1990. “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” March 30, 1990
- Judith Hoag as April O'Neil, a reporter for Channel 3 News

- Elias Koteas as Casey Jones, a street-wise vigilante and former ice hockey player who becomes an ally of the Turtles

- Michael Turney as Danny Pennington, Charles's teenage son and a member of The Foot

- Jay Patterson as Charles Pennington, April's boss

- Raymond Serra as Chief Sterns, the Police Chief of New York City

- James Saito as The Shredder, the founder of a network of runaways-turned-thieves and the main antagonist of the film.

- Toshishiro Obata as Tatsu, Shredder's second-in-command

- Sam Rockwell as Head Thug

As a crime wave rises in New York City, Channel 3 news reporter April O'Neil talks about rumors of young children and teenagers being reported as the majority of the thieves, connecting it to a rumored Foot Clan, which originated in Japan. On an ordinary night, she comes across thieves stealing from a news van and is attacked. She is rescued and one of her rescuers leaves behind a sai when the police arrive to collect the tied up criminals. In the storm sewers, four anthropomorphic turtles return to their underground home and meet with their master Splinter, who advises them to remain hidden from the world and work only in the shadow. Raphael admits he lost his weapon, and when the others order pizza he leaves in disguise to see a movie. After leaving the movie, he encounters Casey Jones who tries to exact justice on a pair of muggers by beating them with sporting implements. After a brief stand off between the two, Casey takes off into the city and Raphael loses his temper. Returning home, Splinter confronts Raph about his temper.

April is attacked in the subway by members of the Foot, after spouting rumors of them on television. She is knocked unconscious while trying to fend them off but is saved by Raphael, who takes her back to their home. After calming her down, Splinter explains their origins and introduces her to Raphael, Michaelangelo, Donatello and Leonardo. Unfortunately, Raph had been followed by a member of the Foot. After the turtles take April home, and spend some time over pizza, they return to find their home demolished and Splinter missing. With nowhere else to turn, they return to April's apartment. The next morning, April's supervisor Charles Pennington and his son Danny arrive; Charles chides April on her behavior with police chief Sterns and advises her to be careful, while Danny catches a glimpse of Michaelangelo, garnering his suspicions. Later, Charles confronts Danny for being arrested for stealing and Danny runs away into the subway. He escapes to a warehouse on Lairdman Island, the hideout for the teenaged thieves of the Foot. It is revealed that Splinter is there, held prisoner by The Shredder, who acts as a surrogate father to the outcast teenagers. Danny gives The Shredder his information on the Turtles.

After a heated argument between Leo and Raph, Raph goes up to the roof of April's building and is attacked by dozens of Foot Clan members. The fight moves into the building, where April and the others are attacked after Raph is thrown down a skylight window. The numbers cause the floor to give way, and they continue their battle in the basement. After Foot reinforcements arrive, overwhelming the turtles, Casey appears, having seen Raph earlier on the roof and he helps even the odds. In the melee, with Raph in a coma, the building catches fire, forcing the Turtles to escape. Retreating to an abandoned farm April's family owns, April learns that Charles has fired her from the television station. Raph awakens from his coma and makes amends with Leo. The four of them train. After receiving visions from Splinter, Leonardo and the rest decide it is time to return to the city. Meanwhile, Danny encounters Splinter, whose kindness casts doubts on his decision to betray the Turtles. He goes to hide in the Turtles' den, and is there when they return. In the night, Danny slips away, followed by Casey who discovers the thieves' hideout. Danny meets with Splinter again, who tells him the story of his master who was killed by a man named Oroku Saki; who is The Shredder's alter-ego. He inadvertently warns Shredder that the turtles have returned and they raid the Turtles home. They are ambushed however as the group is lying in wait for them.

Casey and Danny free Splinter, and after Casey defeats Shredder's second in command Tatsu, they convince the teens to follow them and teach them the error of their ways. They return to the city as the Turtles face off against Shredder, who outmatches them. The Shredder taunts the Turtles, saying he killed Splinter, causing Leo to attack Shredder. Shredder disarms Leo, threatening to impale him with his spear unless the Turtles drop their weapons. The Turtles do so, but Shredder plans on killing Leonardo anyway. Before he can do so, he is distracted by Splinter, allowing Leo to escape. Splinter then faces Shredder, revealing his identity as the rat who belonged to Hamato Yoshi. Shredder charges Splinter in his rage and falls over the ledge of the roof. Splinter tries to spare him, but Shredder attacks, forcing the rat to let go, and he falls into a garbage truck. Casey turns on the trash compactor and crushes Shredder.

