Complete Season 1
001 01. “Day 1 - 12;00 a.m. - 1;00 a.m.” November 6, 2001
On the day of the California Presidential Primaries, Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU) of Los Angeles is informed of an assassination attempt on Senator David Palmer, who is running for President. CTU agent Jack Bauer is called to service while his daughter, Kim, has escaped home. His wife, Teri, starts looking for her. CTU director Walsh informs Jack that there is a mole that Jack needs to find. George Mason, an agent from district command arrives with intel and Jack forces him to reveal the source by threatening to disclose the former's embezzlement. Meanwhile, Kim reunites with her friend, Janet York; and the two meet two boys, Allen and Mounts; and they go to a store, where Kim and Allen get close while Janet gets drugged. The boys take them on their car and Kim realizes that she can't leave. Teri unites with a man named Alan York, Janet's father, to find the girls. In the meantime, David gets upset after receiving a call from his friend, Maureen Kingsley. On a plane, a woman named Mandy gets Palmer's photographer's ID and blows the plane up after jumping out.
002 02. “Day 1 - 1;00 a.m. - 2;00 a.m.” November 13, 2001
Walsh meets an agent in a building; and the agent gives him a keycard. They are attacked by unknown men and the agent is killed while Walsh calls Jack for help. Meanwhile, Mandy hides the ID for her partner Bridgit to find and bring once Mandy is certain that Ira Gaines, for whom she is working, has payment for the ID. When her partner arrives she demands more money than the deal. Allen and Mounts force Kim to call Teri and state that everything is fine. Teri, having cleared the mess the girls made at the store with York, realizes from Kim's tone that there is a problem. Secret Service agents, led by Aaron Pierce, arrive to enhance the protection of David, who calls his friend, Carl Webb, telling him that Kingsley will publicly accuse his son, Keith, of murdering a boy who apparently killed himself after raping David's daughter, Nicole, years ago. David leaves alone to meet Webb. Jack joins Walsh and they try to escape, but Walsh is killed after giving Jack the keycard, which contains the mole's identity, who, by agent Farrell's decryption, appears to be Nina Myers.
003 03. “Day 1 - 2;00 a.m. - 3;00 a.m.” November 20, 2001
Jack confronts Myers, who denies the accusation. He asks Farrell to investigate more; and Farrell finally states that Myers' account was hacked, proving her innocence. Kim and Janet manage to escape from Mounts and Allen, who give chase. The girls ask an addict for help, but he denies it. They are attacked by a thug before the addict arrives and saves them. Kim finds a cell phone and calls Teri, revealing what is happening. They keep running until Janet has a car crash and Kim is caught and abducted again; and Janet is abandoned. David meets Webb, who offers to stop Kingsley until the former wins the Primaries, but David wants the source dealt with and Webb promises to handle Keith's situation. Secret Service arrives and returns David protected. Mandy's partner gives the ID to Gaines before she is killed by a sniper who has done a facial surgery resembling the photographer. Mandy is spared after she accepts a job planned for summer. CTU Agent Tony Almeida finds out about Walsh's death and reports the situation to district, requesting Jack's deposition.
004 04. “Day 1 - 3;00 a.m. - 4;00 a.m.” November 27, 2001
CTU finds a clue, but Mason arrives with his men and issues a lockdown. Jack manages to escape and heads to the location, where he starts gunfight with a thug. A policewoman hears it and moves to investigate. Jack convinces her to help him capture the thug, who fatally shoots her and is arrested by the police. He reveals to Jack that he knows him, that Kim is in danger and Jack must free him in exchange for his help. Meanwhile, Mason is trying to find Jack by interrogating Myers and Farrell. Mounts tries to kill Janet, but an ambulance arrives and they leave. After being delayed by a policeman, Teri and Alan arrive and find out that Janet has been taken to a hospital. Mounts and Allen deliver Kim to Gaines. David is informed by Pierce of the seriousness of the situation and David reveals Keith's situation to his wife, Sherry, saying that Kingsley has acquired evidence that proves the death to be murder.
005 05. “Day 1 - 4;00 a.m. - 5;00 a.m.” December 11, 2001
Jack is confronted by Mason, who realizes that the suspect will only talk to Jack. Jack visits the suspect and secretly gives him a note, which contains a phone number possessed by Jack. On the phone, the thug says that he will talk only after the breakout. Jack manages to steal a guard's keycard and give it to the thug. They successfully escape and head to a location designated by Gaines. Having found them by satellite images, Mason and the police arrive and the thug is rearrested. Jack and Mason recover a body which is totally mutilated. Jack heads to the hospital where Janet, Alan and Teri are. Gaines finds out that Janet is alive and kills Mounts as punishment. David arranges a meeting with Kingsley. He asks her about her sources, one being George Ferregamo, Keith's therapist, and the other an autopsy report. David wakes up Keith and asks him where he was the night Nicole was attacked, but Keith refuses to answer.
006 06. “Day 1 - 5;00 a.m. - 6;00 a.m.” December 18, 2001
CTU starts identifying the body. Myers tasks Farrell to do it and hires Milo Pressman, a contractor, for unlocking the keycard that Walsh had given to Jack. Jack arrives at the hospital, where he gets suspicious of Alan, who later smothers Janet to death, revealed not to be her father but an assassin working for Gaines. Jack gets a call from Gaines, who threatens to kill Kim if Jack doesn't follow Gaines' instructions. Jack is told to throw away his cell phone, enter a car, and wear a communication microdevice, while he is watched by a camera inside and by thugs in another car. Allen finishes burying Mounts' body. Teri keeps searching Kim with Alan. She gets a call from Myers, who asks her to tell Jack that the body is identified as Alan York, surprising Teri. Webb tells David that Keith did confront the rapist, who attacked Keith and was killed by him in self-defense. Keith asked for help from Webb, who covered it up for David's career. David gets angry and demands that Webb leave. Webb also reveals that Sherry had sent Keith to him. David blames her for not telling him; she makes the same excuse as Webb's. David meets his chief of staff, Mike Novick, who advises him to reveal the story before Kingsley does.
007 07. “Day 1 - 6;00 a.m. - 7;00 a.m.” January 8, 2002
On Gaines' order, Jack arrives at CTU and Gaines instructs him to replace the keycard Pressman is working on with another one. Myers finds out what Jack has done and confronts him. Gaines orders him to abduct her somewhere secluded, which he does. He tells Myers about Kim and shoots her, apparently killing her. Almeida looks at the camera footage and finds out that Jack made Myers wear a bulletproof flak jacket; and she is revealed to be alive. Meanwhile, Allen decides to break out Kim and they formulate a plan. The man posing as Alan York gets a call from Gaines to be cautious before he is attacked by Teri, who locks him to a tree and calls Farrell at CTU for help. Gaines' men arrive, free Alan and abduct Teri. Farrell is revealed to be the mole. As Kim and Allen try to escape, she realizes that Teri has been brought there too and they decide to return. David and Keith get distant to each other. David decides to reveal Keith's story in the upcoming conference although Sherry disagrees.
008 08. “Day 1 - 7;00 a.m. - 8;00 a.m.” January 15, 2002
Myers returns to CTU secretly and informs Almeida of the situation. David and Sherry arrive at a facility where he will have his conference. Jack and the sniper also arrive. Myers and Almeida find out about Farrell. They capture her secretly, as Gaines has access to the cameras, which has been provided by her. She refuses to talk until she gets immunity. Jack meets a friend at the facility and tries to warn her of the plan, but she is moved away by another inside man, ordered by Gaines. Jack is ordered to give the tools he brought to the sniper, who assembles a minirifle. The plan is to kill David with it and give it to Jack, making him the alleged murderer. David tries to reveal Keith's story, but Jack stops the sniper's attempt by attacking a Secret Service agent and being arrested while David is moved away. Gaines orders his men to kill Teri and Kim, but receives a call from Farrell, who states that the failure wasn't Jack's fault and Gaines decides to keep Teri and Kim.
009 09. “Day 1 - 8;00 a.m. - 9;00 a.m.” January 22, 2002
Jack attempts to convince the Secret Service of his innocence, but then escapes while being transferred. He takes a woman hostage and goes to a work office at a construction site. He and the woman appear to get friendly. He calls Myers and asks for a car and other tools. He also tells Myers to force Farrell, who reveals that she accepted the job for only $300,000, to talk by threatening her son. The woman is instructed by Jack to go and check the car outside, but she escapes and informs the police. Jack manages to get to the car and escape. Meanwhile, a guard tries to rape Kim, but Teri convinces him to have sex with her instead and steals his cell phone in the process. David is safely returned to the hotel and claims to know Jack from somewhere. Sherry persuades Kingsley to hold her disclosure because it could be related to the attempt on David, but he prefers the story get revealed. Gaines calls Farrell for updates but she is found near death as a result of apparent suicide.
010 10. “Day 1 - 9;00 a.m. - 10;00 a.m.” February 5, 2002
Myers gets a call from Teri, and Jack manages to talk to Teri and Kim, promising to find them. CTU tries to trace the call, but the guard arrives and recovers his phone. Jack is spotted by the police and they give chase. He rushes to a parking lot, where he is forced to leave his car behind in order to escape. Agent Alberta Green arrives and assumes command of CTU, adding the capture of Jack to the to-do list. She gets suspicious of Myers, who gets the identity of an accomplice named Ted Cofell. Jack calls Cofell's office and is informed that he is leaving. He arrives in time and poses as Cofell's driver. Gaines is revealed to be hired by a man named Andre Drazen, who planned the attack on David and Jack for personal reasons. Meanwhile, David is visiting an elementary school for his campaign and one of his sponsors reveals to him that the others have told Webb to get rid of Keith's problem completely, scaring David.
011 11. “Day 1 - 10;00 a.m. - 11;00 a.m.” February 12, 2002
Jack takes Cofell somewhere secluded and interrogates him, who denies knowing anything about what Jack says. He states that he is headed to a meeting with Kevin Carroll, a name Jack is unfamiliar with. They head to the location, where Cofell attacks Jack, but is stopped and dies after speaking Serbian and revealing that Jack is wanted dead for personal reasons. Carroll arrives - revealed to be the man impersonating Alan York - and is captured and interrogated by Jack. Jack promises to free Carroll if he takes Jack to his family; and Carroll accepts. Meanwhile, Drazen tells Gaines that he will proceed with his own plan and orders the death of Teri and Kim. They manage to kill the guard sent for them, making the ruse that they are killed. In the meantime, David is continuing his campaign and starting to remember Jack from a mission two years ago. He is visited by Webb, who reminds the former of the consequences of not complying with his sponsors' decisions. David decides to call Ferregamo.
012 12. “Day 1 - 11;00 a.m. - 12;00 p.m.” February 19, 2002
Jack enters the compound by Carroll's help. Jack locks Carroll in the trunk and proceeds to the room, where Teri and Kim have hidden the body. Allen is instructed to bring a van before he is ordered by Gaines to run an errand. They find Carroll and free him, who reveals Jack's presence. Allen escapes and takes a van. Jack calls Alberta Green, who is interrogating Myers and Almeida after finding out about their connection with Jack, and reveals his family's situation and requests backup. Allen arrives and the Bauers get in.They start driving until they are stopped by the mercenaries and forced to continue on foot. Teri and Kim are instructed to separate and go to the extraction point. Meanwhile, David calls Ferregamo and warns him of the attempt on Ferregamo's life, which Ferregamo interprets as a threat made by David to stop the disclosure. David decides to meet Ferregamo personally, but when he arrives, he finds the office on fire and Ferregamo dead. David deduces that it was done by Webb.
013 13. “Day 1 - 12;00 p.m. - 1;00 p.m.” February 26, 2002
Jack and Allen take shelter and Jack tells Allen that he has committed the crime of kidnapping even if he saved Kim later. Teri and Kim are found by a mercenary in an abandoned house, but Jack arrives and saves them. They head to the extraction point. Drazen orders Gaines to kill Jack in order to restore the deal. Carroll escapes and Gaines confronts Jack alone. Jack tries to convince Gaines on the radio to surrender, but is forced to kill him when he pulls his gun. Kim and Teri are rescued by CTU agents while Allen gets on a bus and leaves. Meanwhile, Kingsley decides to drop the case after hearing about Ferregamo and feeling danger to herself. David tries to dissuade her, but to no avail. He visits Webb, who states that Keith will be accused of arson if David doesn't comply. As a result, David decides not to reveal the case to the district attorney, intending to cover it up. Myers informs Green about a second assassin.
014 14. “Day 1 - 1;00 p.m. - 2;00 p.m.” March 5, 2002
Jack is interrogated by Division command director Ryan Chappelle. Teri and Kim are taken to a hospital for examination. Myers notices an unknown man who introduced himself as an FBI agent and now gone. The nurse decides to run a pregnancy test for Teri, but Myers decides to move Teri and Kim to a safe house immediately. CTU finds three potential suspects. Carroll calls Drazen and tries to make a new deal, but he and his men are killed. Green and Chappelle try to convince Almeida to testify against Jack, but he refuses. Keith gets angry after hearing that David will not disclose the story about Ferregamo, as Ferregamo meant a lot to Keith. It is revealed that Jack led a mission targeting the Drazens two years ago and was the only survivor of the team. David believes that Jack blames him for that and wants revenge. David arrives at CTU, requesting to meet Jack. Elizabeth Nash, one of David's staff meets the assassin in his hotel room and they start having sex.
015 15. “Day 1 - 2;00 p.m. - 3;00 p.m.” March 12, 2002
Using his contact, David manages to visit Jack and accuses him, but Jack is able to convince David of his innocence by revealing what his family has been through. The Drazens are revealed to want revenge for their family's death during the covert operation by killing David, who authorized the mission, and Jack, who was the only survivor. Jack and David call Robert Ellis, a former associate, and start investigating with his help. David convinces Chappelle to free Jack and let him do his job. Ellis is killed by an unknown man. Meanwhile, Teri and Kim are brought to a safe house. Teri finds out that she is pregnant before Kim finds out too. Teri tries to tell Jack on the phone. Myers starts debriefing Teri and Kim. Kim fails to save Rick because Teri is debriefed first and reveals his contribution. It is revealed that Jack was involved with Myers when he moved out. Myers tells Teri that it is over now. The assassin is revealed to be Alexis Drazen, Andre's brother.
016 16. “Day 1 - 3;00 p.m. - 4;00 p.m.” March 19, 2002
Secret Service informs David's staff of the three suspects, one being Alexis, whom Nash identifies and is brought to CTU for debrief. Mason is sent to CTU to assist Jack and they decide to forget the past to finish the mission. Jack convinces Nash to cooperate by returning to Alexis. Myers leaves the safe house to accompany Jack on his mission. While the debrief continues, the safe house is attacked by Andre's henchmen. Teri and Kim escape with a car. On the road, Teri loses the henchman and parks to see if they're still being followed. The car slides down into the valley and explodes, apparently killing Kim inside. Teri has a mental trauma and collapses. She is revealed to be amnesiac when she wakes up and is picked up by a woman. Kim is revealed to have survived and continues on foot. Meanwhile, David promises Keith to watch after him from now on. Keith arranges a meeting with Webb. He sneaks out by Nicole's help and arrives at the arrangement, where he records Webb's voice stating that the latter is behind Ferregamo's death and not the former.
017 17. “Day 1 - 4;00 p.m. - 5;00 p.m.” March 26, 2002
CTU team, including Jack and Myers, arrives at the hotel and Jack instructs Nash to put a tracker in Alexis's wallet. He arrives and they start having sex while CTU is watching. He leaves bed to bring liquor and she uses the chance to put the tracker. Suddenly, she critically stabs him and the agents storm in and arrest both of them. Alexis's cell phone rings and Jack answers for him, arranging a meeting with the caller. Meanwhile, Teri only recalls a restaurant nearby and the woman drops her there, where the waiter recognizes her and calls her former boyfriend Doctor Phil Parslow, who arrives and recovers her, promising to cure her amnesia. Kim calls CTU and Almeida picks up, but she believes she can't trust CTU because of experiencing Farrell and thus goes to the house Allen is staying. His girlfriend, Melanie, is not happy to see her. Keith plays his recording to David and gives him the tape.
018 18. “Day 1 - 5;00 p.m. - 6;00 p.m.” April 2, 2002
Jack goes to the meeting with the money while CTU snipers are set to support him. Teddy Hanlin, an agent who has a personal problem with Jack is sent as the chief sniper. Jack meets the mercenary, who tells Jack that he will cut the power supply at a specific location before he finds out that the former is not Alexis and starts running. Jack orders the snipers not to shoot, but Hanlin disobeys and kills the runner. Meanwhile, Teri asks Parslow to take her to her house, which he does. They arrive when a mercenary has killed a CTU agent and is watching them. Mounts' brother, Frank Allard, arrives and doesn't allow Kim to leave until Mounts returns with the money, not knowing that he is dead. David plays the tape to Novick and Sherry, stating that he is going to release it. Sherry secretly opens David's safe and destroys a tape, but David reveals that it wasn't the real tape and now he knows her personality. He schedules a press conference immediately.
019 19. “Day 1 - 6;00 p.m. - 7;00 p.m.” April 9, 2002
Myers tries to warn Jack of his family's situation, but Mason stops her to help Jack focus. Meanwhile, Teri and Parslow arrive at the house; and his friend comes to aid them. The mercenary attacks, kills Parslow's friend and wounds him. He forces her to reveal Kim's location, but Almeida arrives and kills him. Allard finds out about Mounts. He arranges a drug deal in his house and pulls his gun on the sellers intending to kill them and take the merchandise. The lead seller is revealed to be a secret DEA agent and the police storm in and arrest everyone, including Kim and Allen. At lunch, Nicole has a mental trauma when David and Sherry argue about Keith's problem. David proceeds to his press conference, where he reveals the self-defense murder of the rapist, that Keith's only crime was not reporting to the authorities, Ferregamo's murder and the former's sponsors' involvement. Keith gets happy and reconciles with David. Jack and Mason head to the location given by the mercenary in the previous episode, and they find only a transformer. Finally, they see a helicopter flying above them.
020 20. “Day 1 - 7;00 p.m. - 8;00 p.m.” April 16, 2002
Mason is ordered to return and Jack keeps searching until he finds the entrance before being captured. He wakes up in a holding room before he meets the warden. Jack tells the warden of his mission; and the warden reveals that it is a DOD facility and a prisoner will be delivered at 7:20, a time Jack asked about. Jack plans a secured delivery and Andre's team are forced by the chief mercenary not to attack. Jack realizes that the prisoner is Victor Drazen, Andre's father and who was believed to had been killed in the operation. Jack visits Victor and asks him to persuade his sons to stop what they are doing. The facility is attacked by Andre's group. Meanwhile, Teri and Parslow are transferred by Almeida. The police don't believe Kim's story after Melanie denies it; and Kim is put in custody. David wins the honesty poll after his press conference. He and Sherry still argue about the consequences of the disclosure.
