Murney, informs Wolfe that Seth has cut and bleached his hair, has a Nazi armband in his locker, and has skipped every wrestling practice for a month. At home, Seth tells Wolfe he only joined the wrestling team because of his father. After Seth sneaks out of the house, Wolfe leaves Zoe in charge and follows him to the town theater, where he learns that Seth has secretly joined an amateur production of The Sound of Music. The director quits when he believes the show will be a failure. Wolfe volunteers to take his place, and juggles this task with taking care of the house, giving Zoe driving lessons, and teaching Lulu and the Firefly Scouts martial arts to defend themselves against the rival boy scout troop.

Seth quits the wrestling team, and Wolfe challenges Murney to a wrestling match in front of the entire school and easily wins despite Murney's show of bluster. The training Wolfe gives the Firefly Scouts becomes useful when they once again have a conflict with the thuggish scouts. Zoe and Wolfe share stories of their fathers, both of whom died in similar circumstances. They are interrupted by a phone call from Julie, who has figured out the password, retrieved a key from a box, and is on her way home. The kids immediately plan a "Welcome Home" party. That evening, Wolfe discovers a secret vault underneath the garage, which requires a key to open. When Fawcett and Julie arrive home, Fawcett and Wolfe go to the garage, where Wolfe says he is rethinking his career. Two ninjas arrive armed and pull off their masks, revealing themselves as the Plummers' North Korean neighbors, the Chuns. Fawcett suddenly knocks out Wolfe, revealing himself to be a double agent. Mr. Chun restrains and guards the children while Fawcett and Mrs. Chun take Julie down to the vault. They open the door, but a dangerous security system prevents them from going further.

The children escape and awaken Wolfe, who sends the kids to get the police while he goes to the vault to help Julie. Mr. Chun follows them in his car; with Zoe at the wheel, the kids force him to crash. Wolfe gets past the security system using a dance Howard had used to make Peter go to sleep each night. Julie knocks out Mrs. Chun, and Wolfe's voice activates the final vault, knocking out Fawcett with the door. By then, the children have lured a large crowd of police to the house. Mr. Chun arrives and holds all of them at gunpoint. Wolfe notices school principal and love interest Claire Fletcher right behind him, having followed the chase when she saw it pass by the school. Wolfe distracts Mr. Chun with the aide of Gary the duck, and Claire knocks him unconscious.

With the mission accomplished and Fawcett and the Chuns arrested, Wolfe and the Plummers say their goodbyes, and Wolfe and Claire kiss. At Seth's performance, it is revealed that Wolfe has retired from the Navy and joined the school staff as the new wrestling coach. Murney also performs in the play, singing "Climb Ev'ry Mountain" off-key while dressed in a nun's habit.
11. “Babylon A.D.” 20 August 2008
Vin Diesel as Hugo Toorop, a mercenary (full name is "Hugo Cornelius Toorop" in Babylon Babies novel). He is a professional smuggler from upstate New York, who has been deported to Eastern Europe where he does mercenary jobs as a smuggler. He's an expert in advanced weaponry, hand-to-hand combat, tactics and culinary.

Michelle Yeoh as Sister Rebeka, a nun from an ascetic branch of the Noelites. She's originally from San Francisco. When she was 17-year-old, she joined the Noelites in order to escape an abusive relationship. She ended up in their Mongolian convent where she became Aurora's guardian.

Melanie Thierry as Aurora, a young woman who's been given shelter by the Noelite nuns. Since when she was a child, she showed supernatural knowledge in all kind of fields and at 2-year-old she was already able to speak 19 languages. She can also sense danger.

Gerard Depardieu as Gorsky, a wealthy Russian mobster who hires Toorop to transport Aurora to the United States on behalf of the Noelite Church. He owns a private army and lives inside a heavily armored truck fitted like a limo, constantly surrounded by a convoy of his soldiers.

Charlotte Rampling as the CEO of the Noelite church. She does not really care about the religion, she only seeks power and wealth. She's planning to use science to produce miracles, thus extending the popularity and reach of her church.

Mark Strong as Finn, a Russian smuggler who's an old associate of Toorop's. He helps taking Aurora across borders, yet Toorop doesn't entirely trust him.

Lambert Wilson as Dr. Arthur Darquandier, Aurora's father who was thought to be dead.

David Belle as Hacker Kid, the leader of Darquandier's henchmen who are following Toorop and Aurora to America.

Jerome Le Banner as Killa, an underground fighter.