The police arrive and arrest the defeated Foot Ninjas. April is reinstated by Charles, with better perks, to cover the story. Danny reunites with his father who is overjoyed to see him, but Danny insists on being called "Dan" as a sign that he's grown up. Casey and April meet, and she tells him to kiss her, which he obliges, much to the cheering from the Turtles (except for Mikey).
1991. “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II - The Secret of the Ooze” March 22, 1991
- Paige Turco as April O'Neil, a news reporter, and the human companion of the Turtles and Splinter. Paige Turco replaced Judith Hoag for this film and the following film.

- David Warner as Professor Jordan Perry, the Techno Global Research Industries (TGRI) head scientist. He works with the Turtles to create an antidote for the mutated Tokka and Rahzar.

- Ernie Reyes, Jr. as Keno, a pizza delivery boy who meets the turtles in the beginning of the film and befriends them.

- Francois Chau as The Shredder, the main antagonist of the film. He survived the climatic battle against the Turtles and Splinter from the first film, and is now out to get revenge.

- Kevin Nash as Super Shredder, the mutated form of Shredder. As a result of using the ooze, the Shredder becomes a large behemoth.

- Toshishiro Obata as Tatsu, the Shredder's right-hand man and temporary leader of the Foot Clan in the aftermath of his presumed death.

- Vanilla Ice as a club performer who is inspired to perform "Ninja Rap" after witnessing the TMNT fight.

A young pizza delivery boy named Keno inadvertently encounters burglars on his route and tries to stop them. Seeing him as a witness, the burglars attack Keno, who proves to be an expert martial artist, but he is soon overwhelmed before the arrival of the Ninja Turtles. They vanish after rescuing Keno, tying up the burglars, and taking the pizza he was delivering, leaving money to pay for it.

Leonardo, Donatello, Michaelangelo and Raphael, along with their master Splinter, are living with April O'Neil while they look for a new place to live following the events of their last adventure. Splinter wants to remain in the shadows, while Raphael thinks they should live out in the open. At a junkyard where the remnants of The Foot and Shredder's second-in-command Tatsu are hiding out, they are met by their master, who has been disfigured by his previous defeat but did not die as they thought.

April interviews Professor Jordan Perry of Techno Global Research Industries (TGRI) about a possible toxic waste leak. He assures her that everything is fine, but at the same time their scientists discover dandelions which have been mutated by the contaminant. Freddy, a spy for the Foot posing as April's cameraman, discovers this and reports it to his master, who decides to have Perry interrogated. Back at April's apartment, Splinter reveals to her and the turtles that TGRI was responsible for their mutation more than fifteen years prior, and they too decide to talk to him. The Foot gets to Perry first and kidnaps him, salvaging the last vial canister of ooze in the process. The turtles attempt to get the canister back, but ultimately fail. Afterward, Keno gets into April's apartment under the guise of delivering pizza and discovers Splinter and the turtles.

At the Shredder's hideout, Perry is forced into using the remaining ooze on a wolf and a snapping turtle, which mutate into Tokka and Rahzar. With the imminent threat to April's safety by the Foot, the turtles start to actively look for a new home. After an argument with Leo, Raph breaks off from the group, while Mikey, who soon discovers an abandoned subway station, deems it a perfect hideout. Raph and Keno defy Splinter's orders and implant Keno into the Foot Clan to find their hideout. However, they are caught and Raph is captured, while Keno escapes to warn the others. When they come, they are ambushed by Shredder and the Foot; Splinter saves the group, but leaves as they face Tokka and Rahzar, who prove too strong to defeat. Donny finds Perry and the five of them make a tactical retreat. Once back in their hideout, Perry explains that the creation of the ooze was an accident, disheartening Donatello, who saw a higher purpose for their existence.

Shredder unleashes Tokka and Rahzar into a nearby neighborhood to cause damages. The next day, Freddy sends a message to April that Tokka and Rahzar will be released into Central Park if the Turtles don't meet the Foot Clan at the construction site. Perry develops an antidote to the mutations and when they confront the two, Leo and Mikey trick Tokka and Rahzar into eating it. They discover the trick and brutally attack, throwing Raph into a public dance club. A big fight ensues among hundreds of witnesses and eventually the turtles turn Tokka and Rahzar into their natural state, while Vanilla Ice improvises the "Ninja Rap". Shredder attacks, threatening a citizen with a final vial of ooze, but Keno intervenes and the turtles overload an amplifier, causing Shredder to be blasted out onto the docks behind the club. They follow and discover that Shredder had drunk the last vial, becoming a "Super Shredder" who begins to destroy the support structure holding the dock up. Not caring about his own life, Shredder attempts to kill the turtles by collapsing the dock on top of them, but the group escapes the collapse and surface in time to witness Shredder's last breath.