021 21. “Day 1 - 8;00 p.m. - 9;00 p.m.” April 23, 2002
Andre's team kills all the agents and corners Jack, who holds Victor while Andre holds the warden and Jack is forced to free Victor. The warden is killed and Jack is captured. Chappelle orders Mason to send agents to kill everyone and not try to save Jack, as Victor must not be disclosed to be alive for the government's reputation. The CTU agents arrive after Victor's group is gone. Victor decides to kill Jack, who reveals that Alexis is still alive and Victor decides to keep Jack. Meanwhile, Teri is brought to CTU and begins to remember everything. Kim has an argument with Melanie in custody room. An inmate gives drug to Melanie to avoid capture, but Kim reveals the truth and the former is taken away. Melanie confirms Kim's statement to the police and Kim is arranged for transfer to CTU, but the vehicle is attacked by mercenaries on the way and she is abducted. David wins the primaries in the states holding the Super Tuesday. He and his assistant Patricia Brooks get closer now that he is distant to Sherry.
022 22. “Day 1 - 9;00 p.m. - 10;00 p.m.” May 7, 2002
Victor talks to Alexis on the phone and gets confirmation that Alexis is alive. Victor offers CTU the exchange of Alexis with Jack. Mason is ordered to deny it. Myers calls David, reports the situation and asks for help. Victor is welcomed by his friend and the latter's daughter. Jack takes the woman hostage to escape, but Victor chooses to kill her and keep him. The father gets angry and attacks Victor, who is forced to kill him too. Jack finds out about Kim. David offers Mason a promotion when David assumes the Oval Office if Mason agrees to perform the exchange. Alexis is returned and the tracker planted is found and thrown away. On another location, Jack is freed after he is informed that Kim will be killed if he doesn't follow instructions after release. Brooks is revealed to be hired by Sherry to get involved with David.
023 23. “Day 1 - 10;00 p.m. - 11;00 p.m.” May 14, 2002
David arranges a tryst with Brooks, but in the room, he reveals that he knows about Sherry's plan and fires Brooks from his staff. Jack is instructed to go and visit David in his hotel. Jack convinces David to order Secret Service to let him through. Alexis succumbs to his wound. Andre decides to kill Kim for it, but Victor stops him. Jack calls Victor by his cell phone and gives it to David. It is revealed that the phone contains a bomb intended to kill them both. Jack throws it away in time and they survive. The former convinces David not to reveal his survival to the press until the former saves Kim. Sherry disagrees, but to no avail. Andre calls Jack, and gets confirmation of David's death and Jack offers himself in exchange for Kim's release, which is accepted and Jack is informed of the location. Teri calls Jack and tells him about the baby. Kim manages to escape. Myers secretly reports David's survival to Andre.
024 24. “Day 1 - 11;00 p.m. - 12;00 a.m.” May 21, 2002
The press reveals that David has survived the explosion confirmed by an inside source. He deduces it to be Sherry and confronts her. Victor instructs Myers to tell Jack that Kim has been killed in order to pull him to a fight. Myers does so and the plan works. Jack manages to kill the Drazens and all of their men. Myers finds out and calls her German handler for extraction. Jack is informed that Kim is alive and in the meantime a video is found that shows Myers killing Farrell while Farrell was cuffed. Teri finds Myers in a room. Mason orders security to find Myers, who kills several agents on her way outside. Jack arrives and stops her. Mason convinces him not to kill her and she is arrested and taken away. Jack finds Teri in the room dead, implied to have been murdered by Myers. The press reveals Jack's involvement in saving David, who decides to divorce Sherry.
Complete Season 2
025 00. “Day 2 - 8;00 a.m. - 9;00 a.m.”
Eighteen months after the events of Day 1, President Palmer is informed that a terrorist group called the Second Wave is planning to detonate a nuclear bomb in Los Angeles sometime this day. CTU Los Angeles is ordered to call back resigned agent Jack Bauer, who is trying to talk to Kim; but she struggles, as seeing him reminds her of her mother's death. Kim lives at the Mathesons' house, watching their daughter, Megan. Jack arrives at CTU, where Director Mason and agents Almeida, Dessler, and Schaeffer update the former of the situation. Jack leaves a message for Kim to get out of the city. He is informed that Joseph Wald, a criminal he previously worked for as cover, is affiliated with Second Wave and there is a witness who will testify against Wald. The witness is brought to CTU, where Jack kills him and prepares for his mission. Kim finds out that Megan is abused by her father Gary. Meanwhile, as the Warner family arranges for the wedding of their daughter Marie with Reza Naiyeer, a Middle Eastern man, their other daughter Kate is informed by her private investigator that Reza is apparently affiliated with terrorist organizations.
026 00. “Day 2 - 9;00 a.m. - 10;00 a.m.”
Jack goes to the location Wald's men work and proves his loyalty by showing them the witness's head. Their boss Eddie Grant accepts Jack into the team. Another member still doubts him and searches the criminal record server for Jack's identity, which is found by CTU's hacking into the server, and Grant becomes certain. They take him on their mission, which is to explode CTU. Meanwhile, Mason gets a message and leaves CTU. Palmer meets Ron Wieland, a journalist who is informed by his sources that the threat level has been raised. He tries to convince the journalist not to talk to the press in order to avoid panic; but Weiland refuses and is detained by Secret Service. Kate's investigator requests her help in obtaining information from Reza's passport for him. Gary's wife Carla offers her car so Kim can escape with Megan. Gary stops the car and the two girls continue on foot. Kim tells Megan to stay still until she can make sure Gary has lost them. He confronts her and tries to convince her of his benevolence, but she knocks him unconscious. She returns to see Megan gone, and starts searching.
027 00. “Day 2 - 10;00 a.m. - 11;00 a.m.”
Jack warns Palmer's assistant, Lynne Kresge, about CTU. She informs the NSA Deputy Director Eric Rayburn who convinces her not to warn CTU in order to maintain Jack's cover. Grant's team takes a power supply contractor hostage and forces him to get them inside CTU, which Jack notices not to be evacuated yet. The team poses as contractors and goes in to plant the bombs while Jack stays to watch the hostage. He frees him and instructs him to go in and warn Almeida. Kresge finally decides to inform Palmer, who orders the evacuation of CTU. Grant's team leaves while Kim and Megan arrive at CTU. As the CTU is evacuating, the bombs detonate while several agents including Schaeffer are still inside. Meanwhile, Mason joins LAPD to investigate a garage where he is exposed to radioactive substance. He is informed that he only has up to a week before his death. Gary reports to the police that Kim has kidnapped Megan. The investigator tells Kate that Reza has certainly been in contact with the terrorists and also tells her to act normal until the authorities, whom he has alerted, arrive.
028 00. “Day 2 - 11;00 a.m. - 12;00 p.m.”
Jack calls Kresge and blames her for the CTU incident. Having found Wald's location, he kills Grant and his team and heads to the house, where he captures Wald and starts interrogating him until Wald's dog attacks Jack, giving Wald the chance to escape and take refuge in his concrete room. Jack finds breaking the door impossible and manages to convince Wald to open it. He gives Jack the identity of a contact before committing suicide. Jack finds the contact to be Nina Myers. Meanwhile, Palmer learns from Kresge that Rayburn stopped her, and he fires him. Mason returns to CTU. Kim takes Megan to a hospital, where the nurse confirms Megan's abuse and believes Kim to be responsible. She calls and informs Carla, who states she is on her way. Kate tells Bob, her father, what she has discovered and he tells her that Naiyeer is not a terrorist, and he instructs her to go with Reza in his car. She gets scared in the car but it is revealed that he only wanted to show her the house he has bought.
029 00. “Day 2 - 12;00 p.m. - 1;00 p.m.”
Jack informs Mason about Myers, and Mason issues her transfer to CTU where she demands a pardon in exchange for helping them. Palmer tells Jack, whose wife was murdered by Myers, about his decision to pardon her as there is no other choice. Jack finds out about Mason's condition and threatens to reveal it to Division command if Mason doesn't appoint Jack as Myers' handler. Meanwhile, Schaeffer succumbs to her wounds and Almeida leaves to investigate Reza's case. His team arrives at Bob's place, and starts interrogating Reza. Marie is shocked, and Kate explains everything to her. Palmer is joined by Roger Stanton, the NSA Director, and they meet a Middle Eastern ambassador for intel exchange. The ambassador's helicopter crashes when leaving. Gary arrives at the hospital and forces Kim to leave by threatening to call the police. She gets a call from Jack, who tells her about the bomb. She calls Miguel, her boyfriend, and tells him to join her. When he does, she tells him about the bomb and convinces him to help her break out Megan.
030 00. “Day 2 - 1;00 p.m. - 2;00 p.m.”
Jack shows the pardon document to Myers, who demands to be released before she reveals information. Jack threatens to kill her if she doesn't talk. She claims to know the location of a Second Wave insider. Jack arranges Myers to be transferred to the location. An agent is instructed to accompany them in order to watch Jack, who poisons the agent, making him unconscious. Meanwhile, Marie gets angry with Kate for her investigation. Reza reveals to CTU that Bob instructed him to transfer the funds to Second Wave accounts. David's former wife, Sherry Palmer, visits him and reveals that there has been an evacuation ordered in Los Angeles. David finds out that it was ordered by Stanton, who claims that he believed that to be David's order. David promptly cancels the order. David accepts Sherry in his team and tells her about the bomb. Gary leaves Megan's room to answer a call made by Miguel. Kim uses the opportunity to take Megan, and the trio manages to escape.
031 00. “Day 2 - 2;00 p.m. - 3;00 p.m.”
Jack, Myers and other agents arrive at the location that Myers had told them about. Myers is planted a microphone and a camera before she goes in and visits the Second Wave insider. The agents storm in and capture him. Myers tries to escape, but is stopped by Jack, who hesitates to take revenge and she is rearrested. Meanwhile, Bob and Reza are issued for transfer to CTU after Bob is interrogated. Mason calls his son, who dislikes him, and tells him to meet him at CTU. His son refuses and Mason brings him in by force. Mason reveals his condition and they say goodbye. Novick, David's Chief of Staff, joins him; and David states that he is trying to find Sherry's source. David begins to suspect that Stanton is working against him and teams up with Sherry, Novick and Kresge to investigate Stanton. Kresge begins to dislike Sherry. The two women have an argument witnessed by David who warns Sherry about her conduct. Kim, Miguel and Megan keep traveling in Gary's car until a policeman stops them, finding Carla's body in it, and he arrests them.
032 00. “Day 2 - 3;00 p.m. - 4;00 p.m.”
Myers tries to make the insider talk at the location, but fails. They get in the plane back to CTU. In the air, Myers manages to get a lead on the location of the bomb before she kills the insider. She tells Jack that she is the only one to know (the locations of the bomb and of Syed Ali) now. The plane is shot by an unknown party. Meanwhile, three Second Wave operatives have an argument while transferring the bomb. Two are killed and the third one continues alone. At CTU, Bob reveals to Almeida that he is a CIA consultant and states that he is not a terrorist. Kate meets an analyst who investigates the accounts more. They find the name Syed Ali, a known terrorist affiliated with Second Wave. As the two leave the house, they are abducted by Second Wave thugs. David notices Wieland, having escaped detainment by an agent's help, revealing his knowledge to the press. Kim tells the policeman, who has brought them to the office, about the bomb, hoping to get released and Megan not be returned to Gary.
033 00. “Day 2 - 4;00 p.m. - 5;00 p.m.”
David accuses Sherry of breaking out Wieland. The plane crashes and Jack sees military operatives killing the survivors. He and Myers escape and resist until CTU forces arrive and kill the attackers. Having secured a rifle, Myers takes Jack hostage and demands a pardon for an upcoming crime, the murder of Jack. He tells David to accept it. Myers reveals the location of Ali. Meanwhile, Reza states that he is ready to cooperate, making Bob angry, and that needs to go to his office for this. An agent is instructed to accompany him. Almeida and Dessler find out about Mason's condition and decide to let him remain in charge in his last hours. Sherry and Kresge continue having arguments. Kate and the analyst are brought to Ali, who instructs his henchman to torture the analyst who is eventually killed. The policeman decides to take Kim and Miguel back to Los Angeles. Megan is entrusted to her aunt and says goodbye to Kim.
034 00. “Day 2 - 5;00 p.m. - 6;00 p.m.”
Jack is rescued from Myers. He recognizes the attacking group by their tattoos and tells David that they are a covert special ops unit working for NSA. David deduces that they were sent by Stanton. Sherry reveals Stanton's secret communication network, which can be used as evidence against him. She is revealed to be conspiring with him, and has disclosed the network in order to maintain her cover. With the newfound knowledge of the whereabouts of Syed Ali, Jack leads the team to the house where Kate is being tortured. Ali leaves and heads to a mosque to say prayers. The henchman kills himself using a cyanide capsule in his mouth. Knowing some Arabic, Kate reports Ali's intention for prayers. Jack orders a list of nearby mosques. Meanwhile, Reza and the agent find out that the account was hacked. Marie arrives and kills them both, implied to be the hacker and also affiliated with Second Wave. Almeida and Dessler get emotionally close. While being transferred, Kim and Miguel force a crash. He gets stuck and unable to escape. She calls for medical response and escapes when they arrive.
035 00. “Day 2 - 6;00 p.m. - 7;00 p.m.”
CTU team tracks Ali to a mosque. Kate is instructed to dress as a Muslim woman, enter the mosque and identify Ali, which she does. Almeida informs Bob about Marie, who accesses an accomplice's workplace locker by seducing his foreman. CTU team waits for Ali to exit the mosque and be followed; but everyone gets out without signs of Ali. They storm in the mosque and find a man burning with Ali's clothes on. Jack finds out that it is a deception, and Ali is still alive and hiding. He orders the agents to continue protecting the exits. Meanwhile, David has Stanton arrested and tries to convince him to talk, but to no avail. David orders a professional agent to start torturing Stanton for information. Sherry fails to persuade David to give her a post in his staff. Kim keeps running in the woods until she gets stuck in an animal trap. She notices a cougar approaching.
036 00. “Day 2 - 7;00 p.m. - 8;00 p.m.”
Jack informs the mosque cleric of the situation. CTU manages to find Ali and Jack stops him from taking the cyanide capsule. Jack finds torture useless and the cleric tries to convince him to talk, but to no avail. CTU recovers burnt papers from Ali's clothes and hires a forensics agent to recover the writing on it. Jack instructs Kate to call Marie and keep her on the line so that she can be traced; but Marie already knows the plan and throws the phone away. Bob tells Mason that Marie studied in London when her mother died. Due to the grief, she left home for several weeks which Bob believes must have been the time period she was introduced to the terrorists. The writing is recovered and Jack forces Ali to talk by apparently killing one of his sons and threatening to kill the other. Ali reveals the airport where the plane carrying the bomb will take off. Marie joins other Second Wave operatives at the airport and they manage to prepare the bomb. It is revealed that Ali's son wasn't shot and is still alive. Kresge finds out Sherry's involvement. Kim is saved by Lonnie McRae, a hunter.
037 00. “Day 2 - 8;00 p.m. - 9;00 p.m.”
CTU team arrives at the airport. Stanton finally decides to talk and reveals a special ops team to be at the airport ordered to kill Second Wave operatives and recover the bomb, an action that will trigger a more strict military policy by the U.S. government. David orders Secret Service to grant Sherry access to the inside facility as she has connections with a Senator revealed to be Stanton's accomplice. CTU finds six commandos with the tattoo dead at the place. Stanton reveals that there were seven. CTU finds the plane and stops it, capturing the pilot and recovering a device, which the experts find to be a decoy and not the bomb. David asks Stanton for more information, and he reveals Sherry's involvement. Meanwhile, Kim takes refuge in McRae's secluded house. He is informed by a policeman of her charges, but she convinces him of her innocence. She tells him about the bomb and he shows her a bunker he has made for nuclear catastrophes. He listens to radio and states that the bomb has just detonated. They rush to the bunker.
038 00. “Day 2 - 9;00 p.m. - 10;00 p.m.”
David confronts Sherry, who manages to prove to him that she was leading a secret investigation with a CIA agent against Stanton and offered cooperation with Stanton as cover. David decides to expel her from the facility instead of having her arrested. CTU starts interrogating the pilot. Kate tracks Marie who tries to kill her, but CTU manages to capture her. Jack starts torturing her, and Kate tries to persuade her to talk. She finally gives a location, but Jack deduces that it is another decoy and orders a full search of the perimeter. They manage to find the bomb, which experts say could blow any time. With his condition worsening, Mason leaves CTU and appoints Almeida as the Director. Carrie Turner, an agent from Division sent for assistance, is revealed to have a personal problem with Dessler. Kim finds out that there has been no explosion and pulls a knife on McRae, who states that he only wanted company. She insists on leaving and he decides to let her go after giving her a gun to be able to defend herself.
039 00. “Day 2 - 10;00 p.m. - 11;00 p.m.”
CTU discovers that defusing the bomb is impossible and it must be delivered to the Mojave desert for a safe detonation while the pilot can't leave the plane in order to make the hit accurate, making it a suicide mission. Mason arrives and offers to be the pilot; but Jack refuses and chooses to do it himself. Kim is disturbed by a driver, but she uses her gun to force him to leave. A woman picks her up. She calls Jack and finds out about his mission. She leaves the car and continues on foot. Meanwhile, CTU recovers a recording from Ali's house seemingly proving the support of three Middle Eastern governments of the terrorist attack. Yusuf Auda, an agent working for one of those governments, is at CTU for updates, but Almeida doesn't tell him anything. The Joint Chiefs prepare the Armed Forces for Palmer's decision to retaliate; but he decides to hold for now. Jack flies the plane to the location. On the way, he finds out that Mason has boarded. He convinces Jack to let him do it and save his own life. Jack jumps out with a parachute, lands and watches the explosion along with Palmer and Kim, who believes Jack has died.
040 00. “Day 2 - 11;00 p.m. - 12;00 a.m.”
Jack is returned to CTU. Dessler asks Ali about the recording, which he denies any involvement with. Almeida doesn't believe his claim and tells Palmer that the recording is authentic. Dessler tells Jack about Ali's claim. While Ali is being transferred to Guantanamo, Jack tells him that his son is alive and asks him about his claim, which Ali confirms before he is killed by an unknown sniper. Jack feels certain that the recording is fake but Almeida still doesn't believe it. The authorities push Palmer to order the assault based on the recording which they believe to be authentic, before he gets a call from Jack. Palmer says Jack has a few hours to prove his claim that it is a fake before the assault starts. Jack gets a call from an unknown man with the tattoo who claims to have evidence that disproves the recording, and the man will yield it if Kate is delivered to him. Dessler helps Jack abduct Kate. Turner witnesses this and informs Almeida who intercepts Jack, but Almeida breaks his ankle and the duo escapes. Meanwhile, Kim is allowed into a closed store to use the bathroom. A man breaks into the store. The police arrive and surround the store, and the intruder critically shoots the store clerk in an ensuing struggle.
