1993. “Sniper” | 11 March 1993 |
Tom Berenger as MGySgt. Thomas Beckett Billy Zane as Richard Miller J. T. Walsh as Chester van Damme Aden Young as Doug Papich Ken Radley as El Cirujano Frederick Miragliotta as General Miguel Alavarez |
Master Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Beckett (Berenger), Force Reconnaissance Marine, an experienced sniper, and his spotter, Cpl. Papich (Aden Young), are on a mission to assassinate a Panamanian rebel leader in the jungle. Because they are extracted in daylight instead of at night, Papich is killed by a sniper. Beckett runs back under fire to carry Papich's body to the helicopter. Later, Beckett is paired up with an inexperienced civilian, Richard Miller (Zane), to eliminate a rebel general financed by a Colombian drug lord. Miller is a SWAT team sharpshooter, with no combat experience or confirmed kills to his name. While on the way to the staging area, Miller's helicopter is attacked by a guerrilla, and several members of the crew are killed. Miller is unable to take out the attacker; instead, the chopper's dying gunner makes the kill, but the co-pilot believes Miller made the crucial shot, earning Miller a false reputation. On the mission, Beckett insists on deviating from the plan that Miller was given. This, together with the fact that Miller has no experience or aptitude for jungle operations, sparks friction between the two. Early on, they encounter a group of Indians, who agree to lead them past the rebel guerrillas, in return for a favour: they must agree to eliminate El Cirujano ("The Surgeon"), an ex-CIA agent and expert in torture who has been aiding the rebels. Beckett agrees to do so. Uncertain of Miller's reliability and skeptical about his "kill" while aboard the helicopter, he tells Miller to kill El Cirujano in order to prove himself. However, when the time comes, Miller fails again by first firing a "warning shot," followed by a shot at Cirujano's head. Cirujano is able to dodge the head shot by ducking under it into the river in which he has been swimming. In the ensuing firefight with the alarmed guerrillas, one of the Indians is killed. Although the Indians do not directly blame either Beckett or Miller, they withdraw further help. En route to the target, they realize they are being followed. They head to a village to contact their informant, a priest, only to find that he has been tortured and murdered by Alvarez's men well before they arrived. Beckett speculates out loud that it is the work of El Cirujano, calling into question Miller's credibility. That night, Beckett marks their track to bait the follower - the sniper that killed Papich - into a trap and uses Miller as bait to pull the sniper out of hiding to take him out. The two men finally reach the general's hacienda. While waiting for their targets to emerge, they find Cirujano to be alive after all. Miller isn't hidden very well, and is spotted by one of the guards trying to sneak up on Miller. Beckett kills Miller's attacker while Miller takes out the drug lord. Having had to save Miller's life instead of killing the general, Beckett insists on going back to take out the general. Miller's refusal leads to an exchange of fire between Beckett and Miller. Miller ceases when running out of ammunition and breaks down mentally afterward. As rebels close in on the two, Beckett attempts to provide cover fire for Miller. Seeing himself outnumbered, he surrenders to rebels and knowing that Miller is watching, he stealthily ejects a round from the chamber of his rifle while holding it up, then drops the bullet on the ground; Miller picks it after Beckett is taken away. With nighttime approaching, Miller goes to the extraction site, but instead of boarding the helicopter, he heads to the base camp, where he kills the general with his knife. He finds Beckett being tortured by El Cirujano, who has cut off the trigger finger of Beckett's right hand. Beckett spots Miller in the distance and uses a ploy to both distract Cirujano and mouth Miller instruction to kill both of them with one shot. Instead, Miller sticks to "one shot, one kill" and shoots Cirujano in the head. The two run to the helicopter for extraction, and Beckett once again saves Miller's life: using his left hand, he shoots an ambushing sniper. The final scene shows Beckett and Miller on the way back home. |