In the near future, a mercenary named Toorop (Vin Diesel) accepts a contract from a Russian mobster, Gorsky (Gerard Depardieu), who instructs him to bring a young woman known only as Aurora (Melanie Thierry) to New York City. In order to reach this goal, Gorsky gives Toorop a variety of weapons as well as a UN passport that has to be injected under the skin of the neck. Toorop, along with the girl and her guardian nun Sister Rebeka (Michelle Yeoh), travels from the Noelite Convent in Mongolia to reach New York via Russia.

The towns and cities of Russia have been turned into dangerous, overpopulated slums by war and terrorist activity, forcing Toorop, Aurora, and Rebeka to face dangers of the human element, while fleeing from an unknown group of mercenaries claiming to have been sent by Aurora's supposedly dead father. The stress of humanity's situation causes Aurora to act out in strange ways that neither Toorop nor Rebeka can explain. On one such occasion, Aurora seems for no reason to panic and run from a crowded train station, just before it explodes.

Later, they board a submarine that carries refugees to Canada. However, to avoid satellite detection, the submarine is forced to leave some behind, even resorting to shooting them. Aurora, infuriated by the loss of life, starts to operate the 30-year-old submarine, without having ever learned about it.

Sister Rebeka explains to Toorop that Aurora could speak nineteen different languages by the age of two, and always seems to know things she has never learned. Three months before leaving with Toorop, she has begun acting in ways she never had before. This occurred after a visit by a Noelite doctor who had administered a pill to Aurora. The doctor tells her to go to New York City and arranges for Toorop to take them.

Once in Harlem, a news broadcast about the bombing of the convent causes the group to realize that there is more going on than they know. The Noelites have become a major new salvationist religion, which vast numbers of people cling to as the world spirals out of control. However, in private meetings, it is seen that their High Priestess is really just after power, and tries to use various invented miracles to get more people to believe in the truth of her religion. Gorsky, working for the Noelites, had planted a tracking device in Toorop's passport, and then bombed the convent when he knew they were in the United States. The doctor who earlier saw Aurora in the convent then appears to examine her again. When he leaves, Aurora reveals (without being told) that she is pregnant with twins, even though she is a virgin.

Looking outside, Toorop sees Gorsky's men as well as the Noelite group, heavily armed and waiting for them. The High Priestess then calls Toorop and asks him to bring Aurora outside. Just before they take her away, Toorop changes his mind and starts a firefight with the two groups with the ultimate goal of getting the two women to safety. However, because of the tracking devices, Gorsky's men can lock onto Toorop with tracking rockets. Rebeka is shot and killed defending Aurora, who in turn shoots Toorop saying the words, "I need you to live". By dying, the rocket goes off target and explodes near Aurora instead. In fact, Aurora survives the rocket explosion by uncertain means.

Toorop's body is revived by Dr. Arthur Darquandier (Lambert Wilson), using advanced medical techniques, but Toorop's right arm, left leg and other body parts are replaced with cybernetics to undo the damage of being dead for over two hours. Darquandier explains that when Aurora was a fetus, he enhanced her by using a supercomputer to 'implant' intelligence into her brain. It is also implied that the Noelite group had him create Aurora to become pregnant at a certain time in order to use her as a 'virgin birth' for their religion, and for his sake.

After she was born, the Noelites hired Gorsky to kill Darquandier, but Gorsky failed to kill Darquandier in an explosion. Darquandier remained 'dead' until he found his daughter in Russia with Toorop.

Doctor Darquandier uses a machine to go through Toorop's memory to find what Aurora said to him before Toorop 'died.' In Toorop's memory, Aurora tells Toorop to "go home." Toorop, as well as several of Darquandier's men, leave the facility. En route to Darquandier's lab, the High Priestess calls Gorsky, at which point he is killed by a nuclear missile sent to him by the High Priestess. Darquandier is later killed by the High Priestess, but it is too late, since Toorop has already escaped. Toorop goes to his old house in the forest and finds Aurora, and takes her to a hospital where she dies after giving birth. Aurora was "designed to breed", not to live, so her death at childbirth was preprogrammed. Toorop is left to take care of her two children.

In a scene that's only present in the theatrical cut but was removed from the director's cut, the twins are actually shown to be of different ethnicities, one looking like Aurora and the other like Toorop.
12. “The Last Witch Hunter” October 23, 2015
Vin Diesel as Kaulder

Rose Leslie as Chloe

Elijah Wood as Dolan 37

Michael Caine as Dolan 36

Olafur Darri Olafsson as Baltasar Ketola/Belial

Julie Engelbrecht as Witch Queen

Rena Owen as Glaeser

Isaach De Bankole as Max Schlesinger

Lotte Verbeek as Helena, Kaulder's wife

Dawn Olivieri as Danique

Inbar Lavi as Sonya

Aimee Carrero as Miranda

Bex Taylor-Klaus as Bronwyn

Allegra Carpenter as Fatima

Kurt Angle as Bodyguard #4

Joe Gilgun as Ellic

800 years ago, the Queen unleashed the Black Plague to wipe out humanity and killed Kaulder's family, but he was able to defeat her. Before she met her end, the Queen cursed Kaulder with eternal life.