041 00. “Day 2 - 12;00 a.m. - 1;00 a.m.”
While Jack and Kate head to the location requested by the tattooed man, they notice Auda following them, and Jack includes him in the plan. They arrive and Jack goes in alone. The man introduces himself as Jonathan Wallace, the seventh member who killed the other six at the airport. He explains that the people he worked for control petroleum in the Caspian Sea. They wanted to trigger a U.S. assault on the Middle East in order to make a huge revenue. He claims to have the source recordings that were assembled to make the fake one. His employers killed his transport team and he needs Kate's contacts to leave the country. As Wallace puts her in the trunk, they are attacked by a third party. Meanwhile, Vice President Jim Prescott gets angry for Palmer's decision to hold the invasion. Almeida questions Dessler, who denies helping Jack. He instructs Turner to watch her. Dessler gets a call from her brother, Danny, who seems to hate Turner. Kim manages to escape from the store, and the police storm in, critically shooting the intruder and capturing him.
042 00. “Day 2 - 1;00 a.m. - 2;00 a.m.”
Auda holds the third party attackers while the others go into the building, where Jack calls Michelle and asks for satellite images showing the place of the mercenaries. The four manage to kill some of the attackers and escape in the car, but Wallace is critically shot. Almeida finds out about Michelle's deed and she gets him on the phone with Jack, who explains that Wallace doesn't want CTU involved. They get to a hospital where Wallace succumbs to his wound. Jack recovers a chip planted under Wallace's skin. Meanwhile, riots start in various cities across the U.S. with hostility towards Middle Easterns. Palmer orders the National Guard and the Army to protect the foreigners and settle the riots. Kim explains her adventures to the police who tell her the original charges against her are being dropped, as they have confirmed that Gary Matheson killed his wife, though she still has to deal with the charges of escaping police custody. She calls Almeida, who reveals to her that Jack is alive and promises to free her. She talks to Miguel on the phone who says that he doesn't want to see her again and hangs up before he is revealed to have lost his right leg in the crash.
043 00. “Day 2 - 2;00 a.m. - 3;00 a.m.”
Auda finds a transponder on the chip. Jack takes the transponder and escapes with it while Auda and Kate escape with the chip. Jack is captured by the mercenaries and they start torturing him for the chip. Jack almost dies as a result of the pressure, and they try to revive him. In the meantime, Auda and Kate are attacked by three street criminals, who start beating up Auda because of his race. At CTU, Michelle explains to Almeida that Turner got involved with Danny, who was married and had children. She ended the affair while he lost his family and his job for it and attempted suicide. Danny arrives at CTU to talk to Michelle before he sees Turner and assaults her. Almeida and Michelle get romantically involved. Kresge notices that Prescott is assembling the Cabinet members and asks Novick about it. He reveals that Prescott is trying to invoke the Section 4 of the 25th Amendment of the Constitution, which gives the Cabinet the authority to depose the President and replace him with the Vice President. Kresge tries to inform Palmer, but Novick locks her in a room and orders an agent to watch her.
044 00. “Day 2 - 3;00 a.m. - 4;00 a.m”
The mercenaries force a doctor to revive Jack. Peter Kingsley, one of the masterminds, orders the second in command to kill the boss man and continue the torture, which he does. Jack convinces the doctor to help him escape. Jack kills the mercenaries and gets Kingsley's name. Meanwhile, the thugs take Auda's belongings and decide to leave. Kate demands the chip and offers money in her house in exchange for it. Jack arrives and a dying Auda reveals Kate's whereabouts. Jack arrives at Kate's and kills one of the thugs, while the other two hide in a room with the chip. Ryan Chappelle arrives at CTU and designates the preparation of domestic response to the invasion as the sole task. Turner finds out that Almeida and Dessler are still following Jack's lead and tells Chappelle, who decides to keep Almeida because of the lack of human resources. Kresge escapes the room, but falls from the stairs and is critically injured, unable to talk to Palmer. Prescott assembles the Cabinet and they discuss Palmer's capability to run the Office in his absence.
045 00. “Day 2 - 4;00 a.m. - 5;00 a.m.”
Jack captures the thug and recovers the chip. He finds it damaged and tells Almeida to check Kingsley's name. Kate blames herself for not watching after Marie better, but Jack tells her that it was out of her hands. He talks to Kim, who is released and being transferred. Almeida and Dessler find a hacker named Alex Hewitt, possibly involved in fabricating the Cyprus recording. Jack heads to Hewitt's location, where he hides when Sherry arrives to find Hewitt for her own plan. Meanwhile, Novick tells David about the meeting, which they join. Prescott questions David's ability. He then brings Wieland for testimony. Then Stanton joins them on a video chat, revealing that he was innocent and tortured for nothing. David asks them to play of the rest of the interrogation tape, but Prescott states that there is no more. Finally Prescott asks for the evidence David claims to disprove the recording, and David states that it hasn't been obtained yet. The voting begins and David is deposed with 8 votes against 7. Prescott detains David, swears in as the President and orders the troops to move towards the three accused countries.
046 00. “Day 2 - 5;00 a.m. - 6;00 a.m.”
Jack locks up Sherry and her bodyguard and finds out her involvement. They capture Hewitt, who will testify in exchange for immunity. David convinces agent Aaron Pierce, appointed to watch him, to get him a cell phone so that he can talk to Jack for updates. CTU is informed of David's deposition, and Almeida informs Jack about it. Almeida tells Chappelle about Hewitt and asks for a helicopter to pick up Jack, which he denies. Chappelle also tells Almeida that he has been reassigned, essentially firing Almeida. Kim arrives at Matheson's to collect her belongings, not knowing that Gary is there. He kills the police officer who escorted Kim there, and attacks Kim, who hides in the ceiling. Dessler lures Chappelle to a room, where Almeida knocks him unconscious and sends the helicopter. Novick finds out about the phone and takes it from David, having Pierce arrested and another agent assigned to watch David. Kim overpowers Gary and takes his gun. She calls Jack for help, and he tells her to kill Gary in self-defense, which she does. He calls Kate and asks her to go and pick up Kim. Hewitt stabs Sherry and escapes, and Jack gives chase.
047 00. “Day 2 - 6;00 a.m. - 7;00 a.m.”
Hewitt gets critically wounded, needing the helicopter fast. Division agents arrive and find Chappelle, who returns the helicopter and has Almeida arrested while Dessler is working in a van outside. Hewitt succumbs to his wounds and Jack returns to Sherry and asks her for another way. She explains that they need to use Kingsley's confession. Dessler helps Jack produce Hewitt's phonetic template before she is found and arrested. Sherry calls Kingsley and plays Hewitt's forged voice, proving his presence. She arranges a deal to deliver him in exchange for taking the evidence Kingsley has against her. While driving to the location, Jack has a heart attack as a result of the immense torture he experienced previously, resulting in a crash. Meanwhile, Max and Trepkos are revealed to be Kingsley's co-conspirators. Novick informs David that a nearby country needs the latter's authorization to allow the U.S. military planes to pass, as David's deposition hasn't been made public yet. David agrees to talk to that country's head of state. David enlists the help of an operative from the Justice Department for his claim. Kate arrives and recovers Kim.
048 00. “Day 2 - 7;00 a.m. - 8;00 a.m.”
Jack and Sherry hijack a car and continue. The DOJ operative tells Novick about his findings; and the latter orders Chappelle to help Jack prove his claim. Sherry has a microphone put on her and enters the Los Angeles Coliseum, where she manages to deceive Kingsley to confess the recording's forgery and his involvement in it. Jack kills the snipers and attacks Kingsley's men while Sherry escapes. Jack manages to kill the mercenaries before he has another heart attack. Kingsley attempts to kill him before being fatally shot by CTU agents. Prescott decides to abort the attack as a result of the new evidence. He revokes his succession and offers David his resignation, which the latter refuses. However, the latter tells Novick that he expected his complete support and thus fires him. Kate and Kim arrive and reunite with Jack. Max tells Trepkos that he has another plan to trigger the war. Almeida and Dessler are released and the former stands up to Chappelle, who leaves the CTU building with Turner. Palmer gives a speech outside before he collapses as a result of being poisoned by Mandy.
Complete Season 3
049 00. “Day 3 - 1;00 p.m. - 2;00 p.m.”
Three years after the events of Day 2, Jack and Kim are working at CTU. Almeida and Dessler have married. President Palmer is competing with Senator John Keeler for the next term. A body is dropped off at a Los Angeles hospital, where it is diagnosed with Cordilla virus, which CTU is informed can cause a fast epidemic. Jack and Chase Edmunds, a fellow field ops agent go to a prison to visit Ramon Salazar, a drug lord Jack had arrested after infiltrating. The district attorney doesn't agree with Ramon's pardon because Ramon killed his family. An audio file is received from Hector, Ramon's brother in Mexico, demanding Ramon's freedom by threatening to release the virus in the U.S. Meanwhile, Jack is revealed to have ended his relationship with Warner because it interfered with his job. Kim and Edmunds are dating secretly while David is dating Anne Packard, his doctor, which is not approved by Wayne, David's brother and Chief of Staff. Jack is revealed to be addicted to heroin, but is trying to quit. Kyle Singer, a young American man, has been given a task by Hector's group.
050 00. “Day 3 - 2;00 p.m. - 3;00 p.m.”
Kim tells Jack about her relationship with Edmunds. CTU finds a lead, and Jack and Edmunds go to investigate it. On the way, Jack tells Edmunds that he brought Kim to CTU in order to protect her. He warns that Edmonds will threaten Kim with his career just as Jack's career had resulted in the death of his wife. The duo arrives at the location where a shootout occurs and they capture and torture a suspect, who reveals Singer's name. Jack orders Edmunds to return to CTU with the apparent reason of his protection. Meanwhile, Singer notices that his mother can't pay the rent and pays it himself, making her wonder how he obtained the money. The D.A. has the guards beat up Ramon. Gael Ortega, a CTU agent, appears to be spying for Hector. Keeler arrives at the University of Southern California for a scheduled debate with David. Wayne shows David Keeler's playbook, which contains his points of speech at the upcoming debate. David refuses to look at it; but it attracts his attention when Wayne reveals that Keeler plans to bring Packard's former husband Ted, who knows something that can ruin David's reputation.
051 00. “Day 3 - 3;00 p.m. - 4;00 p.m.”
Jack joins the Hazmat team and they head to Singer's house. Singer's father questions him about his money and finds the drug pack he is keeping. Singer escapes and his parents try to get rid of the pack; but CTU agents storm in and quarantine the house to detect the virus. No sign of infection is found, and Jack deduces that Singer must be carrying the virus himself. CTU tracks him, and Jack tells Almeida instead of Edmunds to recover Singer. Almeida intercepts Singer and tries to convince him to surrender, but one of Hector's mercenaries shoots Almeida in the neck and escapes while Singer also leaves the scene. Meanwhile, the D.A. visits Ramon on his request and a C.O. kills the D.A., revealing that his son was taken hostage. It is revealed that Ted worked for a pharmaceutical company and hired Anne to evaluate an experimental drug. The research was apparently fabricated. Anne claims that she didn't know about it, but Ted is willing to testify that she did. Wayne offers to pay Ted to keep him silent and David approves it.
052 00. “Day 3 - 4;00 p.m. - 5;00 p.m.”
Almeida is taken to a hospital and Dessler assumes command of CTU. Jack tells David that they need to deliver Ramon to Hector in order to stop the attack, which David denies as the U.S. government never negotiates with terrorists. Jack offers to break out Ramon alone and thus the government can achieve both goals. David implies his approval by saying nothing. Edmunds heads to the prison by himself to torture Ramon for information. Jack tells Kim to issue an executive order to deliver Ramon to him, which she does. Jack arrives at the prison, knocks Edmunds unconscious, locks him in Ramon's cell and takes the latter with him. As the duo tries to leave, Edmunds is freed by the warden and orders Jack be stopped. Jack opens the doors of the cells. The inmates get out and start a riot. Meanwhile, Singer joins his girlfriend and they are both captured by Hector's mercenaries. Wayne arranges his meeting with Ted and heads there. Anne convinces David to cancel the deal and disclose the truth; as she is innocent. Wayne returns without paying Ted.
053 00. “Day 3 - 5;00 p.m. - 6;00 p.m.”
David and Keeler start the debate. Jack and Ramon attack two counter riot guards and wear their uniforms. They are taken hostage by the rioters along with a few other guards. In captivity, Singer attempts suicide; but his girlfriend saves him. The rioters perform a Russian roulette and pick Jack and another guard for the game. The guard dies and Ramon is brought to compete Jack. The guards storm in the room, giving Jack and Ramon the chance to escape. At the debate, Keeler states Anne's case and David counters it by stating it to be a minor matter compared to other national issues. Agent Chloe O'Brian finds injection gadgets in Jack's office and informs Dessler. Jack and Ramon reach the yard and Jack uses Ramon as human shield, convincing Edmunds to let them leave as it is the only way to stop Hector's attack. CTU agents find and arrest Singer and his girlfriend. Jack and Ramon get in a helicopter. Edmunds is informed Singer has been found, and he tries to inform Jack, who ignores him and flies the helicopter with Ramon.
054 00. “Day 3 - 6;00 p.m. - 7;00 p.m.”
Having arrived at CTU, Chappelle states that Army helicopters will shoot down Jack and Ramon if they don't surrender. Edmunds reminds Chappelle of the friendship between Jack and David, and advises him to inform David before he makes an attempt on Jack's life. While Keeler asks a challenging question from David at the debate, Wayne informs David about Jack. David withdraws with the reason of national security, and Keeler claims that to be just an excuse. The Hazmat team examines Singer for infection. David orders the helicopters to shoot; but Jack has managed to reach on top of a populated region and the helicopters are ordered to hold in order to avoid civilian casualty. Jack and Ramon land and evade the agents. Singer is revealed to be clean, surprising everyone. Jack and Ramon arrive at an airstrip, where Ramon tries to kill Jack, but Hector's men reveal that he is wanted alive. Ramon has Jack knocked out and they get in the plane. Kim finds out about Ortega before he confronts her.
055 00. “Day 3 - 7;00 p.m. - 8;00 p.m.”
Ortega locks Kim in the mainframe. Agent Kaufman finds and frees her. Ortega tries to escape, but is captured by security. He refuses to talk, and Chappelle brings a professional agent to inject Ortega with sodium amytal truth serum. Ramon tries to kill Jack on the plane but the mercenaries stop him. Jack frees himself and holds the others at gunpoint. Edmunds finds a former associate of the Salazars and forces him to find Hector's residence in Mexico. Almeida regains consciousness and Dessler updates him. He convinces her to sign his dismissal papers so that he can return to CTU. Edmunds finds Jack's destination, calls Kim and tells her that he needs to cut his connection in order to save Jack. Hector arrives with his men at the airstrip. Almeida arrives and stops Ortega's interrogation. The plane lands and Jack frees Ramon before Jack is appeared to be working for Hector. Jack sends Ortega a signal by his watch; and Ortega interprets it as Jack's successful infiltration. Meanwhile, Anne gets a call from Ted, who claims to have documents proving her innocence, apparently having had a change of heart.
056 00. “Day 3 - 8;00 p.m. - 9;00 p.m.”
Almeida plays a video recorded by Jack earlier. One month ago Jack learned that the virus would be available in the black market soon. He decided to infiltrate the Salazar organization and have them buy the virus so that CTU could intercept and secure it. Because of the importance of the mission, only Almeida and Ortega knew about it. Hector tells Ramon about the deal; and Jack states he only wants to collect his share and disappear. Jack is revealed to be involved with Claudia Hernandez, Hector's girlfriend, whom Jack promised to free from Hector's captivity. Hector reveals to Ramon that he intends to kill Jack after achieving the virus. As Edmunds arrives in Mexico, Salazar mercenaries attack and capture him. Jack calls Michael Amador, the seller, and arranges for the deal. Ramon tests Jack's loyalty by giving him an empty gun to shoot Edmunds; and Jack passes it. Edmunds attacks him and damages his watch and the transponder in it. Ramon orders his men to torture Edmunds for information. Meanwhile, Ted gives the documents to Anne before committing suicide. She ends her relationship with David.
057 00. “Day 3 - 9;00 p.m. - 10;00 p.m.”
Hernandez tries to give Jack a phone so that he can call CTU to be traced, but fails. He tells her to free Edmunds, who can save her and her family. Jack and the brothers arrive at the location, where Nina Myers also arrives with plans to buy the virus for her own employer. She detects Jack and tries to persuade Amador that Jack is still working for the government, but fails. Dessler tells Chappelle that Almeida is unfit to lead CTU as a result of his injury; but Almeida proves his capability and consolidates his position, starting a friction between the couple. Amador holds an auction and Myers' party wins. The brothers decide to kill Jack, who convinces them to give him another chance to obtain the virus. Hernandez tells Edmunds her plan to break him out and prepares her family. Meanwhile, David gets a call from one of his sponsors, Alan Milliken, who invites him to his mansion without Wayne. David arrives and Alan reveals that Wayne was previously involved with Julia, Alan's wife. Alan asks David to fire Wayne from his staff. Wayne fails in convincing David to accept it.
058 00. “Day 3 - 10;00 p.m. - 11;00 p.m.”
The brothers and Jack return to the residence. O'Brian gets a call from a woman and recovers an infant from her and secretly brings it to her workplace. CTU locates Amador and informs Jack. He and Ramon head to intercept Myers while Hector stays behind. Hernandez breaks out Edmunds and they enter a truck with her father and brother. The mercenaries spot them leaving and shoot them, killing Hernandez. Chappelle finds out about the infant and orders O'Brian to get it out soon. Jack and Ramon get to the warehouse Myers is staying. Edmunds updates CTU. Jack infiltrates alone and kills everyone except Myers and one mercenary before being captured. Jack apparently convinces Myers that he has left the government behind and is after money only. She kills her mercenary and starts kissing Jack. Meanwhile, David realizes that Alan is ordering his puppet Senators to vote against his bill. He promises Wayne to solve the problem and calls Sherry for help.
059 00. “Day 3 - 11;00 p.m. - 12;00 a.m.”
Edmunds and the Mexicans join Delta forces. Jack manages to get himself free and capture Myers, and he updates Ramon. Hector finds Hernandez's body; He calls Ramon and tells him to cancel the deal, which Ramon refuses. They get Myers to cooperate. The virus is brought to Amador. O'Brian tasks Kim with watching after the baby until she finishes an errand, telling Kim that the baby is hers. Myers tells Ramon about Jack's past and his untrustworthiness. Jack orders her to answer Amador's call and they arrange the location of the deal. Hector arrives at the warehouse and starts arguing with Ramon. Jack secretly calls CTU and reports the location. Almeida tasks the forces to move. Chappelle decides to suspend O'Brian for keeping the baby; but Dessler reminds him of O'Brian's skills and changes his mind. The Salazar team enters a nearby warehouse at the location, and Hector tries to cancel the plan before being shot by Ramon. Meanwhile, David is visited by Sherry and tasks her with finding something in Alan's past to blackmail him with.