2003. “Sniper 2” | 4 October 2002 |
Tom Berenger as Master Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Beckett Bokeem Woodbine as Jake Cole Tamas Puskas as Pavel Dan Butler as James Eckles Linden Ashby as Col. David McKenna Erika Marozsan as Sophia Barna Illyes as Vojislav Ferenc Kovacs as Zoran Dennis Hayden as Klete Can Togay as Capt. Marks Bela Jaki as Scar Sniper Laszlo Aron as Shadow Figure Lukacs Bicskey as Inmate Zoltan Seress as Nauzad Tas Szollosi as Tony Rae Valentine as Technician #1 |
Former U.S. Marine Corps Force Reconnaissance Scout Sniper Thomas Beckett (Tom Berenger), who was discharged after his finger was amputated in the first film, is met by CIA officer James Eckles (Dan Butler) and Colonel David McKenna (Linden Ashby) at his home. Despite losing his index finger he uses to shoot, Beckett still has the capability of firing a gun (as he uses his middle finger for the job). Considering this, along with his impressive career from his time in the Marine Corps, Beckett is given a mission to assassinate renegade Serbian General Mile Valstoria (Peter Linka), who is responsible for conducting hit-and-run ethnic cleansing operations in Muslim-populated areas. The CIA fears that Valstoria's actions are threatening to inflame a larger conflict in the region. Beckett agrees to participate, but requests that an additional man, a spotter, must come with him. Beckett is introduced to his spotter, Jake Cole (Bokeem Woodbine), an experienced U.S. Army sniper who is on death row for killing a federal officer who allegedly betrayed Cole's unit and had them killed during a mission. But Cole is released and offered to be pardoned if he takes part in the mission. After being dropped off into Serbia, Beckett and Cole make their way to a Catholic basilica. There, they meet an underground resistance member named Sophia (Erika Marozsan). Sophia takes them to her apartment, which is perched high above the designated area where Valstoria is due to show up, near a government building. The next morning, Beckett assassinates his target. Valstoria's killing puts the city into lockdown. After their original extraction point is compromised, Cole and Beckett are forced to find an alternative plan. When they hitch a ride on a public tram, nearby soldiers stop the vehicle and try to arrest them, but the two operatives take over the tram and ram it into some police cars. They soon exit the tram, running through the streets. Cole is captured and put into a prison where Valstoria's men keep their so-called 'special enemies', but Beckett is able to escape. Beckett meets Sophia that night, and the two make a plan to rescue Cole. With the help of Sophia's brothers, Zoran and Vojislav, the next day they box in military trucks carrying Cole and a fellow prisoner to a prison where Cole was to be executed. They ambush the convoy and then help Cole and Pavel (Tamas Puskas), who is a pacifist and political dissident, out of the truck and into a van that Zoran brought. Cole admits to Beckett that the assassination of Valstoria was set up to get Cole caught and then rescue Pavel from jail and brought out of Serbia. That night, at an abandoned factory that was meant to be the designated extraction zone, the group is ambushed by a tank and infantry. Both Vojislav and Zoran are killed in the attack and, after escaping from the factory through a sewer, Beckett orders Sophia to break off from the group and leave. A distance away from the factory, Pavel insists that they should head to Komra, a Muslim town where a friend of Pavel's, Nauzad (Zoltan Seress), lives. As the group meets Nauzad, he offers to help get the men to the border by getting them to a bus that would get them there. Within a couple of hours they are on their way but, as they cross a river, they come across an unexpected checkpoint and end up heading to Simand, the secondary extraction point, on foot. Meanwhile, Cpt. Marks (Can Togay) inspects the bus that the three men just departed from and suspects that they are attempting to head to Simand. Marks orders a tracker, (Bela Jaki), to take his Special Forces unit to Simand. As