In a press release, April reads a note from Perry, thanking the turtles for saving him, and when they return home, they deny being seen by the humans, but Splinter holds up the evening's newspaper on which they are plastered across the cover. He then orders the four of them to do flips as punishment, chanting the theme song they were dancing to at the club "Go Ninja, Go Ninja, Go!" exclaiming he made another funny as the scene freezes.
1993. “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III” March 19, 1993
- Paige Turco as April O'Neil

- Elias Koteas as Casey Jones / Whit

- Stuart Wilson as Walker

- John Aylward as Niles

- Sab Shimono as Lord Norinaga

- Vivian Wu as Mitsu

- Henry Hayashi as Kenshin

- Travis A. Moon as Yoshi

In feudal Japan 1603 (Late Sengoku period) a young man is being chased by four samurai on horseback. As they go into the woods, a mysterious woman emerges from the underbrush and watches closely. However, the samurai eventually capture and take the youth, revealed to be a prince named Kenshin, with them.

In the present, April O'Neil has been shopping at the flea market in preparation for her upcoming vacation. She brings her friends gifts to cheer them up. Michelangelo is given an old lamp (the lampshade of which he wears as an impression of "Elvis Presley in Blue Hawaii"), Donatello is given a broken radio to fix, Leonardo is given a book on swords and Raphael is to receive a fedora, but having stormed off earlier, he is never formally given it. For Splinter, she brings an ancient Japanese scepter. Back in the past, Kenshin is being scolded at by his father, Lord Norinaga, for disgracing their family name, but Kenshin argues that his father's desire for war is the true disgrace. Their argument is interrupted by Walker, an English trader who has come to supply Norinaga with added manpower and firearms, and Kenshin leaves his father's presence to brood alone in a temple. There, he finds the same scepter and reads the inscription: "Open Wide the Gates of Time".

In the present, April is looking at the scepter and it begins to light up. She is then sent back in time, while Kensin takes her place; each wears what the other did. Upon arrival, April is accused of being a witch, but Walker deduces she has no power and has April put in prison to suffer. Back in the present, Kenshin is highly distressed upon seeing the turtles and calls them "kappa". After learning from Kenshin of the situation, the turtles decide to go back in time to get April. However, according to Donatello's calculations; they have to do it within 60 hours, otherwise the scepter's power will disappear due to the space-time continuum being out of sync. They bring in Casey Jones to watch over the lair and use the scepter to warp through time. When doing so, the turtles are replaced by four of Norinaga's Honor Guards and are confused at their new surroundings.

Back in time, the turtles awake on horseback and make a poor show of riding their steeds. During the confusion, Mikey (who is carrying the scepter) ends up riding off alone into the forest and gets ambushed by an unknown assailant. The others go to search for April at Norinaga's palace, where their identity as Honor Guards allows them cover in their search. After following one of Walker's thugs into the prison, the turtles rescue April and also free another prisoner named Whit (locked up for trying to start a mutiny against Walker, and who bears a striking resemblance to Casey), but their sloppy escape ends up leaving them all alone in the wilderness and without a clue where to go. Meanwhile, in the present, Kenshin is getting impatient and anticipates a fight from Casey. Casey instead introduces him and the Honor Guards to television hockey, which manages to calm them down for the time being.

Out in the woods, the turtles, April, and Whit are again attacked, this time by villagers mistaking them for Norinaga's forces. The attack stops when Mitsu, leader of the rebellion against Lord Norinaga, unmasks Raphael and sees that he looks just like one of her prisoners. The turtles realize that she is talking about Mikey and accompany Mitsu to her village. When they arrive, the village is being burned down by Walker's men. As the turtles help the villagers save it, Mikey is let out by a pair of clueless soldiers and joins in the fight. Walker is forced to retreat, but the fire continues to burn and has trapped a young boy named Yoshi inside a house. Michelangelo saves Yoshi from the fire, then Leonardo helps him recover by performing CPR.