060 00. “Day 3 - 12;00 a.m. - 1;00 a.m.”
Hector succumbs to his wound. Myers tells Ramon that she can prove Jack's plan. She shows him a nearby hill where she is sure Jack has tasked an agent for watching. Ramon sends a team to check it. Edmunds forces Ramon's mercenary to tell him on the radio that he hasn't found anything. Kaufman tells Kim that the baby can't be O'Brian's. O'Brian makes up a story about the baby. Myers heads to the deal. Amador arrives and gives the virus to her for testing. It is confirmed and he secretly replaces it with a fake one, which is actually a bomb. The deal is done and she returns with the vial. They are attacked by the Delta forces and Ramon and Myers escape. Ramon is intercepted and dies with the explosion of the vial. Amador is stopped by Delta forces, who are neutralized by Amador's mercenaries hiding. With no other lead, Jack orders the search for Myers. Meanwhile, Sherry meets a man who is willing to testify against Alan for murder if his son is pardoned, but he disappears. She arranges a meeting with Julia.
061 00. “Day 3 - 1;00 a.m. - 2;00 a.m.”
Jack manages to capture Myers. They get on a plane, where she reveals the name Marcus Alvers, a man affiliated with Amador. She gives Jack a number to call. When he does, it triggers a worm that begins freezing CTU servers and disclosing the identities of its Undercover agents in terrorist networks around the world. She demands the return of the plane to Mexico and a safe jump outside for her in exchange for giving the kill code. Jack tells Almeida to use the help of O'Brian, who is being questioned by Chappelle about the baby. She returns and starts working on the worm. Almeida orders the plane to return, but Jack forces the pilot to continue. O'Brian manages to stop the worm, but Chappelle forces her to talk about the baby who is revealed to be Edmunds', shocking Kim. Meanwhile, Sherry visits Julia at the mansion before Alan interrupts them. The ensuing argument triggers his condition, needing his medication. Sherry doesn't allow Julia to give it to him; and he dies. Sherry tells Julia to make up a story for the police and not reveal her presence.
062 00. “Day 3 - 2;00 a.m. - 3;00 a.m.”
Myers is brought to CTU, where Almeida starts questioning her. Chappelle and another agent from Division debrief Jack about his addiction, which he explains went through for his cover in the Salazar organization. Amador arrives at a bar and has a rendezvous with Alvers. Edmunds explains to Kim that the baby was conceived before he started dating her; and he didn't know about it for a long time. He states that he still loves her. Almeida orders truth serum on Myers. While it's being injected, she critically wounds herself and is transferred to medical care, where she manages to escape confinement. Kim finds her in a room, where Myers pulls a gun on Kim before being fatally shot by Jack. Meanwhile, Sherry returns and tells David that she didn't go to the mansion as he suggested. He later finds out about Alan and confronts her, who states that she had an argument with Alan, but doesn't say anything about the medication. She says that it must be covered because the press will ruin David's campaign if revealed. Later, Wayne calls Julia, who reveals the truth to him.
063 00. “Day 3 - 3;00 a.m. - 4;00 a.m.”
Chappelle blames Jack for killing Myers, believing it to be for revenge instead of self-defense. Stephen Saunders, the original buyer, arrives at the bar and obtains the virus. He is revealed to have picked a medium-populated target for sending a message. CTU gets the location of the bar. Jack and Edmunds head there, capture Amador and start interrogating him. They deduce a hotel to be a target. Dessler and Ortega lead a team to secure the hotel. They arrive and Dessler captures Alvers, who reveals where he has planted the virus. Ortega finds it before it detonates and infects him while spreading into the ventilation system. Meanwhile, Wayne keeps the truth hidden from David before confronting Sherry. A detective questions Julia and finds discrepancies in her statements. She finally tells the truth and the detective calls Sherry, who denies Julia's statements and says that she hadn't met her that night.
064 00. “Day 3 - 4;00 a.m. - 5;00 a.m.”
CTU shuts down the ventilation system to minimize the effect. Alvers and Dessler make a deal for her to kill him if he starts showing symptoms; in exchange he reveals that he has added a chemical compound to the virus accelerating its effect. Ortega starts having a nosebleed and showing other symptoms. One of the staff tries to break out of quarantine but Dessler convinces him to stay. One of the guests also tries to break out before he is fatally shot by Dessler. Meanwhile, Jack leaves the room Amador is held in, giving Amador the chance to escape. This is revealed to be CTU's plan in order to follow Amador, who meets Saunders' operative in a car, which explodes and kills them. Jack gets a call from Saunders, who has delivered the vials to his operatives, and connects him to David. Saunders threatens to release the virus in more populated regions if his demands aren't fulfilled. In the meantime, David lies to the police by confirming Sherry's alibi before expressing her his displeasure and demanding her to leave.
065 00. “Day 3 - 5;00 a.m. - 6;00 a.m.”
Dessler asks Alvers about Saunders' name, which he doesn't know. Jack instructs CTU to show Alvers the pictures of Jack's previous associates who are presumed dead. Saunders is identified and it is revealed that he was one of the members of Jack's team during the mission to attack Victor Drazen. Saunders was believed to have died along with other members. CTU enlists the help of MI6 and identifies Saunders' former girlfriend, Diana White. Jack and Edmunds detain her and head to the MI6 substation for more intel. Saunders sends an untraceable phone to David for communication and demands him to give a hidden message in a press conference, which he does. MI6 is attacked by Saunders' mercenaries, White dies and a bomb destroys almost all of the data after Jack recovers a drive. Saunders discovers that Chappelle is investigating one of Saunders' bank accounts and is very skilled at it. Saunders calls David and demands Chappelle be killed and his body delivered in an hour. Meanwhile, Ortega dies as result of the infection.
066 00. “Day 3 - 6;00 a.m. - 7;00 a.m.”
Jack informs Chappelle of Saunders' demand. CTU identifies a possible location of Saunders, and Edmunds leads a team there while Jack and Chappelle head to the place Saunders designated for Chapelle to be at. Edmunds' team storms in but finds out that Saunders has only forwarded his connection through there. Jack gives Chappelle a chance to talk to anyone he wishes on the phone before his death, but Chappelle states that there is no one. He convinces Jack to let him do it himself, but hesitates and Jack kills him after begging for absolution. Meanwhile, Dessler convinces Almeida to send suicide capsules to the hotel and offers them to the infected people as a painless death, which some accept. An infected woman reveals that she had a one-night stand with a man that night; and CTU fails to find him at the hotel, deducing that he has left and can cause an epidemic. She states that she doesn't know his name and identifies him by his picture. He arrives home, revealed to be married, and notices his nose bleed.
067 00. “Day 3 - 7;00 a.m. - 8;00 a.m.”
Stephen Saunders' mercenaries claim Chappelle's body. David tells CTU that he will not obey Stephen anymore and they must find him soon. CTU identifies Stephen's daughter, Jane, who is studying at a university. Kim is picked as the best physical match for use as a double for Jane. Jack and Edmunds disagree, but Kim decides to do it. Jack leads her team while Edmunds is instructed to command a group to find the infected man outside. Stephen demands David send him the list of the undercover agents working for the U.S. government. Jack's team arrives at the university, abducts Jane secretly and Kim wears her clothes and goes to her workplace. Jack starts questioning Jane before Kim is spotted by Stephen's operative, who is killed in the ensuing struggle. Meanwhile, Edmunds' team storms in the man's house and finds him gone. They start questioning his wife while he goes to a drugstore for his nosebleed and then a hospital, where he is spotted and quarantined. Edmunds questions him for his possible contacts with other civilians. CTU begins to assess the epidemic.
068 00. “Day 3 - 8;00 a.m. - 9;00 a.m.”
Jack returns to Jane and proves Stephen Saunders' actions, scaring her. She reveals that Stephen gave her a special phone number for emergencies. She calls that number and Stephen answers, being traced by CTU. Dessler's test is negative and she leaves the hotel. David states that if Stephen doesn't cooperate, they'll need to force him using his daughter Jane, as there is no other choice. Stephen doesn't leave his place although he knows CTU is coming. Kim is instructed to transfer Jane to CTU. Kaufman learns from O'Brian that his sister has become infected. David gathers the reporters and encourages them to tell the people to stay home. Jack, Edmunds and other agents arrive at Saunders' location and surround the building. Stephen calls Almeida and shows him a live video of Dessler being held at gunpoint. Stephen demands Almeida give him a safe passage out of the building. Almeida orders the agents watching one of the exits to move to another. Stephen leaves through the exit without being noticed.
069 00. “Day 3 - 9;00 a.m. - 10;00 a.m.”
Stephen calls Almeida and offers the exchange of Dessler for Jane, who is brought to CTU. Jack's team enters the building and finds it empty. Almeida tells them that it was a technical mistake. Jack starts investigating the truth about Almeida's actions. Kaufman and O'Brian believe that Stephen has a mole in CTU. Jane talks to Stephen on the phone while Almeida and Dessler talk. Jack discovers that Almeida tried to cover up his mistake and thus takes over the command of CTU. O'Brian enters the mainframe and finds the conversations between Almeida and Stephen, discovering the situation with Dessler. Almeida cuts Chloe's connection and locks her in the room. He breaks out Jane and they leave. Jack rescues O'Brian and finds out about Dessler. Meanwhile, Keeler begins to lose popularity after he humiliated David for leaving the debate with a national security excuse, and the threat turning out to be real. Sherry arrives at Keeler's office and reveals her adventures and David's complicity to him, advising Keeler to blackmail David to withdraw from his campaign. Keeler arranges to visit David.
070 00. “Day 3 - 10;00 a.m. - 11;00 a.m.”
Jack intercepts Almeida's car and promises him to save Dessler. Almeida gets another call from Stephen, who informs the location of the exchange; but Jack advises Almeida not to surrender to Stephen's wishes and hangs up. Stephen calls again and arranges a second location, which Jack believes can be secured by CTU more easily. Dessler manages to escape confinement and calls CTU. Jack persuades her to return and surrender so that CTU can capture Stephen at the exchange as planned. Almeida and Jane arrive while agents are watching. Dessler and Jane are released simultaneously. Jane decides to return to Almeida. Stephen exits his car to return Dessler, being confirmed by CTU. A shootout starts and Stephen tries to enter his helicopter for extraction before it is destroyed by the Air Force and he is arrested. Meanwhile, Edmunds decides to leave field ops after the mission in order to be with Kim and his daughter. Keeler visits David and makes his demand. Wayne convinces David to let him hire a professional burglar to recover the evidence from Sherry's house.
071 00. “Day 3 - 11;00 a.m. - 12;00 p.m.”
Almeida is arrested by Division agents. Stephen states that every vial has an attached GPS device that has a code for locating, and he has memorized all codes in order to keep them safe. Jack tells Jane to convince Stephen to cooperate, and she tries but to no avail. Jack orders the agents to take her inside the hotel and infect her, forcing Stephen to change his mind. Almeida is informed that he can face death penalty for committing an act of treason by breaking out Jane. Stephen reveals all the codes and all but one of the vials are secured by federal and local law enforcement forces across the country. The remaining vial is in Los Angeles and is tracked to a subway station. Jack, Edmunds and other agents arrive and find out that the operative has removed the GPS device. They lock down the station. Meanwhile, David arranges a meeting with Sherry in order to pull her out. Wayne and his recruit enter the house, but fail to find the evidence. She returns and they find it on her. As they leave, Wayne notices Julia entering the house. She kills Sherry before committing suicide.
072 00. “Day 3 - 12;00 p.m. - 1;00 p.m.”
Stephen is brought to CTU and states that the operative's name is Arthur Rabens. The former is instructed to detect Rabens by images captured from every individual at the station. Edmunds tells Jack about his plan after the mission. Ortega's wife arrives to claim his belongings. She finds out that Stephen is the mastermind and fatally shoots him. Jack notices Rabens and starts following him with Edmunds. They arrive at a school full of children. Edmunds finds Rabens and engages him before being overpowered. Edmunds locks his hand to the vial. Jack arrives and kills Rabens. Jack is guided by a professional agent for defusing the device; but is unsuccessful. Edmunds convinces Jack to cut the former's hand and secure the vial, which Jack does. Almeida is transferred out of CTU to be processed. Meanwhile, Wayne returns and explains to David what happened. Wayne offers to make a scenario to cover up the truth; but David decides to withdraw from the campaign.
Complete Season 4
073 00. “Day 4 - 7;00 a.m. - 8;00 a.m.”
18 months after the events of Day 3, Bauer is revealed to be working for Secretary of Defense James Heller while secretly dating his daughter Audrey Raines. Jack arrives at CTU Los Angeles on James' behalf to discuss a financial matter with Director Driscoll, who had fired Jack due to his heroin addiction. CTU finds out about a terrorist attack, which is connected to an earlier attack when an important briefcase was robbed from its carrier in a crashed train. The attack is intended to launch that day. CTU tracks terrorist associate Tomas Sherek, and Ronnie Lobell, the head of field ops, is instructed to arrest him. Using Bauer's help, Lobell manages to find Sherek hiding, and he is brought to CTU for questioning. Meanwhile, James visits his son, Richard, to convince him not to talk against the government at a lobby. Bauer enters the interrogation room by force and tortures Sherek, who reveals James as the target. CTU is too late to warn him, and James and Raines are abducted. Meanwhile, Andrew Paige, a hacker, finds suspicious activity on the Internet and informs agent O'Brian. Paige escapes the terrorists who target him for his finding. Navi Araz, a Turkish patriarch, receives the briefcase.
074 00. “Day 4 - 8;00 a.m. - 9;00 a.m.”
Driscoll detains Bauer. She notices O'Brian's report of Paige and frees Bauer to find him, ordering Lobell to supervise Bauer. Paige is tracked by Kalil Hasan, an operative, to a station, where Bauer and Lobell also arrive. Hasan captures and abducts Paige, seen by the other duo. Bauer suggests following them instead of arresting Hasan, which Lobell refuses and moves to arrest Hasan, who fatally shoots him. Bauer gives chase. Meanwhile, CTU believes Richard to be involved and starts questioning him. James and Raines are brought to Omar, the leader, who starts a broadcast showing James and promising a trial. Navi instructs Behrooz, his teenage son, to deliver the briefcase to the compound where James and Raines are taken. Behrooz gets a call from Debbie Pendleton, his former girlfriend, with whom he ended his relationship at Navi's demand. Behrooz delivers the case before noticing Pendleton, who has followed him there. When he returns, Navi gets angry at him for revealing the location to her.
075 00. “Day 4 - 9;00 a.m. - 10;00 a.m.”
While chasing Hasan, Bauer calls and updates Driscoll, disobeying her order to arrest Hasan and continuing his chase. She orders the agents to find and arrest Bauer. O'Brian starts helping him secretly. Hasan takes Paige to a secluded place and starts torturing him before he leaves and orders his men to kill him. Bauer kills the operatives before they can finish Paige and continues following Hasan, who stops at a road store. O'Brian tells Bauer that satellite support isn't ready yet. He decides to make time by wearing a mask and beginning an armed robbery. Meanwhile, CTU uses truth serum on Richard initially; but agent Curtis Manning convinces Driscoll to use sensory disorientation instead. Omar forces James to sign a document of confession of committing war crimes by threatening to kill Raines. James states that his signature will become a scandal for the government. Dina, Navi's wife and Behrooz's mother, states that they need to be sure Pendleton doesn't talk to anyone about the compound and thus, invites her to the house; and she arrives.
076 00. “Day 4 - 10;00 a.m. - 11;00 a.m.”
Bauer secures the hostages. A police officer arrives and Bauer is forced to capture him too. Bauer forces him to tell his superiors on the radio that everything is fine; but one of the hostages shouts and the police surround the store minutes later. Bauer takes Hasan as human shield and exits the store, forcing the police to let them get in a car and leave. Bauer abandons Hasan on the road and leaves. Hasan hijacks a car and continues to his destination while being tracked by satellite. Bauer is stopped and arrested by the police. Meanwhile, Marianne Taylor, a consultant who has a personal problem with Manning, arrives at CTU, trying to gain intel; but everyone ignores her. She finds out that agent Edgar Stiles is helping O'Brian in her assistance of Bauer. Erin Driscoll finds out about O'Brian and arrests her; and Taylor threatens Stiles to reveal his involvement if he doesn't perform her demands. Dina fatally poisons Pendleton, stating that she could have been a risk. James and Raines attempt to break out, but fail. Erin finds out that Maya, her daughter who suffers from schizophrenia, is arrested for violence and has her transferred to CTU.
077 00. “Day 4 - 11;00 a.m. - 12;00 p.m.”
Erin Driscoll orders the police to free Bauer. CTU starts tracking Hasan, who finds out and informs Omar before committing suicide to avoid interrogation. With the potential destinations narrowed down, CTU finds the location using thermal imaging of satellite. Bauer heads there for reconnaissance. President John Keeler is told that there isn't enough time for a rescue mission; considering the broadcast and the execution will become a political scandal, he is convinced to order the compound be bombed, which would kill James and Raines. Erin informs Bauer and tells him not to go in; but he does. Meanwhile, Omar delivers the briefcase to an American associate before James and Raines are saved from suicide. Raines recognizes the American. Dina makes it seem that Behrooz killed Debbie to protect him from Navi. Karen, Debbie's mother arrives at the Araz's to find her before she is convinced that Debbie is not there. Erin offers O'Brian the option to resign in order to avoid prosecution, which she accepts.
078 00. “Day 4 - 12;00 p.m. - 1;00 p.m.”
Bauer infiltrates the compound, finding Audrey in her cell. Bauer heads to save James, who is taken for the broadcast. As the operative tries to execute James, Bauer arrives and a shootout starts. They head outside and resist until the Marines arrive and neutralize the operatives, including Omar. Raines tells Bauer about the briefcase and the American man. She recalls the place she'd previously seen the man. They return to CTU, where Erin decides to reconcile her difference with Bauer. James orders CTU to continue torturing Richard. Paul, Audrey's husband against whom she is filing a divorce, arrives to see her and finds out about the affair. CTU finds out that the briefcase belongs to McLennan-Forster, a government contractor, and contains an override device that can cause meltdowns at the nuclear reactors across the country. Taylor reports CTU's discovery to an unknown person. Navi instructs Behrooz to help another associate bury Debbie's body outside the city. They arrive and Behrooz realizes that the associate intends to kill him on Navi's order and thus he kills the associate.
079 00. “Day 4 - 1;00 p.m. - 2;00 p.m.”