In the present day, Kaulder prevents a teenage witch from unintentionally destroying an airplane. Kaulder is revealed to be working as a witch hunter for an organization called the Axe and Cross, which aims to keep the truce between humans and witches and either executes or imprisons the witches who break the law. He is aided by a priest called "Dolan".

The 36th Dolan tells Kaulder that he is retiring from his duties and has chosen a new Dolan to for him. The former apparently dies in his sleep that night. Kaulder and the 37th Dolan deduce that 36 was murdered by a witch. While tracking down the witch, Kaulder finds traces of old dark magic, not seen since after he killed the Queen. It is revealed that 36 is not dead but rather under a dark magic spell that can only be broken if the witch that cast it is killed.

Using clues that 36 left behind, Kaulder goes to a witch bar, owned by Chloe and Miranda, to buy a memory spell to help him remember how he died and came back. Chloe eventually agrees to give the spell. During the process of reliving Kaulder's memory, the bar is attacked by a witch, the same one who cursed the 36th Dolan. He later attacks Chloe at her apartment, though Kaulder saves her by pulling her through a portal into his own apartment. Dolan the 37th and Kaulder work together to determine the hostile witch's name - Baltasar Ketola, though he goes by Belial. Shortly after, Kaulder convinces Chloe to try to make him another memory potion, but since Belial destroyed her stash at her club, she needs to visit Miranda's warehouse. After it is discovered that the plant they are there for hasn't sprouted yet and the rest of it's kind stolen by Belial, Kaulder and Chloe discover Miranda's body as Belial taunts them through a phone call from Miranda's phone. Chloe then agrees (with less hesitation than when she was in his apartment) to help Kaulder get what he needs to kill him.

In order to get the rare ingredient to create another memory spell, they visit Danique. However, Danique drugs Kaulder with an endless memory dream and is revealed to be planning to lock him away forever. Chloe, revealed to be a dream-walker, is able to free his mind and the pair escapes. Kaulder asks Chloe to enter his mind and pull out the memory. He discovers that, though the Queen's body burned to ash, the first Dolan decided to spare her heart in order to save Kaulder from the related pain. His immortality is revealed to be tied to the Queen's heart, and if it were to die, Kaulder would lose his immortality or die completely. They deduce that 36 was attacked because he knew of where the heart was hidden and was tortured into revealing its location. They also realize that Belial's real plan is to revive the Queen.

Leaving Chloe and 37 behind, Kaulder goes to face Belial and the Queen to prevent her from returning. Though he kills Belial in a confrontation, Belial had already revived the Queen, who then steals back Kaulder's immortality. 36, who is recovering, encourages Kaulder to continue fighting.

The members of the Witch Council, which is holding the Witches' Prison, are killed and the Queen plans to enact another plague curse using the imprisoned witches as a coven, since even the Witch Queen isn't powerful enough to cast it. Using her dream walking ability, Chloe manages to kill one of the weakest prisoners, severing the connection of the Queen to the prisoners and temporarily stalling her plan. Kaulder fights the Queen, and appears close to killing her, until 37 attacks him with grudge against Kaulder for killing his witch parents. He asks the Queen to give him magical power. She states that despite her power, "clay cannot be turned to gold", suggesting that she cannot imbue Dolan the 37th with magic, and kills him, before turning to Chloe and linking her mind to complete the connection between the witches for the plague curse to form again. Kaulder manages to summon a thunderstorm (using the weather runes he confiscated from the young witch on the plane) and throws his sword into the Queen, burning her to ash. Kaulder prepares to kill both the Queen's heart and him; but Chloe dissuades him, stating that there were things in the darkness worse than the Witch Queen.