As Walker continues bargaining with Lord Norinaga over buying guns in exchange for gold, the turtles spend some time in the village. Donatello decides to have a replica scepter made so they can get back home, while Michaelangelo teaches some of the people about pizza and later tries to console Mitsu about Kenshin, whom she is in love with. Raphael also gets in touch with his sensitive side through the child Yoshi, ironically being the one who teaches Yoshi on how to control his temper. Back in the present, the Honor Guards from the past are quickly adjusting to life in the 20th Century, and Casey decides to challenge them to a hockey game. To Casey's dismay, the Honor Guards think hockey is about beating up each other. Meanwhile, Kenshin and Splinter show fear that the ninja turtles will not return home in time before their sixty hours are up.

In the past, the replica scepter is completed, but an argument between Michelangelo and Raphael ends up breaking it. To make matters worse, Mitsu informs them that Lord Norinaga has agreed to purchase Walker's guns and will attack the village in the morning. When Raphael sneaks off to visit Yoshi, however, he is surprised to find the original scepter in the child's possession. The turtles are overjoyed to see it but are angry at Mitsu for hiding it and essentially forcing them to fight her war, however, Mitsu's grandfather clarifies that it was his idea to have the turtles fight in her place.

Suddenly, Whit betrays everybody and captures Mitsu, and the turtles return to Norinaga's palace to save her. After rescuing her, they are cornered by Norinaga and are made to fight waves of his soldiers. The turtles respond by freeing the prisoners in the palace, starting an all-out war on the palace grounds. After a while of fighting, Leo defeats Lord Norinaga in a heated sword duel, comedically finishing him by cutting his hair and then trapping him inside of a bell. Deciding to cut his losses, Walker takes the scepter and tries to escape to his boat. When cornered by the turtles at the dock, Walker throws the scepter into the air as a distraction. The turtles catch the scepter, while Whit launches a catapult at Walker and knocks him off the dock to his death.

The turtles are now ready to return to their own time, but Mikey says he'd rather stay (in particular because he wanted to be with Mitsu). Raphael decides he wants to stay as well because he feels like the Turtles are appreciated in Japan unlike back home. The other turtles and April try to convince them otherwise until Kenshin activates the scepter and makes the decision harder. After a long debate (which included Mitsu telling Mikey to keep his promise about Kenshin returning to the past), Michelangelo reluctantly agrees to go home with his brothers, but just barely misses grabbing the scepter in time. The Honor Guards switch back with the Turtles (all except for Michelangelo). Fortunately, the last remaining Honor Guard activates the scepter and swaps places with Mikey just before the scepter burns out.

In the past, Norinaga admits surrender to Mitsu and Kenshin, and the two lovers share a tender reunion. Michaelangelo, meanwhile, is depressed over the thought of growing up, but Splinter cheers him up by performing the "lampshade Elvis" impression, and the rest of the turtles join in with a final dance number.

2007. “TMNT” March 23, 2007
- Nolan North as Raphael / Nightwatcher

- James Arnold Taylor as Leonardo / Military Man

- Mikey Kelley as Michelangelo / Cowabunga Carl

- Mitchell Whitfield as Donatello / SSC

- Mako Iwamatsu as Splinter

- Sarah Michelle Gellar as April O'Neil

- Chris Evans as Casey Jones

- Patrick Stewart as Max Winters / Yaotl

- Zhang Ziyi as Karai

- John DiMaggio as Colonel Santino

- Kevin Michael Richardson as General Aguila

- Paula Mattioli as General Serpiente

- Fred Tatasciore as General Gato

- Laurence Fishburne as narrator

- Kevin Smith as a diner cook

Three thousand years ago, an Aztec warlord named Yaotl and his four generals discover a portal opening into a parallel universe which is said to have great power. Yaotl becomes immortal from the power, but his four generals were turned to stone. The portal releases 13 immortal monsters (such as the Bigfoot, the Centaur, Lethargo the Mapinguari, Aracknor the Jbafofi, Succubor the Popobawa, the Jersey Devil and the Sea Monster) that destroy his army as well as his enemies. In the present, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have grown apart. After defeating the Shredder, Master Splinter has sent Leonardo to Central America for training. Donatello works as an IT specialist, Michelangelo works as a birthday party entertainer called Cowabunga Carl and Raphael works at night as a vigilante nicknamed Nightwatcher. April O'Neil operates a company that locates and acquires relics for collectors with the help of her boyfriend, Casey Jones.