CTU estimates millions of casualties as a result of the upcoming meltdowns. Bauer and Audrey head to the building where she recalled seeing the American man to try to obtain information as to his identity. Bauer and Audrey arrive and start checking the camera footage. They are attacked by operatives and a shootout starts. Audrey suggests to call CTU for backup, but Bauer states that CTU can not be trusted because there is a mole who had informed the terrorists of their mission. He calls someone he says he can trust and the duo heads outside, where Tony Almeida arrives and saves them; and the trio escapes. Stiles offers a way to stop the meltdowns, and James allows it. Stiles manages to stop the meltdown of all the reactors except five, which James states can only be stopped by Bauer's lead. Meanwhile, Richard is freed as he seems not to know anything. Dina gets angry with Navi for having Behrooz killed. Behrooz calls her and she arranges a secret meeting. Navi finds out and forces her to help him capture Behrooz. She arrives at the location, informs Behrooz and they escape; but she is shot in the arm by Navi. Navi convinces Habib Marwan, the mastermind, to aid him in the capture of Dina and Behrooz.
080 00. “Day 4 - 2;00 p.m. - 3;00 p.m.”
Bauer calls Heller and tells him to find the mole. Heller instructs a specialist to find the mole. Jack, Tony and Audrey arrive at Almeida's, where they continue investigating the camera footage. Taylor is advised by Henry Powell, the man Audrey recalled, to divert attention to a false mole; and agent Sarah Gavin is picked. Erin orders the truth serum on Sarah. It is revealed that Bauer helped Almeida avoid incarceration for his actions. He was angry and unable to find a job and pushed Michelle Dessler away from himself; and now he blames her for leaving him. Audrey identifies Powell before agents arrive and return her to CTU. Bauer and Almeida head to Powell's location and manage to capture him, but he is killed by a sniper after the duo captures him. Meanwhile, Stiles reveals that Taylor is the real mole; she escapes the building before being captured by Manning in the car park. A car bomb explodes, intended for her, but killing an agent instead. Behrooz gets Dina to a hospital, where she is treated before the staff calls the police and the duo escapes.
081 00. “Day 4 - 3;00 p.m. - 4;00 p.m.”
As Taylor managed to enter CTU by having leverage over Erin and Manning in the first place, Erin delays her report to Division in order to make time for him to manipulate the report. Bauer finds Dina's number in Powell's cell phone and calls it. CTU manages to track its location. Behrooz leaves for a hospital to ask his uncle, who works there, for help. CTU forces storm in and capture Dina. Bauer convinces Keeler to sign immunity for Behrooz and offers it to Dina in exchange for her cooperation, which she accepts if Behrooz is secured first. CTU sends forces to the hospital to locate Behrooz. Meanwhile, Navi arrives at the hospital and kills Behrooz's uncle, who had informed him of his son's location, and captures Behrooz. Navi tries to kill the Behrooz, who warns him of CTU's pending arrival. Navi takes Behrooz as human shield and proceeds to the basement. Meanwhile, Stiles notices his mother is in the exposure zone of a meltdown and makes calls to get her out; but she asks him to let her die. He tries to leave in order to save her himself, but Erin convinces him to stay and do his job, protecting thousands of people.
082 00. “Day 4 - 4;00 p.m. - 5;00 p.m.”
Bauer infiltrates the basement, where Navi receives a call from Dina, who intends to distract him for Bauer. Behrooz fatally shoots Navi and is taken into CTU custody. Dina reveals a location vital to the planning of the nuclear meltdowns. Bauer's team heads there and finds it to be a planning room. They find one of Paul's companies to be involved somehow. Audrey is informed and goes to his hotel room to keep him occupied. Paul thinks she has come for romantic purposes before getting angry for her weird behavior. Bauer and the team arrives and Paul is arrested. Almeida returns to CTU and Erin gives him provisional access to do his job. Meanwhile, Stiles states that his procedure can only delay the meltdowns, not stop them. Gavin accepts to continue working if her arrest report is expunged. Taylor states that she will talk if she is granted immunity, but Manning states that she can only get to survive by cooperating. She agrees to help the investigation and heads with Manning to a company in the downtown Rockland building where they may be able to find a list of those involved. Forbes, an operative affiliated with Marwan, arrives with his men, kills Taylor and captures Manning.
083 00. “Day 4 - 5;00 p.m. - 6;00 p.m.”
Forbes orders his men to torture Manning for information. Bauer does the same to Paul, making Audrey believe she was wrong about Bauer's personality. CTU manages to find the name of a major shareholder named Harris with Paul's help. It is revealed that Marwan has been using that name as a fake identity. CTU also discovers that Marwan/Harris has been renting space at the very company where Manning is currently being held. Almeida forces Dina to talk; and she reveals that Marwan is the mastermind and all the cells report to him. She confirms the building is Marwan's place of operation and where the override is, and Bauer and other agents head there. Manning manages to free himself and joins other agents after knocking Forbes unconscious. They kill an associate of Marwan and manage to find the override at Marwan's office. He escapes by causing a panic after shooting a bullet. Manning manages to stop the meltdowns with Stiles' help. Marwan kills an agent and wears his uniform in order to escape. Bauer realizes what happened and warns the agents. Meanwhile, Maya causes disturbances at CTU and gets upset because of Erin ignoring her. Maya commits suicide.
084 00. “Day 4 - 6;00 p.m. - 7;00 p.m.”
Paul offers Bauer help in investigating Marwan's office computer and heads there with Bauer. Heller suggests Erin drop her command of CTU because of her loss, but she decides to continue her job. She continues to show emotional compromise, and Almeida suggests assuming provisional command to Heller. McLennan, the head of the company, is informed about Marwan. Bauer and Paul arrive at the company and are introduced to Dave Conlon, the head of security. They start working on the computer while Erin leaves CTU for Almeida to take over. McLennan is convinced to order an EMP device to be exploded in order to fry the computer, since the information discovered can incriminate the company too. Paul finds an encrypted file; Bauer prints it before the system can turn off, then leaves in order to stop the bomb. Paul is captured by Conlon, who demands the paper. The bomb explodes and the nearby buildings lose power. Dessler arrives from Division to assume command.
085 00. “Day 4 - 7;00 p.m. - 8;00 p.m.”
Almeida updates Dessler on Bauer's situation. Conlon orders his men to torture Paul for the paper and leaves. Bauer arrives, kills the mercenaries and saves Paul. They escape to the streets, where it's almost dark as a result of the power loss. Conlon assembles the company's skilled mercenaries and leads them to find the duo and kill them. The duo takes shelter in a gun store which is owned by two Middle Eastern brothers who decide to stay and help them. Bauer intentionally misses his shot at a mercenary, who informs the others. They arrive and a shootout starts. Satellites detect the heat signature and Almeida deduces that it is Bauer's plan to inform CTU of his whereabouts. CTU agents arrive and neutralize the mercenaries. Conlon tries to shoot Bauer but Paul interferes and takes the bullet before Conlon is killed. Meanwhile, Almeida and Dessler begin to settle their personal problem. She fires Gavin when the latter demands her arrest report be expunged immediately. Mitch Anderson, a former Air Force pilot, is revealed to be hired by Marwan to attack Keeler.
086 00. “Day 4 - 8;00 p.m. - 9;00 p.m.”
Paul is taken to the medical subunit. Dessler convinces O'Brian to return. CTU decrypts the writings of the paper and finds the name, Joseph Fayed. Bauer offers Dina a new deal for her immunity in exchange for infiltrating Fayed's cell and helping CTU capture Marwan. She accepts and CTU makes a scenario where she has managed to capture Bauer. They go to Fayed's house. Fayed calls Marwan, who orders him to bring the duo to him. Meanwhile, John Hansen, an Air Force pilot, is told by Marwan's operatives that John's family has been taken hostage by their men and will be killed if John does not obey their instructions. Fayed delivers Dina and Jack to Marwan's men and separates before committing suicide to avoid capture. The duo is brought to Marwan, who tests Dina's loyalty by ordering her to shoot Bauer. She attempts on Marwan but the gun is revealed to be empty. She is killed by Marwan's men. Hansen enters an Air Force base while secretly transferring Anderson, who kills Hansen and uses his fingerprint to enter the base.
087 00. “Day 4 - 9;00 p.m. - 10;00 p.m.”
Anderson informs Marwan that there is a technical problem with the plane, which will be repaired in an hour. Marwan tells Anderson to deal with it fast. Marwan deduces that CTU will find out his plan in time to stop it and decides to keep them occupied with another issue. O'Brian is informed that her position has been swapped with Stiles' after her reinstatement. Marwan offers CTU an exchange of Behrooz with Bauer. CTU starts investigating the connection between Behrooz and Marwan, using truth serum on Behrooz. Bill Buchanan arrives from Division and assumes command. O'Brian offers two trackers to be planted on Behrooz; one being easily found and dissuading the searchers from continuing. Bauer secretly manipulates a phone line while in captivity. Buchanan approves the exchange and orders the trackers to be planted. The exchange is successful, but Marwan's operatives find and destroy the trackers. Bauer tells CTU about the phone line, which can help in their efforts to find Marwan. Anderson boards a stealth fighter and takes off.
088 00. “Day 4 - 10;00 p.m. - 11;00 p.m.”
CTU manages to find Marwan's location before storming in. Marwan escapes and a bomb explodes, destroying most of the data. CTU recovers the identity of Nicole, an associate of Marwan's. An FBI agent is sent to question her, but she kills the agent and assumes her badge. Bauer arrives at the house and encounters her as an agent. They start searching until Bauer realizes the truth and kills her. He finds out about the fighter and informs CTU, which deduces that Air Force One is the target. Keeler tells Vice President Charles Logan to be ready to assume the Oval Office if Keeler is attacked, but Logan shows anxiety. Bauer unsuccessfully tries to dissuade Anderson, who is revealed to have been fired because of his addiction. Air Force One is shot by Anderson. Meanwhile, Paul regains consciousness. Almeida notices the intimacy between Dessler and Buchanan. He finds out that the pair have a long history and confronts her, accusing her of infidelity during the time they were legally married, which she denies.
089 00. “Day 4 - 11;00 p.m. - 12;00 a.m.”
Air Force One crashes in the desert, and Keeler is critically wounded. Anderson is revealed to have been shot down. Mike Novick, now working for Logan, informs Logan of the situation, prompting him to invoke the 25th Amendment. Audrey tells Bauer that CTU needs to recover the "football," a briefcase containing the codes to the U.S. nuclear arsenal, from the crash site. A couple on a camping trip in the desert comes upon the crash site, finds the briefcase, and calls the police. Bauer contacts them and instructs them to damage the transponder secreted in the briefcase so it cannot be tracked. Marwan and his men, who have already homed in on the transponder, arrive and start looking for the couple, who are found and captured in a reserve power station where Jack told them to hide. Marwan forces them to turn over the contents of the briefcase, and he absconds. Bauer arrives, saves the couple from being killed, and retrieves the contents before realizing Marwan has taken a page showing the location and activation codes of the warheads. The Cabinet unanimously approves Logan's ascension, and he is sworn in as President. Meanwhile, Buchanan tells Almeida that Dessler still cares about him.
090 00. “Day 4 - 12;00 a.m. - 1;00 a.m.”
CTU is informed that a warhead has been stolen. One of Marwan's operatives uses a forbidden credit card, traced by CTU. Marwan orders him to meet an associate named Joseph Prado for help. CTU storms into their meeting place and finds the operative killed by Prado He claims it to have been in self-defense, but is arrested anyway. Marwan calls a human rights organization and informs them of the upcoming torture of Prado. As Prado is brought to CTU for truth serum, a lawyer arrives and demands to visit him in order to ensure the enforcement of Prado's legal rights. Buchanan has no choice but to allow it. Bauer contacts Logan and requests permission to torture Prado. Novick supports it but Walt Cummings, another assistant, opposes. Logan denies the request. Bauer convinces Buchanan to fire him and release Prado, so that he can torture Prado while leaving CTU out of the crime. The plan works, and Bauer extracts Marwan's location from Prado.
091 00. “Day 4 - 1;00 a.m. - 2;00 a.m.”
Logan finds out about Bauer and orders Secret Service to arrest him. Bauer leads a team to Marwan's location, and they manage to identify Marwan who records a video of himself addressing the American people, promising upcoming attacks. Secret Service arrives and Marwan manages to escape, leaving the tape behind. Logan realizes that he is incapable of running the office and decides to resign, but Novick dissuades him and calls former President David Palmer for help. Bauer is released on Logan's order. Marwan's operative, Sabir Ardakani, is questioned by his suspicious girlfriend, but his supervisor tells him he will handle the problem. The woman calls and informs CTU. O'Brian is tasked to investigate it and heads to her house, where she starts analyzing the computer before an operative arrives and attacks them. O'Brian manages to kill him.
092 00. “Day 4 - 2;00 a.m. - 3;00 a.m.”
Palmer arrives at the White House and is updated on the situation. Logan gives him full authority to manage the crisis. CTU realizes from Marwan's video that the attack will happen at dawn. O'Brian gets the identity of Lee Jong, an associate of Marwan's. CTU learns that Lee is granted asylum in the Chinese consulate. The Chinese government agrees to extradite Lee, but through legal channels, which takes too long to stop the attack. Palmer approves a clandestine operation to capture and extract Lee out of the consulate. Bauer infiltrates the consulate before abducting Lee and escaping. Masked agents storm in and help Bauer. A shootout starts and the consul is killed while Lee gets critically shot. Another guard manages to lift the mask of Howard Bern, one of CTU agents, who escapes with the others. Paul has another incident and goes under surgery. Bauer brings Lee and orders the surgeon to leave Paul and save Lee. Paul dies as a result, and Audrey gets angry with Bauer.
093 00. “Day 4 - 3;00 a.m. - 4;00 a.m.”
Chinese operative Cheng Zhi is tasked to investigate the assault. He gets Bern's face in the camera and tasks the intelligence system to identify him. He finds out that Bern is a CTU agent and contacts Dessler, who refuses to cooperate. The Secretary of State orders CTU to help Cheng's investigation. Logan gets angry with Palmer for the operation, but Novick convinces him to trust Palmer's decisions. Palmer tries to make a scenario accusing an anti-Chinese terrorist organization for the assault. Cheng presents his findings to Buchanan, and suspects Bauer to be involved. Bauer states that Bern is not the one in the picture, since he is on vacation. Cheng debriefs Audrey and Stiles, and becomes certain that Bauer led the attack. Meanwhile, CTU extracts a location from Lee. Bauer leads the agents there, and Marwan is captured. A video shows the warhead being launched, but CTU fails to find the location and the destination.
094 00. “Day 4 - 4;00 a.m. - 5;00 a.m.”
Bauer tries to convince Marwan to talk, to no avail. While being transferred, Marwan is rescued by his operatives. CTU finds Audrey's brother Richard's number in Marwan's cell phone, and Richard is arrested again. James convinces him to talk. He reveals that he met a couple a few nights ago and invited them to his house, where he had sex with the man; that must have been the time the woman had called Marwan using Richard's phone. Bauer includes Almeida in his team to capture the couple. Almeida and Dessler decide to leave CTU after the crisis is over in order to be together again. Bauer's team storms into the house, where they find the man killed by the woman, revealed to be Mandy. She is found by Almeida, whom she captures and then disappears. Meanwhile, the Speaker of the House tries to prove Logan's incapability to run the office in order to assume command, since the former is the next in line for the presidency. Palmer encourages Logan to stand firm against the Speaker, who backs down.
095 00. “Day 4 - 5;00 a.m. - 6;00 a.m.”
Bauer formulates a plan to chase Mandy to capture Marwan. Mandy believes that Dessler will prefer Almeida to her job like he did the same for her. She contacts Dessler and threatens to kill him if Dessler does not help her escape from her apartment building, which is surrounded by CTU forces. Dessler opens the way for Mandy, but decides to reveal the truth of her actions to Buchanan. Before leaving the building, Mandy attacks her neighbors and takes them hostage. As CTU sees two people leave the building and get into a car, Mandy tells Dessler on the phone that she prefers to die in order to avoid capture. The car explodes and kills the pair inside. As CTU agents begin to leave, Bauer realizes that the explosion was a deception, and Mandy and Almeida are revealed to be alive. Mandy and Almeida leave, but he manages to leave a trace of himself. Bauer manages to find them and capture her. Bauer offers her immunity in exchange for her cooperation, which she accepts. Meanwhile, CTU attempts to transfer Bern to a safe house, but he is captured by Cheng's men. Cheng threatens to send Bern to China, where he will continue his life in misery. As a result, Bern reveals Bauer's name.
096 00. “Day 4 - 6;00 a.m. - 7;00 a.m.”
Secret Service reveals that Mandy has been involved in many previous terrorist activities, one being the attempt on Palmer's life at the end of Day 2. Logan signs her grant of immunity anyway, and she reveals Marwan's location. Bauer leads his team to Marwan's location and a shootout starts. Marwan kills himself. CTU finds the specifics of the warhead and Los Angeles is revealed to be the target. The Air Force manages to shoot down the warhead. The Chinese contact Logan and play a video in which Bern confesses his and Bauer's involvement. The Chinese demand Bauer be surrendered to them. Logan's assistant Cummings offers the murder of Bauer in order to prevent him from revealing the U.S. government's involvement, but Logan seemingly disapproves it. Cummings orders a Secret Service agent to arrest Bauer and kill him somehow. Palmer finds out and informs Logan, who refuses to stop the scheme. Palmer tips off Bauer, who starts a shootout with the agent before appearing to have died. The agent leaves before Almeida and Dessler secretly revive Bauer, and O'Brian is tasked to fake Bauer's death. Bauer, walking off into the early morning sun, leaves to start a new life.
Complete Season 5
097 00. “Day 5 - 7;00 a.m. - 8;00 a.m.”
18 months after the events of Day 4, President Charles Logan is preparing to sign a treaty with Yuri Suvarov, the Russian President. Bauer is revealed to be living with another identity while dating a widow named Diane Huxley, whose son, Derek, suspects Bauer. While visiting Wayne Palmer in Los Angeles, David is assassinated by a man. Michelle Dessler is killed in an explosion and Tony Almeida is struck by another one, taken to CTU for medical care. CTU acquires evidence that accuses Bauer of David's assassination, also revealing that Bauer is alive. Agent Chloe O'Brian, revealed to be dating her assistant, Spenser Wolff, hears about the incidents and narrowly escapes the assassin and his men. She calls and updates Bauer, who leaves to save her. He notices Derek following him and abducts him. They save O'Brian and Bauer kills the assassin and his men. Meanwhile, Logans' wife, Martha, revealed to have mental disorders, tells him that David wanted to talk to her about a national security issue involving Logan before his assassination; but he pretends not to believe her.
098 00. “Day 5 - 8;00 a.m. - 9;00 a.m.”
Bauer deduces that they can find out more in David's computer, which is in Wayne's apartment. Bauer, Chloe and Derek infiltrate the perimeter set by the FBI. Bauer poses as an agent and enters the apartment using O'Brian's help. He intercepts Wayne, who he is able to convince of his innocence. Bauer and O'Brian find the name of a Russian person who works in an airport. Bauer and Derek escape the perimeter using the help of O'Brian, who is arrested and delivered to CTU, where she updates Director Buchanan. After delivering Derek to Diane, Bauer enters the airport and finds the target, who kills himself. Derek sees armed men entering the airport and goes in to warn Bauer, but the armed men start a lockdown and take everyone hostage. Meanwhile, CTU believes that there will be an attack on Suvarov at the time of his arrival at Charles' retreat, but Suvarov and his wife arrive safely. President Logan plays an audio of David talking to Martha stating that he wants to talk about something unimportant, but she believes the audio is fake.