the three men arrive at Simand, they are ambushed by the Special Forces team in a forest outside of town, and Pavel suffers a slight flesh wound in the arm. After the trio kills the entire team, they are forced to proceed into town. The tracker holds up in the town factory and snipes down the team. Beckett demands that Cole take Pavel to the extraction zone while he deals with the tracker. Cole is severely wounded by the sniper, but Beckett picks him off. Pavel and Becket carry the wounded Cole into the helicopter and leave, just as Serb reinforcements led by Cpt. Marks arrive. In the helicopter, Beckett and Pavel look at Cole as he is badly wounded. Cole says, "Freedom!" and succumbs to his wounds. |
2004. “Sniper 3” | 28 September 2004 |
Tom Berenger as Master Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Beckett Denis Arndt as William Avery Byron Mann as Quan John Doman as Paul Finnegan Troy Winbush as Captain Laraby Jeannetta Arnette as Sydney William Duffy as Richard Addis |
Sniper Thomas Beckett (Tom Berenger) is hired by NSA officials William Avery (Denis Arndt) and Richard Addis (William Duffy) to perform a covert operation to eliminate a suspected terrorist kingpin in the People's Republic of Vietnam who was providing support for Jemaah Islamiyah. The kingpin turns out to be a thought-dead friend and war-buddy of Beckett's, Paul Finnegan (John Doman). Because he views the mission as a very personal one, Beckett demands that he conduct the mission alone, without a spotter. The real purpose of the mission turns out to be something other than what Beckett was told. Beckett begins to suspect his employers' motives are not what they claimed after he is counter-sniped at after attempting to assassinate Finnegan. Beckett undertakes a mission of his own to get to the bottom of the mystery, involving escaping from capture by Vietnamese police, working with an NSA-recruited Vietnamese police operative Quan (Byron Mann) and using his military training to search for Finnegan. By and large the plot focuses on governmental betrayal and resultant feelings of disillusion. |
2011. “Sniper - Reloaded” | 26 April 2011 |
Chad Michael Collins as Sgt. Brandon Beckett Billy Zane as Richard Miller Richard Sammel as Col. Ralf Jager Patrick Lyster as Martin Chandler Annabel Wright as Lieutenant Ellen Abramowitz Kayla Privett as Kelli van Brunt Justin Strydom as Vincent "The Italian" Masiello Rob Fruithoff as Jean van Brunt Khulum M. Skenjana as Captain Sporo Ngoba |
Marine Sgt. Brandon Beckett (Collins), the son of the previous Sniper film's protagonist Thomas Beckett (Tom Berenger), takes up the mantle set by his father and goes on a mission of his own. While working with the UN Forces in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Brandon Beckett receives orders to rescue a European farmer, Jean van Brunt (Rob Fruithoff), in the middle of hostile rebel territory. When he and his men arrive at the farm, a mysterious sniper ambushes them, wounding Beckett and killing everyone else. With the help of his father's former protege, sniper instructor Richard Miller (Billy Zane), and UN Lieutenant Ellen Ambarowitz (Annabel Wright) Beckett sets out on a personal mission to avenge the deaths of his team members. In the resulting climax of the film, Beckett learns the identity of the sniper, ex-Marine Vincent "The Italian" Masiello (Justin Strydom) a former student of Miller's who was acting under the orders of UN colonel Ralf Jager (Richard Sammel) to cover up an arms-dealing conspiracy supplying weapons to both sides of an ongoing civil war. The mysterious sniper is finally killed by Brandon. Shortly after apprehending Jager, Beckett is offered a job by Miller for Special Operations. |
2014. “Sniper - Legacy” | 29 September 2014 |
Tom Berenger as MGySgt. Thomas Beckett Chad Michael Collins as GySgt. Brandon Beckett Dominic Mafham as Major Bidwell Mercedes Mason as Corporal Sanaa Malik Doug Allen as David Simpson Dennis Haysbert as The Colonel Alex Roe as Reese Nestor Serrano as Steffen Yana Marinova as Crane Patrick Garrity as Reese's Spotter Woon Young Park as Cantara |