During a business trip to Central America, April runs into Leonardo and tells him that the turtles have drifted apart. She returns to New York with a statue for her client, Max Winters, the richest man in the city. Upon arrival she calls Casey and tells him that she spoke to Leo and tells him that Leo's not coming back. However a little later Leo does return, and April and Casey deliver the statue to Winters. Winters hires Karai and the Foot Clan to search the city for the thirteen beasts before the portal opens again. Raphael encounters Casey, who reveals his knowledge of Raphael's double identity and joins him in hunting criminals.

Winters, who is actually the still-immortal Yaotl, reanimates his generals with his company's advanced technology, but they remain made of stone. Leo returns to the sewer, meeting Splinter. Splinter forbids the Turtles from fighting until they can act as a team again. While training, the Turtles encounter Bigfoot, one of the thirteen beasts battling the Foot Clan. The Turtles engage Bigfoot, going against Leo and Splinter's orders. When Raphael visits Casey, they encounter Vampire Succubor and witness its capture by the Foot Clan and the Stone Generals, who spot them and knock Raphael unconscious. Casey takes him back to the apartment while April calls the Turtles for help and reveals the identities of Yaotl and his Generals. After being revived, Raphael suggests they pursue Yaotl, but Leo forbids him to go until Splinter gives out the order and so Raphael goes out to investigate alone as Nightwatcher.

Leo, Donny and Mikey return to their sewer home to plan their next move, where Donny discovers the reopening of the portal will be directly over Winters' skyscraper headquarters. Splinter informs Leo that his team is incomplete, and that he knows what he must do. After eleven monsters have been captured, General Aguila questions Yaotl's actions. The Generals conspire betray Yaotl, wanting to remain immortal. Raphael encounters Jersey Devil, one of the remaining monsters but drives it off. Leo has been following him, wanting to put an end to the Nightwatcher's vigilante acts, but when Raph is revealed, they battle. Raph breaks Leo's twin swords and seems as though he is about to kill him but runs off instead. Immediately after Raph flees, the Generals ambush Leo, who is shot with a poison dart and too weak to fight them. Raph hears him scream in the distance as he's taken hostage and doubles back in pursuit, but he fails to get there in time. He takes Leo's broken swords back to Splinter and explains what happened.

The Generals intend to substitute Leo for the thirteenth missing beast and Raphael decides to make amends for his past mistakes by rescuing Leo. As the portal opens, Yaotl discovers his Generals' treachery, while Splinter and the Turtles, accompanied by Casey and April, fight their way through the Foot Clan cordon and breach the tower. Yaotl reveals the truth to the heroes: he wants to be free of his curse of immortality. The Generals reveal that they wish to preserve their immortality, but also to use the portal to bring in more monsters to conquer the world.

Having refused to betray Yaotl in exchange for serving the Generals, April, Casey and the Foot Clan work together, searching for the final monster while the Turtles fight the Generals. Splinter and Yaotl fight off numerous monsters emerging from the portal. April, Casey and Karai arrive at the tower with the last monster, the Sea Monster. The Sea Monster crashes into the Generals, dragging them into the portal before it closes. Karai warns them to enjoy their victory while it lasts, claiming they will soon contend with a familiar foe, which the Turtles suspect to be the Shredder. She and the rest of the Foot Clan depart. Yaotl, now mortal, honors the Turtles and Splinter, thanking them with his dying breath for fulfilling his lifelong wish. Splinter places Yaotl's helmet among his trophy collection, as well as Raphael's Nightwatcher helmet and Michelangelo's turtle costume, and the film ends with Raphael narrating that the Turtles will always be brothers.

2009. “Turtles Forever” 21 November 2009
The Ninja Turtles are alerted by their master Splinter that they have been careless and discovered fighting the Purple Dragons on TV. Denying this, they set out to break into the Purple Dragons' HQ to get to the bottom of these doppelgangers. Upon doing so, the Turtles discover that their "imposters" are from the '87 series. They escape together, but the '03 Turtles find the '88 team childish as they refuse talk until lunch. They enter a pizza place, only to terrify the citizens, who call the cops; the turtles flee, only for the '03 Turtles and Splinter to capture them. '88 Leonardo explains his team was fighting Shredder over Mutagen in the Technodrome; the dimensional teleporter malfunctioned, sending them all to this world. Checking recent tremor reports, the Turtles find the Technodrome; however, '88 Shredder manages to elude them, forcing his foes to build a portal device to reach their universe for "anti-Technodrome gear". In the meantime, Shredder locates an '03 Shredder on an icy asteroid. After Ch'rell is thawed out, he is contained for vivisection, as he's too insane to work with; however, his adopted daughter, Karai, breaks into and frees him; she had been monitoring his exile.