099 00. “Day 5 - 9;00 a.m. - 10;00 a.m.”
Bauer hides in a scouting position at the airport and contacts Buchanan. The lead mercenary in the airport, identified as Anton Beresch, broadcasts a live video demanding President Logan not to sign the treaty, while threatening to kill the hostages. Charles states that he will not surrender to the demand and orders CTU to save the hostages. Beresch kills one of the hostages as a warning, aired live. He brings up Derek next. Bauer demands agent Manning to start the rescue fast, but Manning states that they are not ready yet. As Beresch attempts to kill Derek, O'Brian helps Bauer remotely detonate an explosive vest worn by one of the armed men, diverting the attention from Derek. Walt Cummings secretly informs Beresch about Bauer. Beresch holds Derek at gunpoint and forces Bauer to surrender. Meanwhile, Martha decides to find the original recording and convinces her personal assistant, Evelyn Martin, to cover for her so that she can escape her room. When she does, she forces a technical staff member to let her enter the archive room, where she finds the recording printout and takes it.
100 00. “Day 5 - 10;00 a.m. - 11;00 a.m.”
Beresch kills another hostage. He forces Bauer to tell CTU to attack from an entry that is already guarded by Beresch's men. Agent Lynn McGill arrives from District Command for supervision. Charles announces in his press conference with Suvarov that he will not surrender to the demand. Bauer notices Beresch giving an item to one of the hostages. As Manning and his men prepare to breach the booby-trapped entrance, McGill informs Buchanan of a hidden message in Bauer's report that implies he is under duress, making CTU reconsider their positions. As Charles and Suvarov sign the treaty, Manning's team storms in from a surprise point and a shootout starts; Beresch kills himself. Meanwhile, McGill orders Bauer to be arrested despite the evidence against him having been proven false. Bauer tells Manning about the hostage associated with the kidnappers, who has now disappeared. The man goes to meet his associates and recovers chemical weapon canisters from an underground chamber. Cummings knocks Martha unconscious and recovers the paper from her.
101 00. “Day 5 - 11;00 a.m. - 12;00 p.m.”
Bauer, Diane and Derek are brought to CTU, where Bauer reunites with Audrey Raines, who is a DOD liaison there. Manning and his team track the man Bauer informed him about and they find the empty compound where traces of Sentox nerve gas are found. Cummings orders his operative to kill Bauer. The operative manages to enter CTU with Wolff's help. O'Brian finds out about Wolff's actions and Buchanan arrests him, but he refuses to talk. Cummings' operative lures Bauer to the medical subunit and attacks him, but Bauer manages to kill him. He interrogates Wolff, who reveals Cummings' involvement. Since CTU can not arrest him without hard evidence, Bauer suggests confronting him alone. Meanwhile, Martha tells Charles what happened to her, but he does not believe her. Cummings convinces him to send her to a psychiatric institution. She escapes her room and Secret Service is ordered by Charles to find her. Raines is tasked by McGill to debrief Diane.
102 00. “Day 5 - 12;00 p.m. - 1;00 p.m.”
Bauer convinces McGill to let him capture Cummings and interrogate him personally, leaving CTU uninvolved. He contacts Mike Novick and arranges a secret meeting at the Presidential retreat. Martha is found by Secret Service and returned, arranged for transfer. Bauer confirms his love to Raines. Cummings reveals his involvement to a seemingly ignorant President Logan, stating that he and his American associates have aided a group of Russian separatists to acquire the gas and carry it to the Russian region, where the disclosure of the existence of the gas will allow the U.S. Armed Forces to enter the region according to the treaty Charles has signed with Suvarov. Cummings convinces President Logan to arrest Bauer instead of himself. Bauer persuades agent Aaron Pierce to free him. They capture Cummings, and Bauer starts torturing him, who reveals the location of the canisters. President Logan has Cummings arrested. CTU fails to find the canisters. Cummings receives a call from the operative, who promises upcoming attacks on the U.S. soil with the gas. Logan tells Martha that she was right and thus keeps her at their retreat.
103 00. “Day 5 - 1;00 p.m. - 2;00 p.m.”
Ivan Erwich, the operative Bauer recognized at the airport, contacts a man named Jacob Rossler, who instructs him how to prepare the canisters. One of Erwich's men challenges his decision to attack the U.S. instead of Russia, but Erwich insists on it. President Logan gives Bauer provisional authority at CTU, which intercepts the call between Erwich and Rossler. Bauer, Manning and other agents move to Rossler's residence. They storm in and capture him before finding a scared teenage girl in the bedroom, whom Rossler was keeping as a sex slave. Rossler agrees to help acquire the canisters in exchange for immunity and a safe way abroad with the girl. Bauer starts torturing him instead, but Lynn orders him to accept the deal. After a technician successfully prepares the canisters, Erwich kills him. The girl fatally shoots Rossler, killing the only known connection to the canisters. Meanwhile, Lynn's sister Jenny convinces him to meet her outside the building, where he is attacked by her boyfriend, who robs Lynn's wallet. Cummings is found dead as a result of apparent suicide.
104 00. “Day 5 - 2;00 p.m. - 3;00 p.m.”
Bauer answers Rossler's phone. The meeting is arranged and Bauer heads there while wearing an earpiece. Erwich's operatives take the arranged item from Bauer, and they force him to accompany them to their destination in order to confirm it. Bauer sees a canister in the van and informs CTU. They arrive at a shopping mall, being followed by CTU. Bauer and Erwich's operatives enter a room with access to the ventilation system and prepare to release the gas. They demand a code from Bauer necessary to activate the canister. A debate starts at CTU on whether or not to let the operatives kill the people at the mall in order to maintain Bauer's cover and recover the other canisters. They ask Charles, who approves the sacrifice. Bauer disobeys the order and gives the wrong code, locking the canister instead. Erwich instructs his operatives to activate the canister another way. Bauer frees himself and kills one of the operatives while the other escapes. Some of the gas is released before Bauer disables the system. He orders an evacuation before joining agents to chase the operative, who is informed by Erwich and ordered to kill himself, which he does.
105 00. “Day 5 - 3;00 p.m. - 4;00 p.m.”
Manning arrests Bauer on Lynn's order. Bauer gets a call from James Nathanson, an associate of Cummings', offering to help if Jack comes alone. He escapes from Manning and heads to the meeting location. Erwich is killed by his boss, Vladimir Bierko, for wasting a canister on Americans. Bauer arrives at the location, where Bierko's men also arrive to kill Nathanson. A shootout starts and Nathanson dies after giving a chip to Bauer, who escapes. Analyzing the chip, O'Brian finds the name of Christopher Henderson, a person Bauer knows. Meanwhile, Lynn has Buchanan detained for facilitating Raines' communication with Bauer. Lynn calls Jenny and requests his keycard in the wallet. She agrees but her boyfriend stops her. Bierko calls President Logan and demands the path of the Suvarovs' motorcade, threatening to release the rest of the gas on American soil. Charles accepts it although Martha disagrees. She enters the Suvarovs' limousine, hoping to force Logan to cancel the scheme.
106 00. “Day 5 - 4;00 p.m. - 5;00 p.m.”
Bauer heads to Henderson's workplace. He distracts Henderson's secretary and enters the office, where he is knocked unconscious by Henderson. Lynn angrily ignores O'Brian's intel of an attack on the Suvarovs. Raines and Manning manage to depose Lynn and detain him while returning Buchanan in charge. Buchanan alerts Secret Service about the motorcade. Bierko's men attack the motorcade, but due to CTU's last minute warning, those in the Suvarovs' limousine survive. After Bauer comes to, it is revealed that Henderson was previously Bauer's superior in CTU before he was framed for leaking classified information. Bauer led the investigation and had Henderson fired. Henderson never accepted the accusation, and he denies the current one. The two men head to an underground room to search a computer for leads. Henderson leaves while locking the door and setting a bomb to detonate, though Bauer manages to survive the explosion. Bierko calls President Logan, accusing him of betraying the deal and promising upcoming attacks as retribution.
107 00. “Day 5 - 5;00 p.m. - 6;00 p.m.”
Bauer heads to Henderson's house, where he captures him and his wife. Bauer tries to force Henderson to talk by torturing her but to no avail. Bauer arrests Henderson and orders truth serum to be prepared for him. Meanwhile, CTU discovers that a hospital is the next target for the Sentox gas, and Manning leads a team there. They start checking the camera footage and identify Bierko's operative, who is killed. Manning manages to find and secure the canister without any casualties. Jenny's boyfriend reveals that there is a man who will pay a large amount of money for Lynn's keycard. The man is revealed to be one of Bierko's operatives. He arrives, kills the pair and recovers the keycard, with the intention of infiltating CTU. Martha gets angry with Charles for not caring for her life. She thanks Pierce for saving her life while the two briefly hold hands. Almeida regains consciousness, but Buchanan does not reveal Dessler's death to him on the physician's advice. However, Almeida secretly accesses the archive and finds the truth and is devastated.
108 00. “Day 5 - 6;00 p.m. - 7;00 p.m.”
Raines tells Jack that Kim will arrive at CTU soon, but she is not informed that he is alive yet. Raines convinces him to let her reveal it to Kim before the two reunite. An agent starts using the truth serum on Henderson. Buchanan informs Lynn of Jenny's death. Lynn finally reveals that his keycard is stolen. However, Bierko's operative has already infiltrated CTU and starts setting the canister at the ventilation system. Kim arrives with her boyfriend. It is revealed that Chase Edmunds left her after she became depressed following news of Jack's death. Raines tells her about Jack, who arrives and reunites with Kim, but she gets angry with him for hiding the truth. She later confronts O'Brian, who comments on the fates of the few people who knew Jack was alive. CTU finds out about the infiltration, and Jack manages to kill the operative. CTU initiates a lockdown. While some manage to enter the rooms and be protected from the released gas, others, including agent Stiles, are exposed and die. Meanwhile, Vice President Hal Gardner convinces President Logan to initiate a martial law to stop Bierko's men from easily moving and operating.
109 00. “Day 5 - 7;00 p.m. - 8;00 p.m.”
CTU starts working to pump the gas out of the building air. O'Brian is depressed because of Stiles, therefore uninterested in continuing to help CTU. Kim's boyfriend reveals that he is a psychologist and starts working with O'Brian to get her to cooperate. In another room, Henderson's interrogation continues until Almeida interrupts, intending to kill him for Dessler's death. Jack dissuades him, since Henderson is the only lead to find the canisters. Jack uses the walls to get to a room that leads to the main computer controlling the ventilation. Lynn is informed in another room that he'll have to activate the computer from his side in order for the plan to work, but he will be exposed to the gas without the chance to be saved. He activates it before dying. CTU manages to pump out the gas. Jack encourages Kim to leave the city. Almeida finds interrogation useless and makes another attempt on Henderson but hesitates; Henderson awakens and injects Almeida with the dangerous substance, apparently killing him, before escaping. Meanwhile, DHS agent Karen Hayes is tasked with going to CTU to replace personnel and assume command. A woman named Collette Stenger is revealed to be associated with Bierko.
110 00. “Day 5 - 8;00 p.m. - 9;00 p.m.”
Almeida's body is moved away. Stenger meets Bierko and sells him the schematics of a specific building. CTU finds Stenger's identity in Henderson's PC, and Bauer leads a team to capture her. They arrive at her hotel room, where they only find her boyfriend, Theo Stoller, who reveals that he is a German intelligence operative and Stenger is his mission. He states that she is too valuable to be handed to the Americans. Bauer secretly makes a deal with him to hand over an important NSA list. Stoller accepts after seeing the list, which is recovered by O'Brian secretly hacking the NSA server. Stoller leads CTU to an airport where he and Stenger planned to meet, and Stenger is arrested. Bauer hands over the chip containing the list to Stoller, who leaves, but the chip self-destructs later as Bauer had planned. In exchange for immunity, Stenger states that her associate inside CTU is Raines. Meanwhile, Wayne calls Pierce and informs him that a government authority was behind David's assassination. They arrange a meeting at the retreat, but Wayne is attacked on the road and crashes; he escapes into a sewer.
111 00. “Day 5 - 9;00 p.m. - 10;00 p.m.”
Hayes prepares the truth serum for Raines. Bauer arrives and is informed that Raines previously had a one-night stand with Cummings, which supports the claim that she is involved in the plot. Bauer convinces Hayes to let him talk to Raines first. She denies the accusation and claims to be innocent. Bauer believes her and tries to free her by himself, but gets tazed and moved away. An agent starts using the truth serum. Using O'Brian's help, Bauer proves that Stenger has other connections with Henderson, which she has not revealed. This annuls the deal, giving Bauer the chance to interrogate Stenger, who is forced to confess Raines' innocence. Stenger reveals that she sold the schematics of a gas distribution center. CTU locates the company and Bauer leads a team there. It is revealed that Bierko's plan is to release a large number of the canisters into the gas pipes, which would kill hundreds of thousands of people. CTU stops the plan but an explosion leaves Bauer and Bierko's fate unclear. Meanwhile, Wayne is rescued and transported by Pierce.
112 00. “Day 5 - 10;00 p.m. - 11;00 p.m.”
Bauer and Bierko are revealed to be alive, and Bierko is arrested. Hayes is ordered to absorb CTU as planned in the first place. Her assistant, Miles Papazian, advises her to find someone to testify against Buchanan so that he can be fired. They try to convince Raines, who initially refuses. Wayne reveals to Pierce that David's source in the government was Martha's assistant Evelyn, who tells the two men that her daughter, Amy, was taken hostage by Henderson. Wayne enlists the help of Bauer, who informs Raines. She agrees to sign the testimony with the condition that O'Brian is kept temporarily. Buchanan is fired as a result. Raines secretly informs O'Brian of the situation and tasks her to provide satellite support for Bauer; he joins Wayne near the location where Evelyn is to meet Henderson with the evidence she has of who in the White House was behind Palmer's assassination. Bauer and Wayne infiltrate the compound and kill most of Henderson's operatives. They save Amy but Henderson escapes, wounding Evelyn. The political figure is revealed to be none other than President Logan.
113 00. “Day 5 - 11;00 p.m. - 12;00 a.m.”
Bauer informs his secret teammates, including Pierce, about President Logan. He and Wayne take Evelyn and Amy to their house before heading to recover a recording that proves Logan's involvement. The two men break in a house and take hostage a man who works at the bank keeping the deposit box containing the tape. On Bauer's advice, Raines calls Secretary Heller and arranges a meeting. The trio arrives at the bank and recovers the tape. When they head out, they are attacked by Henderson and his men, who found the location by interrogating Evelyn. The Army arrives and intervenes in the shootout, giving Bauer and Wayne the chance to escape. Meanwhile, Raines leaves CTU with a tracker by Hayes, who knows that Raines is working secretly with Bauer; Hayes and the others are not aware of Logan's involvement. Raines removes the tracker and arrives at the airport where Heller will land. Papazian and Hayes realize that O'Brian is aiding Bauer.
114 00. “Day 5 - 12;00 a.m. - 1;00 a.m.”
Bauer arrives with Wayne at Buchanan's house and informs him of the situation. Buchanan takes Wayne to safety while Bauer heads to the airport with the tape. He plays it to Heller and gives it to him, asking him to contact the Attorney General for President Logan's arrest. Instead, Heller locks down Bauer and Raines, revealing that he intends to blackmail Charles with the recording to make him resign without prosecution, as he believes the disclosure of Logan's involvement will become a political scandal for the nation. Heller arrives at the retreat and offers his deal to Charles. Henderson and his men attack the airport. Bauer recovers the recording, but surrenders it to Henderson when Raines is taken hostage. Henderson critically wounds her and escapes before informing Logan, who expels Heller from the retreat, demanding his resignation. Meanwhile, Charles tasks the Army instead of CTU to find Bauer. O'Brian escapes CTU and continues aiding Bauer from Buchanan's. Pierce arranges a secret meeting with Martha to tell her the truth before he is abducted.
115 00. “Day 5 - 1;00 a.m. - 2;00 a.m.”
Henderson decides to keep the tape instead of destroying it. O'Brian traces his whereabouts, and Bauer captures him, but does not find the tape on him. Henderson reveals that there is a helicopter following Heller's car which will be destroyed if he is not released. They inform Heller, who decides to sacrifice himself in order not to have Henderson released. Heller drives his car into a river in order to avoid the helicopter. O'Brian finds an airstrip on Henderson's route and deduces that he must have entrusted the tape to someone there. Bauer leaves for the airstrip while Raines guards Henderson until Manning and his team can arrive. Bauer infiltrates the plane that is about to take off. Meanwhile, Henderson's operatives arrive to free him before being neutralized by Manning's team, who arrest Henderson. Hayes begins to believe in the accusation of Logan and warns O'Brian to leave Buchanan's before DHS agents can arrive. Martha is locked in her room by a Secret Service agent. Logan is forced to reluctantly reveal the truth to his horrified wife.
116 00. “Day 5 - 2;00 a.m. - 3;00 a.m.”
Bauer finds the Air Marshal using O'Brian's help, and knocks him unconscious. Chloe identifies the potential associate, and Bauer abducts him and takes him to the maintenance room below. Bauer starts interrogating him but he denies any knowledge. An attendant awakens the Marshal, who orders the pilot to pump out the air of the room below in order to force Bauer to surrender. Bauer accesses the control panel of the plane and diverts its course to crash, forcing the pilot to reverse the pump and open the hatch of the room. Bauer secures the Marshal, and O'Brian uncovers the co-pilot as the actual associate. The co-pilot kills the pilot before Bauer arrives and secures him, recovering the tape and informing CTU. Charles' unknown co-conspirator advises him to shoot down the plane in order to avoid the disclosure and his prosecution. Meanwhile DHS agents arrest Buchanan, and Hayes orders them to bring him to CTU instead of interrogation on site. This makes the investigation slow in order to aid O'Brian, who continues her work at a bar. Papazian begins to suspect Hayes.
117 00. “Day 5 - 3;00 a.m. - 4;00 a.m.”
Raines is informed that Heller has survived the crash. President Logan's associate reveals that a technical distress signal has been sent to the Air Force that can justify the shoot-down. Logan is soon notified of the signal, which indicates that Bauer might be targeting populated civilized regions or even the retreat. Thus, the Air Force requests authorization to shoot down the plane, which he grants. Bauer orders the co-pilot to land the plane on the highway. The Air Force informs Logan that the threat is gone now that Bauer is trying to land. Charles is forced to abort the shoot-down, but orders the Army to arrest Bauer. Manning and his team arrive and secretly extract Bauer from the perimeter without the Army noticing. Bauer arrives at CTU with the tape. Hayes and Buchanan prepare a conference with the Attorney General. She informs Papazian, who gets angry for not being told earlier. Logan and his associate mutually agree that suicide is the better option rather than facing a long and shameful trial. As Logan prepares, he gets a call from Papazian, who makes a deal to destroy the tape in exchange for a better job.