36 agrees to delay his retirement and stay by Kaulder's side. Chloe does as well, and the three form a new team, free from the Axe and Cross. The heartbeat of the Queen is heard within Kaulder's weapon stash in his apartment.
13. “Bloodshot” 13 March 2020
Vin Diesel as Ray Garrison / Bloodshot

Sam Heughan as Jimmy Dalton

Eiza González as KT

Toby Kebbell as Martin Axe

Guy Pearce as Dr. Emil Harting

Lamorne Morris as Wilfred Wigans

Talulah Riley as Gina Garrison

Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson as Nick Baris

Alex Hernandez as Marcus Tibbs

Siddharth Dhananjay as Eric

Tamer Burjaq as Mombasa Gunman

After leading a successful rescue operation in Mombasa, U.S. Marine Ray Garrison and his wife Gina travel for a holiday at an Italian beachside town in the Amalfi Coast. However, they are kidnapped by a group of mercenaries led by Martin Axe, who demands to know the source of the Mombasa hostage operation. Since Ray is not privy to this information, Axe kills him and Gina.

Ray is later resurrected by Rising Spirit Tech, a company that specializes in developing cybernetic enhancements for disabled US military personnel. The company's CEO, Dr. Emil Harting, tells Ray that he is the first successful candidate that they have resurrected using a special nanite technology. Ray is also introduced to Dr. Harting's other patients including former US Navy diver "KT", with whom he strikes a friendship, and former service members Jimmy Dalton and Marcus Tibbs, with whom he gets on poorly.

After experiencing "flashbacks" of Gina and Axe, Ray escapes Rising Spirit's laboratory in Kuala Lumpur and pursues Axe, seeking to avenge Gina's death. Using the nanites to hack into computer databases, Ray tracks down Axe to Budapest. After trapping his convoy in a tunnel, Ray kills Axe's bodyguards before doing in the mercenary. He is later recovered by KT, Dalton, and Tibbs, who bring him back to Rising Spirit for reprogramming. In truth, Harting created false memories of Gina's death as part of a plot to eliminate rivals in Rising Spirit.

After his memories are wiped and reprogrammed, Ray is sent to kill Nick Baris in East Sussex, "remembering" him to be Gina's killer. Though Ray manages to kill Baris and his bodyguards, Baris has forced computer programmer Wilfred Wigans to build an EMP bomb, which is ignited after Baris' death, incapacitating Ray and severing communications with Rising Spirit. After "resurrecting" Ray, Wigans reveals that Rising Spirit planted false memories to turn him into a killing machine. Ray discovers Gina is alive but had left him five years ago and started a family in Cape Town, South Africa.

Growing disillusioned with Harting's exploitation of Ray, KT seeks Wigans' help in taking him down. Meanwhile, Ray is recaptured by Dalton and Tibbs following a pursuit. He is brought back to Rising Spirit's laboratory for reprogramming, but escapes with the help of KT and Wigans, who sabotage the reprogramming process and Rising Spirit's computers. Breaking free, Ray fights Dalton and Tibbs on top of an elevator. Dalton willingly lets Tibbs fall to his death before continuing the fight until Ray punches him down the elevator shaft, killing him. Ray confronts Harting, who manages to drain the nanites, but is killed when the second grenade he shoots at Ray is dismantled by the nanites and dropped directly at his feet. Ray is later rebuilt by Wigans and KT, and the three then leave in search of a new life.

14. “Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk” 11 November 2016
Joe Alwyn as Billy Lynn, a soldier who, after a harrowing Iraq battle, is sent on a U.S. victory tour that ends at the Dallas Cowboys' Thanksgiving game.

Kristen Stewart as Kathryn Lynn, Billy's older sister.

Chris Tucker as Albert

Garrett Hedlund as Sgt. David Dime, the dynamic leader of the Bravo Company squad.

Vin Diesel as Shroom

Steve Martin as Norm Oglesby

Ismael Cruz Cordova as Sgt. Holliday

Arturo Castro as "Mango" Montoya

Ben Platt as Josh, the Dallas Cowboys organization worker and the person in charge of the Bravo Squad at the football stadium.

Deirdre Lovejoy as Denise Lynn

Tim Blake Nelson as Wayne Foster

Makenzie Leigh as Faison Zorn

Beau Knapp as Crack, a man with violent tendencies.

Ed Callais as Pedestrian

Barney Harris as Sykes

Bruce McKinnon as Ray Lynn

Laura Lundy Wheale as Patty Lynn

Astro as Lodis

Allen Daniel as Major Mac

Deena Dill as Anchor Woman / Dina

Randy Gonzalez as Hector

Matthew Barnes as Travis

Billy Lynn is a 19-year-old Army specialist fighting in Iraq. After he and his comrades barely survive a tense battle that receives broad news coverage, they are celebrated as heroes and brought back home by the Department of Defense. In the United States, they go on a promotional tour across the country which ends in a spectacular halftime show at a Thanksgiving Day football game. There, Lynn recounts the tragic memories of the war and losing his sergeant in a firefight.
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