While tracking the Technodrome, the Turtles and Splinter are attacked by Hun and the Purple Dragons, who want their mutagen. Although Hun is in possession of a powerful mutant, Splinter destroys it with the Turtle Truck's missiles. Unfortunately, Hun tackles '88 Donetello into the sewers for the mutagen, becoming exposed; he becomes the very thing he hates - a mutant turtle. He wanders until coming upon the technodrome, now under Ch'rell's control, and vows to serve him again. Ch'rell builds a new exoskeleton for himself, and begins the process of rebuilding the cartoonish fortress into something more worthy of the Shredder; he also improves the Foot bots and mutates the Foot clan. Hun, Bebop and Rocksteady are dispatched to destroy the Turtles, breaking into their lair; it begins crumbling, forcing the Turtles to use their dimensional portal stick to escape into the '87 universe. Splinter is captured by Hun to serve as bait in a trap. Ch'rell uses the dimensional portal, learning there are many parallel universes. He decides to launch an all-out assault on the '03 universe to lure the Turtles out of hiding.

Back in the '87 universe, the '03 Turtles meet the '88 versions of April O'Neil and Splinter. The '03 Turtles are welcomed as sons and feel a kinship with the '88 Splinter. After both Donatellos apply their expertise, the Turtles are able to return to the '03 universe with the anti-technodrome gear and the '88 Turtles vehicles: the Party Wagon and Turtle Blimp. They find Casey Jones and April attempting to repel the advancing onslaught, and infiltrate the Technodrome, which now looks like the Death Star. Captured by Ch'rell, the Turtles learn they are not the only versions in the multiverse; he plans to kill the "Prime" Turtles, creating a domino effect that erase every other Turtle in the multiverse. All eight are scanned for shared DNA, seemingly vanishing into oblivion as the Technodrome vanishes to the core universe; however, they were teleported them to safety as her father hasn't considered the consequences. Unfortunately, '03 Shredder has already infiltrated the Turtle Prime universe and is now demolishing it; this causes a chain reaction that begins to literally erase everything and everyone in the '03 universe, including April and Casey. Needing to upgrade their portal device, the Turtles break into Purple Dragon HQ; Hun is waiting for them, wanting revenge for his mutation. However, when he sees the world vanishing, Hun surrenders the upgrade tech just before he's erased.

The Turtles accomplish their task and just manage to escape being erased, and are teleported to the black-and-white Turtle Prime universe. To their surprise, their originals attack them for no reason, until they mention Shredder. As part of their plan, the other eight will hide while the Prime Turtles lure '03 Shredder out by insulting his pride. Before he comes out, they are challenged by Shredder Prime, who is comically dispatched by the other hiding Turtles. It turns out Karai has teleported them to safety. With the aid of Splinter, Karai, and even the '88 Shredder and Krang, all twelve Turtles then engage Ch'rell in battle. '03 Shredder's exoskeleton grows thanks to molecular amplification technology from Dimension X, but is knocked into the energy the Technodrome is firing and loses some of his suit. Everyone tries knocking him into the beam, but Rocksteady trips and unplugs the power cable. '03 Shredder begins crushing the Prime Turtles, even though Splinter tells him all of reality will vanish. Too insane to care, '03 Shredder continues to crush the Turtles until '88 tosses explosive throwing stars at Ch'rell's leg, causing him to drop the Prime Turtles. Bebop plugs the beam back in, erasing '03 Shredder from existence.

With their foe defeated, the Turtles watch as their respective realities restore themselves. Splinter and Karai note that Ch'rell always returns no matter how he is defeated, but the various characters decide they'll be there to stop him whenever he may rise again. The '88 characters take the Technodrome and return to their homeworld, while the '03 characters use the portal stick to return to theirs. The Prime Turtles decide to go get some pizza to eat, as somewhere else, across time and space, Peter Laird and Kevin Eastman put the finishing touches on the first issue of Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, expressing the hope that the book will sell.
2014. “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” August 8, 2014
- Megan Fox as April O'Neil