118 00. “Day 5 - 4;00 a.m. - 5;00 a.m.”
During transfer, Bierko is rescued by his operatives. It is revealed that Bierko has saved one of the canisters, which he believes to be enough for his plan. O'Brian finds the tape empty. Bauer and Hayes confront Papazian, who gets transferred to another organization on Logan's order. CTU is notified of Bierko. Bauer offers Henderson immunity in exchange for helping stop Bierko. Henderson demands disappearing like Bauer did, since the people he worked for are too dangerous to be stopped by immunity. Bauer apparently agrees, and Henderson takes the team to a location where an associate resides. Henderson enters alone and alerts the associate, who is killed by CTU. Henderson claims that was part of his plan, but Bauer ruined it because of his suspicions. CTU finds the target to be a Russian submarine, which is in Los Angeles as a result of the treaty. Bierko's men releases the canister at the submarine, killing almost everyone on board. They enter the submarine and prepare to fire missiles on the city. Meanwhile, Martha saves Pierce from an agent ordered by Logan to kill him. Pierce advises her to enlist the help of Novick.
119 00. “Day 5 - 5;00 a.m. - 6;00 a.m.”
CTU team and Henderson arrive at the submarine. They enlist the help of an engineer inside to open the hatch and enter. A shootout starts and all of Bierko's men are killed while Henderson manages to stop the launch. Bauer kills Bierko while Henderson tries to escape. Bauer stops him, holds him responsible for the deaths of his friends, and fatally shoots him. Bauer secretly tells Chloe that he is going after President Logan now. Meanwhile, Pierce and Martha reveal the truth to Novick. Bauer meets Pierce outside the retreat with a plan to abduct Logan on his way to David's funeral. Martha is tasked with seducing Charles in the bedroom in order to delay him, so that Bauer and Pierce can proceed with the plan. Bauer tells Novick that he intends to do anything to force Logan to confess. Meanwhile, Chloe brings her former husband, Morris, who previously worked at CTU, and tasks him with modifying a hearing device.
120 00. “Day 5 - 6;00 a.m. - 7;00 a.m.”
Bauer knocks a helicopter pilot unconscious and wears his uniform, entering the chopper set to transport President Logan. After Logan finishes with Martha, he enters the helicopter with two Secret Service agents. On the way, Bauer knocks the other pilot and the agents unconscious before capturing Logan and taking him to a warehouse. Morris arrives and gives the necessary tools to Bauer before leaving. Bauer starts recording a video of Charles, who refuses to confess anything. Agents arrive and Bauer surrenders to them. Logan heads to the funeral, where he takes Martha to a secluded place and confronts her for playing with him, meanwhile confessing to his involvement in David's assassination and the day's attacks, which is recorded by the device planted in his pen. O'Brian plays the audio file to the Attorney General, who has Logan arrested. Hayes decides not to absorb CTU and gets closer with Buchanan. Bauer is abducted by operatives of Cheng Zhi, who reminds him of his attack on the Chinese consulate. Bauer asks Cheng to kill him; but Cheng states that he is too valuable to be killed. The season ends revealing them to be on a freighter bound for China.
Complete Season 6
121 00. “Day 6 - 6;00 a.m. - 7;00 a.m.”
20 months after the events of Day 5, U.S. cities have been the targets of terrorist attacks for weeks. Jack Bauer is delivered by Cheng Zhi to CTU as the result of an agreement between the two governments. Buchanan tells Bauer that a known terrorist named Hamri Al-Assad is believed to be responsible for the attacks. A rogue operative named Abu Fayed has demanded Bauer in exchange for giving Assad's location. It is revealed that Fayed's brother died while being tortured by Bauer years ago. Bauer agrees without resistance. President Wayne Palmer talks to Bauer on the phone and expresses his gratitude. Fayed takes Bauer and gives Assad's location to CTU. Bauer memorizes the coordinates before Fayed starts torturing him and revealing that he is the person behind the attacks, and that Assad has actually come to stop him. Bauer manages to escape. Meanwhile, there is a debate at the White House between Tom Lennox, the Chief of Staff, and Karen Hayes, Palmer's national security advisor and Buchanan's wife, on how to treat Muslim Americans in order to stop the attacks. Ray Wallace saves Ahmed Amar, a Middle-Eastern neighbor, from local assailants. Amar is revealed to be working for Fayed.
122 00. “Day 6 - 7;00 a.m. - 8;00 a.m.”
Bauer contacts Wayne and shares his knowledge, but Hayes and Lennox do not believe him. Wayne decides to continue with his plan to neutralize Assad. Bauer heads to the location alone and warns Assad, who finds Fayed's spy among his operatives. The Army helicopters shoot the house, but Bauer, Assad and the spy survive it. They hide in an empty house, where Assad tortures the spy and finds the next target before killing him. Bauer and Assad head to the location, which is a subway station. Bauer picks out the bomber, and Assad chases the bomber's handler. Bauer manages to throw the bomber outside the train before he detonates his suicide vest. Wayne realizes that Bauer was right about Fayed and Assad. Meanwhile, Amar is attacked again by locals. Scott, Ray's son and Amar's friend, intervenes before Amar kills the assailants and shows hostility towards Scott. The FBI arrives at an Islamic American community organization and starts investigating the records. Sandra, Wayne's sister and the community's lawyer, deletes the records. As a result, she is arrested along with Director Walid Al-Rezani.
123 00. “Day 6 - 8;00 a.m. - 9;00 a.m.”
Bauer has an intentional car crash with the handler, damaging the handler's car. Assad arrives and offers the handler a ride, which he accepts. Bauer contacts CTU and tasks them to track Assad's car in order to reach Fayed, who calls Wayne and demands the transfer of dozens of inmates of a specific prison. Wayne orders the process. Agent Manning questions Wayne's decision to ally with Assad, believing his past actions to be unforgivable. The handler separates from Assad, who joins Bauer and other agents chasing him. He spots them and commits suicide with a grenade, which almost completely destroys his laptop. CTU manages to recover the identity of the associate Hasan Numair, who is one of the prisoners scheduled for transfer. Numair manages to escape by the help of a guard. Assad reveals that Numair is a nuclear engineer, and CTU deduces that Fayed is planning a nuclear attack. Meanwhile, Amar takes Scott and his mother hostage, forcing Ray to go to a location and acquire a device. The FBI brings Sandra and Rezani to a detention facility, but then frees Sandra on Wayne's order.
124 00. “Day 6 - 9;00 a.m. - 10;00 a.m.”
Ray calls Amar and demands that he release one of his family members. Amar releases Jillian, Ray's wife, who then calls and informs CTU. Bauer deduces that Manning has a personal grudge against Assad and tasks Agent Chloe O'Brian to investigate it. Bauer leads the team to the Wallaces', where Amar is critically shot. Scott recalls the location that Amar had mentioned, which is in Valencia. CTU sends a team to the location, where Numair starts preparing the nuclear bomb with the device Ray has brought. Chloe reveals to Bauer that when Manning served in the Army after Desert Storm, Assad killed Manning's soldiers in a live broadcast. Manning tries to kill Assad before being fatally shot by Bauer, who becomes depressed afterwards. CTU agents storm into the Valencia facility but Numair explodes the bomb, killing himself, Ray and thousands of other people nearby. Meanwhile at the detention facility, Rezani detects a message, which CTU interprets as there being four more bombs.
125 00. “Day 6 - 10;00 a.m. - 11;00 a.m.”
Wayne and his staff are moved to the bunker. Jack starts helping people in trouble after the explosion. CTU checks the records of a Russian associate named Dmitri Gredenko, and finds the name of Phillip Bauer, Jack's father. Buchanan informs Jack, who reveals that he has not talked to Phillip for years, but convinces Buchanan to let him investigate Phillip alone. Jack's brother, Graem, who is revealed to have been Charles Logan's co-conspirator during the events of Day 5, finds out about Jack's investigation before he gets a call from Jack, who tasks him to find Phillip. Jack pays a surprise visit to Graem at his house, where he meets Graem's son, Josh, and wife, Marilyn, with whom Jack was previously involved. Jack and Graem go to his working room, where Jack locks the door and starts torturing Graem. Meanwhile, with Numair gone, Fayed convinces his associate Darren McCarthy to find a new engineer. Rezani is welcomed into a group of inmates with the help of the agents.
126 00. “Day 6 - 11;00 a.m. - 12;00 p.m.”
Graem states that he made a mistake by dealing with Gredenko, and Phillip got involved trying to fix it. Jack and Graem head to the family company, where Jack reunites with Phillip. Jack convinces him to let CTU investigate the case and stop the upcoming attacks. However, Phillip's mercenaries are revealed to be loyal to Graem, who takes Jack and Phillip captive. He orders his men to take the duo to a secluded place and kill them. Meanwhile, Hayes continues to question Lennox's restrictive measures on the Muslims. Lennox tasks Reed Pollock, his deputy, to find something to blackmail Hayes into resignation. Pollock finds evidence that Buchanan had Fayed in custody months ago. Since Buchanan could be blamed for the day's attack, Lennox convinces Hayes to resign quietly for the good of Buchanan. Rezani steals a cell phone an inmate secretly carries and the FBI gives the call record to Chloe, who finds out that those inmates are not associated with Fayed. Rezani is beaten by the inmates for spying before he is rescued by the guards.
127 00. “Day 6 - 12;00 p.m. - 1;00 p.m.”
Jack and Phillip manage to free themselves. Jack alerts CTU; Graem is arrested in his house, where he is tortured with hyoscine pentothal, a serum that causes agonizing nerve pain. Marilyn reveals to Jack that she knew of Graem's illegal activities, but stayed silent because of Josh. Graem reveals his involvement in the events of Day 5, making Jack so angry that he orders excessive serum to be injected, which traumatizes Graem. Phillip has a secret talk with Graem; It is revealed that Phillip was involved in the events of Day 5 and his association with Gredenko is much more than what is believed. He kills Graem, making his death seem as a result of the injections. Meanwhile CTU intercepts the message between Fayed and McCarthy, and starts decrypting it. Agent Morris O'Brian gets a call to visit his brother in a hospital. As he leaves, he is revealed to be McCarthy's proposed engineer. McCarthy and Rita Brady, his girlfriend, abduct Morris. Lennox apparently convinces Wayne to approve his project. Wayne convenes the Cabinet, where he reveals that he will not sign it. Vice President Noah Daniels disagrees, but to no avail.
128 00. “Day 6 - 1;00 p.m. - 2;00 p.m.”
Lennox gets angry with Wayne's decision. Pollock secretly offers him a plan to assassinate Wayne so that Daniels, a proponent, can ascend. Lennox initially denies it and tasks Pollock to type a resignation paper for him. Phillip, Marilyn and Josh are brought to CTU while Jack leads a team to rescue Morris. Brady kills McCarthy and takes Morris to Fayed alone. Fayed kills Brady instead of paying her. He starts torturing Morris to make him activate the bombs. Morris finally accepts. Jack's team storms in and saves Morris. They find Fayed gone with one armed bomb left behind. Jack manages to defuse it. Morris reveals that the other bombs are now functional. When Lennox hears the news, he decides to hear Pollock's offer instead of resigning. Meanwhile, Assad is transferred to Washington, D.C. and brought to Wayne, who offers Assad a peace initiative proposed on a live broadcast. Wayne believes Assad can dissuade some of Fayed's followers.
129 00. “Day 6 - 2;00 p.m. - 3;00 p.m.”
Gredenko is revealed to be preparing the delivery mechanism for the bombs. Marilyn tells Jack that she remembers an address that is associated with Graem's, and possibly Gredenko's, activities. Later Marilyn converses with Phillip, who is able to deduce Jack's plan to find Gredenko. Phillip formulates a plan and secretly tasks his operatives to find and kill Gredenko; He abducts Josh and takes him to a hotel. With this, he calls Marilyn and forces her to give Jack a decoy address. Jack enters the location with his team, but finds a bomb inside, and runs out. He manages to survive the explosion. Marilyn and agent Milo Pressman are attacked by Phillip's operatives. The truck crashes, and the duo continue on foot while the operatives give chase. Meanwhile, Morris is returned to CTU before he becomes depressed for helping Fayed, pushing Chloe away. Lennox secretly meets Pollock, who reveals that there are other people, but not including Daniels, that support the plan. Lennox approves the plan and starts gathering the necessary tools and information.
130 00. “Day 6 - 3;00 p.m. - 4;00 p.m.”
Jack arrives and saves Milo and Marilyn from Phillip's operatives, arresting the head operative. Jack confronts Marilyn for lying to him about the address, and she reveals the truth about Phillip's abduction of her son. She gives him the real address, and CTU sends a team to that location, however they find the house to be empty. In order to find Phillip, Jack forces the operative to tell Phillip on the phone that he has captured Marilyn, but she wants to see her son before she gives him Gredenko's address. Phillip gives his location. Jack heads there and finds the hotel room empty. Phillip calls from the building across the street. Jack offers himself in exchange for Josh, which Phillip accepts. Jack heads there and Josh is freed. Phillip tells Jack that he aided Gredenko because the latter had evidence that proved Phillip's involvement in the events of Day 5. Phillip spares Jack's life and leaves a cell phone with a phone number on it. Jack calls it and Charles Logan answers the call, revealing that he knows about the situation and offering help. Meanwhile, a guilt-ridden Morris drinks liquor while at work. Milo informs Chloe, but Morris convinces them that he will not do it again. Pollock's associate enters the bunker with the help of Lennox, who later changes his mind and decides to warn Secret Service before Pollock knocks him unconscious.
131 00. “Day 6 - 4;00 p.m. - 5;00 p.m.”
Jack calls Buchanan, who reveals that Logan's trial was never made public. Logan had made a deal to resign and go into house arrest. Jack visits Logan, who offers to help without anything in return. Jack informs Wayne, who expresses his doubts, but eventually approves it. Logan reveals that the Russian consul, Anatoly Markov, is associated with Gredenko, and that he can convince Markov to talk. They prepare to head to the consulate. Meanwhile, Chloe becomes worried that Morris is still drinking and confronts him at several points. He throws away the bottle he is keeping. Gredenko's delivery devices are revealed to be drones. Pollock locks Lennox in a room, where the associate arrives and prepares a bomb with the tools he has brought inside without detection. The associate instructs Pollock as to how to detonate the bomb, which Pollock sets at the conference room. Lennox makes an unsuccessful escape attempt. Assad detects the bomb, but too late. Pollock detonates it and Wayne is critically wounded while Assad is killed.
132 00. “Day 6 - 5;00 p.m. - 6;00 p.m.”
Logan meets Markov. He reveals that he has evidence that can incriminate Markov and will disclose it if he does not help CTU find the bombs. Markov insists that he does not have any more connection with Gredenko, and Logan leaves. Jack decides to infiltrate the consulate and torture Markov. Logan tries to dissuade him, but to no avail. Jack learns from Markov that Gredenko is in Shadow Valley, but he is arrested by Russian guards before he can contact CTU. He convinces a Russian assistant to give the information to CTU, but the assistant is killed by an associate of Markov before he can make any calls. Meanwhile, Assad is revealed to have died in the explosion. Pollock apparently convinces Lennox not to reveal the truth, and frees him. Lennox warns Secret Service and is arrested along with Pollock and his associate. Daniels assumes command and demands that Lennox announce that Assad was complicit in the attempt, by threatening to reveal Lennox's involvement to the Justice Department. As Hayes prepares to leave D.C, Buchanan calls and informs her of the attempt.
133 00. “Day 6 - 6;00 p.m. - 7;00 p.m.”
Agent Mike Doyle arrives from Division Command and takes over for Manning. He sets his agents outside the consulate. Charles states that his former wife, Martha, is friends with Russian President Yuri Suvarov's wife. Charles calls and informs Aaron Pierce, who has married Martha. Charles meets Pierce and Martha, who shows displeasure upon seeing him, but she finally decides to call Suvarov's wife. However, she critically stabs Charles. Markov disobeys Suvarov's order to free Jack, so Suvarov allows CTU to attack the consulate. A shootout starts and Markov is killed. Jack finally gets the chance to inform CTU of Gredenko's whereabouts. Meanwhile, Daniels forces Lennox to tell the ambassador of Fayed and Assad's country that Assad was complicit. This gives Daniels the opportunity to force that country to start cooperating with CTU to find the other bombs. Daniels threatens to attack that country if another bomb explodes.
134 00. “Day 6 - 7;00 p.m. - 8;00 p.m.”
Jack returns to CTU and informs the others about Shadow Valley. Marilyn tells Jack that she heard a report that Audrey Raines has died. Jack tasks Chloe to check it. She finds the report, which states that Raines died in a car crash in China, where she had come to find him. He confronts Buchanan for hiding the report from him. Chloe states that Gredenko has an inside agent in CTU. Doyle tasks her to check agent Nadia Yassir first, since she is a Muslim. This angers Pressman, who is involved with Yassir. However, Chloe finds that she actually is the mole, which results in Yassir's arrest. Doyle starts interrogating her, until he is informed that the pilot of the drone has been located. Jack and Doyle lead a team there and kill the pilot. Jack manages to stop the drone, which gets damaged along with the bomb, leading to a radiation spill. Although the bomb did not detonate, Daniels still orders Secretary of Defense Ethan Kanin to prepare for a nuclear strike on the Middle-Eastern country. Lennox and Hayes, who has returned to help with the crisis, disagree, but to no avail.
135 00. “Day 6 - 8;00 p.m. - 9;00 p.m.”
An agent finds evidence that proves Yassir's computer was hacked, proving her innocence. He shows it to Doyle, who decides not to reveal it for now. The agent finally reveals the evidence himself. Pressman gets angry with Doyle, who explains that he was investigating more. Yassir is freed and decides to quit, but Buchanan dissuades her. CTU locates an associate of Gredenko, named Mark Hauser. Jack leads a team there, and they storm into Mark's house. Mark gets shot and reveals that Gredenko will be meeting him there. Mark tasks his brother, Brady, to cooperate with CTU. Brady meets Gredenko, who is then captured and arrested by CTU. Gredenko offers to surrender Fayed in exchange for a pardon and the guarantee not to be returned to Russia. Meanwhile, Hayes convinces Sandra to consent with reviving Wayne, who orders the Air Force to stand down. Daniels claims that Wayne is unfit to run the office and decides to invoke the Section 4 of the 25th Amendment of the Constitution.
136 00. “Day 6 - 9;00 p.m. - 10;00 p.m.”