After military leaders are assassinated, Brandon Beckett (Chad Michael Collins), receives word that his father, Thomas Beckett (Tom Berenger), was among the assassinated. Attempting to track down David Simpson (Doug Allen), the assassin, a renegade US Marine sniper, Brandon finds out that his father isn't dead and realizes that he is being used as bait. |
2016. “Sniper - Ghost Shooter” | 2 August 2016 |
Chad Michael Collins as Gunnery Sergeant Brandon Beckett Billy Zane as Major Richard Miller Dennis Haysbert as The Colonel Nick Gomez as Miguel Cervantes Ravil Isyanov as Andrei Mashkov Stephanie Vogt as Robin Slater Enoch Frost as Sgt. Joe Barnes Presciliana Esparolini as Gina Aungst Dominic Mafham as Major Bidwell David Neghaban as Robert Mothershed Naveed Choudry as Saajid Vladimir Kolev as Col. Sergei Babayev Velislav Pavlov as Roshan Gazakov Jade Ogugua as Rojas Mike Straub as Maines Nigel Barber as Killan Grun Asen Asenov as Executioner Raymond Steers as Dron Techie Elitza Razheva as Female Thief Atanas Srebrev as CIA Analyst Georgi Manchev as Laptop Militant Tihomir Vinchev as Militant Spotter Dimitar Doichinov as Georgian Boyan Anev as Sun-Mask Militant Stanimir Stamatov as Sunglass Man |
Brandon Beckett is given another mission. Elite snipers Brandon Beckett (Chad Michael Collins), and Richard Miller (Billy Zane), tasked with protecting a gas pipeline from terrorists looking to make a statement. When battles with the enemy lead to snipers being killed by a ghost shooter who knows their exact location, tensions boil as a security breach is suspected. Is there someone working with the enemy on the inside? Is the mission a front for other activity? Is the Colonel (Dennis Haysbert), pulling the strings? |
2017. “Sniper - Ultimate Kill” | 3 October 2017 |
Chad Michael Collins as MSgt. Brandon Beckett Billy Zane as Major Richard Miller Tom Berenger as MGySgt. Thomas Beckett Joe Lando as Special Agent John Samson Danay Garcia as Kate Estrada |
Colombian drug kingpin Jesus Morales secretly pays for the services of a sniper nicknamed "The Devil," capable of killing one-by-one the enemies of anyone who hires him. With no adversaries left alive, Morales grows stronger and gains control of more smuggling routes into the United States. The DEA, alarmed by this threat to the country, sends agent Kate Estrada, who has been following Morales for years, and Marine sniper Brandon Beckett to Colombia. Their mission: Kill "The Devil" and bring Morales back to the US to be tried for his crimes. The agents think they have everything under control, but Morales and "The Devil" have prepared plenty of surprises to keep the mission from succeeding. |
2020. “Sniper - Assassin's End” | 16 June 2020 |
Chad Michael Collins as MSgt. Brandon Beckett Tom Berenger as MGySgt. Thomas Beckett Sayaka Akimoto as Yuki "Lady Death" Mifune Ryan Robbins as Agent Zeke "Zero" Rosenberg Lochlyn Munro as Agent John Franklin Emily Tennant as Agent Juliet Clover Sasha Piltsin as Vasily Petrov Michael Jonsson as Drake Phoenix Sean Kohnke as Stiltz |
Special Ops Sniper Brandon Beckett (Chad Michael Collins) is set up as the primary suspect for the murder of a foreign dignitary on the eve of signing a high-profile trade agreement with the United 47 Narrowly escaping death, Beckett realizes that there may be a dark operative working within the government and partners with the only person whom he can trust, his father legendary Sniper Sgt. Thomas Beckett (Tom Berenger). Both Becketts are on the run from the CIA, Russian Mercenaries, and a Yakuza-trained assassin with sniper skills that rival both legendary sharp shooters. |
2022. “Sniper - Rogue Mission” | August 16, 2022 |
Chad Michael Collins as Master Gunnery Sergeant Brandon Beckett Ryan Robbins as Agent Zeke "Zero" Rosenberg Sayaka Akimoto as Yuki "Lady Death" Mifune Brendan Sexton III as Gildie Josh Brener as Pete Dennis Haysbert as Colonel Gabriel Stone Jocelyn Hudon as Mary Jane David Macinnis as Rosie Paul Essiembre as Harvey Cusamano Erik Athavale as Dax |
When a crooked federal agent is involved in a human sex trafficking ring, Sniper and CIA Rookie Brandon Beckett goes rogue, teaming up with his former allies Homeland Security Agent Zero and assassin Lady Death to uncover the corrupt agent and take down the criminal organization. |
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