- Malina Weissman as young April O'Neil

- Will Arnett as Vern Fenwick

- William Fichtner as Eric Sacks

- Tohoru Masamune as Oroku Saki / The Shredder

- Whoopi Goldberg as Bernadette Thompson

- Minae Noji as Karai

- Abby Elliott as Taylor

- Taran Killam as McNaughton

- K. Todd Freeman as Dr. Baxter Stockman

- Paul Fitzgerald as Dr. O'Neil

- Derek Mears as Dojo Ninja

April O'Neil, a local reporter for Channel 6 Eyewitness News in New York City, investigates a crime wave by a group of criminals called the Foot Clan. At a dock at night, she sees the Foot raiding cargo containers. After an unseen vigilante attacks the thieves, April notices a symbol left behind. April's supervisor Bernadette Thompson (Whoopi Goldberg) and her coworkers are oblivious to her story. Later while covering a charity event thrown by Sacks Industries, April expresses gratitude to the company's CEO Eric Sacks, who was her late father's lab partner.

Frustrated by the vigilante, the Foot Clan's leader Shredder has the Foot Soldiers take hostages at a subway station in order to draw him out. April, at the scene, becomes a hostage herself. Four mysterious figures arrive, take out the Clan, and free the hostages. April follows them to a rooftop and is confronted by four anthropomorphic mutant turtles, causing her to pass out. When she regains consciousness, they advise her not to tell anyone of them. As they leave, April hears Raphael and Leonardo's names.

April returns to her apartment and remembers "Project Renaissance", her father's science experiment, which involved four turtles named Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael, and a mutated rat called Splinter. Unable to convince Bernadette of the Turtles' existence, April is dismissed. Her coworker Vern Fenwick drives her to Sacks' estate where she confides in him about her discovery. Sacks believes her and reveals that he and April's father had been experimenting on a mutagen created to cure disease, which was thought lost in the fire that killed her dad.

At Splinter's behest, the Turtles bring April to their sewer lair. Splinter explains April had saved them all from the fire and freed them into the sewers. The mutagen caused the five of them to grow and develop humanoid attributes. Splinter took on the role of their father, using April's father as an example. After finding a book on Ninjitsu in a storm drain, he proceeded to teach himself, then the Turtles, in the fighting style. When April reveals she told Sacks about her discovery of the Turtles, Splinter informs her that Sacks turned on her father and killed him.

Then, Shredder and the Foot Soldiers attack the lair, defeating Splinter and incapacitating Raphael while the other Turtles are captured. April comes out of hiding and she and Raphael plan to save the others. At Sacks' estate, he has the Turtles' blood drained in order to create an antidote to a deadly virus that Sacks hopes to flood New York with, believing he will become rich from people seeking his cure. Raphael, April, and Vern storm the estate and free the other Turtles. The group then escapes the compound in pursuit of Sacks.

On a radio tower in the city, Sacks and Shredder plant a device that will flood the city with the virus while Sacks is preparing to convert the mutagen to healing factor. April and Vern subdue Sacks in the lab, while the Turtles battling Shredder on the roof. During the fight, the tower's support beams collapse. As the turtles try to keep it from falling and infecting the city, April confronts Shredder with the mutagen. In the struggle, the tower collapses and the Turtles pull April onto it with them, while Shredder falls to the street and is confronted by police. Believing they are about to die, the Turtles confess their secrets, while Raphael gives an impassioned speech of his love for his brothers before they land harmlessly on the street. They vanish before the humans find them and return to the sewers, where they give Splinter the mutagen and he begins to recover.

Sometime later, April meets with Vern, who tries and fails to ask her on a date. The Turtles appear in a special modified "Turtle Van", and Michelangelo accidentally blows up Vern's new car with a rocket. As police respond to the explosion, the Turtles leave, but not before Mikey tries to serenade April with "Happy Together", much to his brothers' annoyance and April's joy.
2016. “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Out of the Shadows” June 3, 2016
- Megan Fox as April O'Neil

- Stephen Amell as Casey Jones

- Will Arnett as Vern Fenwick

- Brian Tee as Oroku Saki / The Shredder

- Tyler Perry as Dr. Baxter Stockman

- Laura Linney as Police Chief Rebecca Vincent

- Brittany Ishibashi as Karai

One year after their battle with Shredder, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo, still live beneath the sewers, having allowed Vern Fenwick to take the credit for Shredder's defeat. April O'Neil discovers that a scientist named Baxter Stockman is working for Shredder and that he plans to help Shredder escape from prison. April informs the turtles about this. As Shredder is transferred between prisons with two criminals alongside him, Bebop and Rocksteady, by corrections officer Casey Jones, the Foot Clan attack the convoy transporting him. Despite the turtles interference, Shredder escapes when Stockman uses a teleportation device. But Shredder is hijacked mid-teleport and winds up in another dimension. There, he meets the alien warlord Krang, who tells him about his plans to invade Earth and gives him a mutagenic compound in exchange for his promise to find three components of a machine that Krang sent to Earth long ago, which will open a portal to his dimension when united, and he knows that Shredder and Stockman have the first piece. After Casey's failure to transport the prisoners, he decides to go out on his own.

Shredder returns to New York City and recruits Bebop and Rocksteady, who also escaped, and has Stockman use Krang's mutagen to transform them into powerful animal mutants - a humanoid warthog and rhinoceros. April witnesses their transformation and is able to steal the vial of mutagen. Pursued by the Foot, she is rescued by Casey, who uses hockey gear. In the ensuing battle, the vial of mutagen is taken into police custody. April then introduces Casey to the turtles, and Raphael and Michelangelo make fun of him and pull pranks on him. In the lair, Donatello deduces that the mutagen could be used to turn the turtles into humans, enabling them to live normal lives above ground, but Leonardo refuses and insists on keeping it a secret from the others. However, Michelangelo overhears their conversation and tells Raphael, which enrages Raphael and leading to a fierce argument between the brothers. Leonardo benches Raphael and takes Michelangelo off the mission. In the National Museum in New York, Shredder, Bebop, and Rocksteady are able to find the second piece and steal it, before Leonardo and Donatello arrive. Still furious, Raphael recruits Michelangelo, April, Casey, and Vern to break into the NYPD police headquarters and retrieve the mutagen. Vern distracts the police, while April and Casey retrieve the mutagen, but the Foot arrive ahead of them. In the ensuing battle, the turtles existence is revealed to the police, who react with fear and hatred. April and Casey intervene and help the brothers escape, but April and Casey are arrested. The police also see on TCRI's cameras that April stole the mutagen, however Stockman edits the tape so that Bebop and Rocksteady's mutations aren't seen.

With Shredder's forces having already recovered two pieces of the device, the turtles track Bebop and Rocksteady as they recover the final piece in the rainforests of Manaus, Brazil. The turtles confront Bebop and Rocksteady in their jet and in the ensuing battle, the jet is destroyed. After the Turtles battle with Bebop in a river for control of the piece, Rocksteady emerges in a tank and helps Bebop escape with the piece. The turtles return to New York as Shredder and Stockman complete the portal device and open the gateway to Krang's dimension, through which his modular war machine, the Technodrome, begins to emerge. Shredder betrays Stockman and has his men take him away to their headquarters in Tokyo, but upon entering the Technodrome, Krang immediately betrays Shredder, freezing him and locking him away with his collection of other defeated foes.

Seeing no way to reach the Technodrome with the police pursuing them, the turtles debate over taking the mutagen in order to become humans and fight openly. Though Leonardo agrees to do it, Raphael shatters the vial, realizing they must accept who they are. Upon April's request, Vern recovers security footage from TCRI that proves Stockman's and Shredder's complicity and secures April and Casey's release, allowing them to set up a meeting between the turtles and police chief Rebecca Vincent, where they convince her that they are not enemies and that they were the ones who took down Shredder in the first place. With the help of the police, the turtles are able to confront Krang aboard the still-assembling Technodrome. Although Krang is able to overpower all 4 turtles easily, the Turtles manage to defeat him when Donatello short circuts Krang's robotic body. Meanwhile, Casey keeps Bebop and Rocksteady busy and defeats them by locking them in a crate full of grenades, while April and Vern defeat Shredder's lieutenant Karai and take control of the portal device. The turtles are able to hurl the beacon back through the portal, taking Krang and the rest of the Technodrome with it. April, Casey, and Vern then shut the portal down. As he disappears, Krang swears he will return for revenge.

In the aftermath, Bebop and Rocksteady are taken back into custody, while Stockman remains at large. At night, the Turtles are honored by Vincent and the NYPD, along with April, Casey, and Vern, and gives the turtles golden keys to the city, and she said to give an opportunity to the people and accept them, but the turtles elect to keep their existence a secret from the public, but they will always have help when they want. On top of the Statue of Liberty, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles celebrate their victory over the vanquished Krang.
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