CTU plants a tracker in Gredenko's forearm. Gredenko meets Fayed and reveals his deal with CTU. The agents storm in and find Gredenko's forearm containing the tracker amputated. Fayed and Gredenko escape into a bar, where Gredenko reveals to the customers that Fayed is a terrorist before escaping. The crowd starts beating Fayed until Jack arrives and arrests him. Gredenko succumbs to his wound in the coast. Daniels convenes the Cabinet. Both Wayne and Daniels defend their positions before the voting is held, with both parties earning an equal vote. The Attorney General interprets it as Wayne's victory. However, Daniels claims that Hayes' vote is invalid, since she resigned earlier. The Supreme Court starts checking the case. Daniels tasks Lisa Miller, his assistant, to manipulate the records. Having recorded the conversation, Lennox forces Daniels to drop the case. However, Wayne announces his plan to strike as Daniels intended.
137 00. “Day 6 - 10;00 p.m. - 11;00 p.m.”
Wayne's plan is revealed to have been a ruse to force the Middle-Eastern country to fully cooperate. The country's ambassador reveals that they have arrested a military general associated with Fayed. Jack finds Fayed's torture useless, so he orders Fayed be transferred to CTU. During transfer, CTU forces are attacked by armed people who rescue Fayed and tell him that they've been sent by the general. This is revealed to be CTU's plan to lure Fayed to find the bombs. Fayed demands to talk to the general on the phone for confirmation that he sent them. In order to get the general to cooperate, Wayne forces the ambassador to threaten the general's family in addition to torturing him. As the general is talking to Fayed, he gives a hidden distress message. Fayed then kills the others and escapes. Jack chases Fayed to his compound. He manages to kill Fayed and his men, securing the two remaining bombs. He then gets a call from Cheng, who has taken Raines hostage, threatening to kill her if Jack does not perform his demands. Meanwhile, Wayne learns from Lennox about his leverage on Daniels.
138 00. “Day 6 - 11;00 p.m. - 12;00 a.m.”
Cheng demands that Jack remove from one of the bombs a circuit board containing advanced Russian military technology, in exchange for Raines. Jack attempts to remove the circuit board, but is stopped after Morris detects Chloe aiding him. Jack calls Wayne and makes an offer; to plant explosives in the circuit board and detonate them after Raines is secured, meeting both wishes but sacrificing his own life. Wayne approves it, and Doyle is tasked to accompany Jack. With the information Wayne has learned from Lennox, he demands that Daniels resign. He then collapses during a press conference. His physician states that his status is critical, and he can not run the office anymore. Thus, Daniels takes over again, aborting Jack's plan. Jack abandons Doyle on the road and continues on his own.
139 00. “Day 6 - 12;00 a.m. - 1;00 a.m.”
CTU starts tracing Jack, who manages to lose them temporarily. Jack arrives at the location he's meeting Cheng, and forces him to let Raines leave until she is safe before he hands over the circuit board. As he is handing it over with intent to detonate, CTU agents intervene. They detain Jack and save Raines, but Cheng escapes with the circuit board. Jack learns that Raines' traumatic experience has inflicted post-traumatic psychosis on her. Meanwhile, Daniels is revealed to be involved with Miller; he fails to convince Lennox to destroy the tape. A DOJ agent meets Hayes and plays a video of Pollock revealing that Buchanan had Fayed in custody months before the attack and freed him. The agent advises Hayes to fire Buchanan in order to avoid her own expulsion, since the further the outcast is from the President, the less of a political scandal it will be. She agrees to do it, leaving Yassir in command of CTU.
140 00. “Day 6 - 1;00 a.m. - 2;00 a.m.”
Jack claims he can get information from Raines, who is entrusted to a psychiatrist from Division. Doyle frees Jack, who reaches out to Raines and escapes with her to a room and locks the door. He starts working on her for a location that could lead to Cheng's whereabouts, but CTU agents break in just as she mentions a name. Yassir orders the psychiatrist to leave, and sends Jack back to detention. James Heller arrives and takes Raines home after showing displeasure with Jack and warning him to stay away from her. Meanwhile, Miller is revealed to be involved with another man named Mark Bishop, a lobbyist who is actually spying for the Russian government. Suvarov contacts Daniels and reveals his knowledge of the circuit board, threatening to attack a U.S. Army base in the region if it is not recovered. Lennox starts investigating and finds out about Bishop, as well as his affair with Miller. Daniels confronts her, ordering her to cooperate with Lennox to end the crisis, and to make the Russians believe that the circuit board is recovered.
141 00. “Day 6 - 2;00 a.m. - 3;00 a.m.”
CTU confirms the address Raines revealed, and Doyle leads a team there. On arrival, they find it full of weapons and explosives. Cheng's mercenaries, led by a man named Zhou Yong, attack CTU and take the agents hostage. Zhou demands the Director step forward. Pressman introduces himself instead of Yassir, and is killed by Zhou. The mercenaries start looking for Josh. Jack instructs him to escape using the ventilation system. Jack and Marilyn are captured, and Zhou announces on the speaker that he will kill Marilyn if Josh does not surrender, which he does. Cheng is revealed to have made a deal with Phillip to deliver Josh to him in exchange for repairing the damaged circuit board. Meanwhile, Lennox plants information into the circuit board in Miller's PDA and instructs her to rendezvous with Bishop at his hotel room and act normal until he can upload the false intel, persuade the Russians to back down. She visits him and they start having sex.
142 00. “Day 6 - 3;00 a.m. - 4;00 a.m.”
As the mercenaries prepare to leave with Josh, the captive agents turn on them, killing some of the mercenaries, including Zhou. The others take Josh to Cheng; Jack arrives and saves Josh, and Cheng manages to escape. Phillip calls the White House and offers to trade the circuit board for Josh. Daniels approves it, and Doyle gets Josh into a helicopter while other agents hold Jack from stopping the mission. Meanwhile, Miller leaves bed as planned to give Bishop the chance to upload the intel, but he finds out and attacks her. The agents storm in and capture him. She is taken to medical care, and Lennox demands that Bishop upload the intel and cooperate to avoid the death penalty. Bishop agrees, and Daniels contacts Suvarov to tell him the same news. However, Suvarov reveals his knowledge of Bishop's capture and threatens to attack the American base soon. Daniels, Lennox and Hayes deduce that Suvarov is under pressure from the military generals to fight the U.S.
143 00. “Day 6 - 4;00 a.m. - 5;00 a.m.”
As Doyle and Josh head to the location, Jack calls Hayes and convinces her that Phillip will never honor the deal and will keep the circuit board. He asks her to free him so that he can stop Phillip. She contacts Buchanan, who then has an intentional car crash with the CTU vehicle transporting Jack, who manages to escape with Buchanan. They head to the seaside location where Phillip is to make the trade, while Karen is arrested for aiding Jack. Phillip's operatives arrive on a boat, and in exchange for Josh they hand over an item which turns out to be a bomb. It explodes at the hands of Doyle, who loses his eyes. The operatives and Josh board the boat and head to Phillip's location, which is an oil platform owned by his company. He is revealed to have made another deal with Cheng for asylum along with Josh in China. Meanwhile, Daniels keeps updating Suvarov, hoping to delay the conflict. Lennox advises Daniels to free Hayes now that she and Jack are revealed to be right about Phillip. Chloe collapses while working.
144 00. “Day 6 - 5;00 a.m. - 6;00 a.m.”
Chloe is informed that she is pregnant. She decides to move back in with Morris. Jack and Buchanan arrive at the platform on a helicopter. A shootout starts, and Jack manages to captures Cheng and free Josh. Phillip gets injured and is unable to leave. The Air Force destroys the platform to ensure the destruction of the circuit board. Jack, Josh and Cheng manage to board the helicopter in time and they leave. Jack separates from them, and Cheng is arrested by CTU while Josh reunites with Marilyn. Buchanan convinces Yassir to let Jack go and not pursue him. Suvarov aborts the attack. Daniels frees Hayes and convinces her to resign and leave. Lennox gives the tape to Daniels. Jack breaks in Heller's place and confronts him for his actions. Heller begs him to leave Raines alone for her good. Jack visits her while she is sleeping and says goodbye to her before leaving. Jack goes on to the beach and takes some time to reflect as dawn breaks.
T.V. Movie
145 00. “24 - Redemption”
Redemption begins with a brief prologue showing a young boy being kidnapped at night, indoctrinated, and drafted along with other boys into a rebel militia led by General Juma (Tony Todd) so they could take part in a coup d'état, which is being funded by an American shadow organization led by Jonas Hodges (Jon Voight).

While Bauer performs missionary work at the Okavango school in Sangala owned by Carl Benton (Robert Carlyle), U.S. embassy official Frank Trammel (Gil Bellows) serves him a subpoena to appear before the Senate regarding torture charges, but Bauer refuses to go. Upon hearing the embassy will cut funding to Benton's school if it continues to protect him, he decides to leave.

Meanwhile, several children playing soccer are ambushed by Juma's rebel soldiers and kidnapped for conscription. When two boys run away, the soldiers open fire, killing one. Benton learns that the rebels are planning to attack his school. He calls Bauer, who hides the children in an underground shelter, and kills several rebels before getting captured and tortured. Benton is able to ambush the remaining soldiers, and Bauer kills the leader, Youssou Dubaku (Zolile Nokwe). His brother, Iké (Hakeem Kae-Kazim) hears of his death and plots revenge, while Bauer and Benton leave with the children to get to the American embassy in the capital before the final helicopter evacuates the country.

In Washington, D.C., stockbroker Chris Whitley (Kris Lemche) is ordered by the conspirators who fund Juma's militia to erase all information that would incriminate them. Instead, he calls his friend Roger Taylor (Eric Lively), the son of President Elect Allison Taylor (Cherry Jones), for help. After Roger hears of the conspiracy, Whitley returns to his home to forward the files, only to be stopped by Hodges' men Halcott and John Quinn (Sebastian Roche) who take the information, kill Whitley and bury the body in concrete.

Benton, Bauer and the boys are spotted by Iké's helicopter. While they flee into the forest, Benton steps on a land mine. With little time to disarm it, Benton urges Bauer to leave, so he can buy time. When he is surrounded by Iké and his men, Benton takes his foot off the trigger and detonates the mine, killing himself and the rebels, though Iké survives. Bauer and the children continue to the capital, where he defeats another rebel ambush. At the gates of the embassy, Trammel denies the children entry and blackmails Bauer into surrendering for the children's safety. He reluctantly accepts, thus sacrificing his freedom. While Taylor is inaugurated President, Bauer and the children evacuate, leaving chaotic Sangala behind.
Complete Season 7
146 00. “Day 7 - 8;00 a.m. - 9;00 a.m.”
Two months after the events of Redemption, CTU is revealed to be disbanded for illegal interrogation methods. In a Senate Hearing presided by Senator Mayer, Bauer is answering for one of his previous torture cases, which Bauer believes to be justifiable. FBI agent Walker interrupts the Hearing and takes Bauer to the Bureau, where she tells him that a technician named Michael Latham was just kidnapped for the purpose of creating an override device called a CIP which can be used for terrorist purposes, in this case intercepting air traffic control. She shows Bauer a camera image of Almeida, who was believed to be dead, proving Tony's involvement. FBI Director Moss tasks Walker to accompany Bauer as he helps them to find a man associated with Tony. The duo arrives at his house, but he is killed by a sniper. Bauer gets a call from Almeida, who warns him not to interfere. Meanwhile, President Allison Taylor is preparing to attack Sangala to overthrow Juma while her husband Henry is investigating the death of his son, Roger, who is believed to have committed suicide. Latham manages to complete the CIP, which Almeida plans to use to send a warning to the airlines instead of causing two planes to crash.
147 00. “Day 7 - 9;00 a.m. - 10;00 a.m.”
Bauer tells Walker that there is a mole inside the FBI, but they must work without reporting for now. Alan Tanner, the sniper, poses as an agent and leaves the perimeter, but is spotted by Bauer who convinces Walker that they follow Tanner to find Almeida and the CIP. Meanwhile, Almeida intentionally causes a near crash of two planes using the CIP, sending a warning to the government. He gives the CIP to his boss man, who delivers it to Juma's henchman, Iké Dubaku. Moss gets suspicious of Bauer and Walker because the latter does not report her status properly. The duo follows Tanner to the location associated with Almeida and the CIP, and Tanner is critically wounded. They storm in and manage to capture Almeida. Having tracked the location, Moss and other agents arrive. In the meantime, Allison convinces de jure Sangalan Prime Minister Ule Motobo to subject Juma to due process instead of immediate execution after the U.S. military assault. Henry meets Samantha Roth, Roger's former girlfriend, who claims that he did commit suicide.
148 00. “Day 7 - 10;00 a.m. - 11;00 a.m.”
Moss puts Almeida under arrest. Upon arriving at the Bureau, Bauer and Walker reveal to Moss their belief about the mole. Bauer convinces him to let him talk to Almeida first, and Moss warns him not to use extreme methods like he did in the past. Almeida makes Bauer angry during the conversation; as Bauer attacks him, Almeida gives him a secret message. When Bauer is taken outside, he calls a number interpreted by that message, and Buchanan answers. Buchanan reveals that Almeida is working with him and O'Brian in a covert mission. Bauer manages to break Almeida out, and with O'Brian's help they escape the Bureau and get into Buchanan's car. Meanwhile, Dubaku sends a message to the White House demanding that Allison abort the attack on Sangala, and threatening to use the CIP for mass murder. She refuses to surrender to the demand. Henry gets a call from Roth, who reveals that Roger was actually murdered. They arrange a meeting.
149 00. “Day 7 - 11;00 a.m. - 12;00 p.m.”
Almeida and Buchanan reveal to Bauer that when Almeida's body was moved outside of CTU at Day 5, he was revived by a man named David Emerson, an associate of Henderson. Bauer and Almeida head to meet Emerson. Almeida reveals that he was angry with the government and committed a series of crimes during the past years, but when he found out about the CIP and its capabilities he contacted Buchanan to help recover it. Bauer and Almeida are both able to convince Emerson to include Bauer in his plan, which involves capturing Motobo and delivering him to Dubaku. This will get Bauer and Almeida access to Dubaku. Meanwhile, Walker and agent Janis Gold arrive at the hospital where Tanner is kept. Walker convinces Gold to cover for her so that she can torture Tanner; he reveals that Emerson's targets are Motobo and his wife, Alama. The FBI warns Motobo's security detail in time, and he and his wife manage to get into their bunker. Bauer finds it apparently impenetrable. In the meantime, Roth reveals to Henry that Roger was investigating a corruption in Allison's government which could be the reason he was killed. She gives him a storage device containing clues.
150 00. “Day 7 - 12;00 p.m. - 1;00 p.m.”
Emerson tries to force Motobo to open the door by threatening to kill the chief guard, but to no avail. Bauer finds the ventilation pathway of the bunker and manages to prepare a toxic gas, which he pumps into the bunker. Alama is forced to open the door. She and Motobo are captured by Bauer and Emerson. As the latter two leave, they spot and capture Walker, who has come alone. In the van, Emerson reveals that Henderson never intended to kill Almeida because he was too valuable. Emerson tasks Bauer to kill Walker to prove his loyalty. He shoots her, making her look dead. He and Almeida start burying her alive. Meanwhile, an agent from DOJ arrives at the FBI to investigate Walker's torture of Tanner. Gedge, Henry's bodyguard, states his intention to help. He takes Henry to Roth's house where Henry collapses as a result of being poisoned with a paralytic agent. Gedge is revealed as the one to have killed Roger. Vossler, another Secret Service agent, approaches Roth and claims that Henry has ordered him to put her under protective custody. He offers her to take her necessary belongings from her house first.
151 00. “Day 7 - 1;00 p.m. - 2;00 p.m.”
O'Brian and Buchanan arrive and revive Walker, explaining the mission to her. Emerson's team arrives at a warehouse, where he and his men turn on Bauer and Almeida, who manage to kill them. O'Brian, Buchanan and Walker arrive and they tell the Motobos of their mission, convincing them to cooperate until the CIP is secured. They plant a tracker on Ule Motobo. Dubaku's operatives arrive and attempt to kill Almeida, but Bauer warns them with his sniper rifle. The Motobos are taken by Dubaku's men. Meanwhile, Dubaku causes two planes to crash, threatening another attack in an hour. The Secretary of State demands that Allison abort the attack, which she refuses to do. She demands his resignation, to which he complies. Ethan Kanin, the Chief of Staff, believes Henry could dissuade her. Dubaku picks another high casualty target in Ohio. In the meantime, Roth arrives at her house where Gedge fatally stabs her and puts the knife in Henry's hand, but Henry manages to kill him.
152 00. “Day 7 - 2;00 p.m. - 3;00 p.m.”
The Motobos are brought to Dubaku, who plans to send them back to Sangala and force Ule to reveal intel using his wife as leverage. Buchanan's team has already followed Dubaku's men to his location. O'Brian provides support while the others infiltrate the compound and secure the CIP during the shootout. Dubaku manages to escape with the help of Latham, who is killed by a bomb planted on him. Ule calls Allison and arranges a meeting at the White House. Dubaku hides in his safe house, and is revealed to be involved with an American waitress named Marika Donoso. Meanwhile, Vossler captures Henry as he tries to leave the house. He is ordered by Dubaku to deliver Henry to him alive. The situation at Dubaku's next target, a chemical plant, starts getting critical. The lead technician manages to contain it using Gold's help, but at the cost of sacrificing his own life.
153 00. “Day 7 - 3;00 p.m. - 4;00 p.m.”
Motobo brings Buchanan, Bauer and Walker to the White House with him. They inform Allison of the corruption in the government and offer to help uncover the accomplices. Dubaku calls Allison and informs her about Henry, demanding the invasion be aborted, but she decides not to surrender. She approves Bauer's request to help find Henry. Bauer and Walker find out about Vossler's involvement. Bauer goes after him while Walker goes to his house. Bauer overpowers Vossler in a duel and calls Walker, who threatens to kill Vossler's child, forcing him to reveal Henry's location. Vossler attacks Bauer and is killed. Bauer and Walker arrive at the location and kill Dubaku's men, but find Henry critically shot. Meanwhile, Dubaku demands Ule be delivered to him in exchange for Henry. A double is taken to the location, where he is killed by Dubaku's men. Marika's sister, Rosa, feels uneasy about Dubaku, who has introduced himself as Samuel, and warns her. Rosa calls him and reveals her knowledge of his illegal immigration and fake name. She demands he leave Marika alone.
154 00. “Day 7 - 4;00 p.m. - 5;00 p.m.”
Henry is taken to a hospital. Buchanan takes command of Allison's security detail and takes her to the hospital as a protection measure. Dubaku convinces Marika to pack up so that they can leave the country together. He meets with an associate, Ryan Burnett, who also happens to be Mayer's chief of staff, and reveals to have a list of all his associates, including Burnett. He threatens to disclose it if anything happens to him, essentially blackmailing Burnett into complying with his demands. Bauer finds Marika's location. As she tries to leave home, Bauer and Walker storm in and reveal Dubaku's identity to the sisters. Marika agrees to help them capture Dubaku. O'Brian arrives at the FBI to assist Moss in the covert operation, since there is still a mole. Gold gets suspicious of Moss' activities and forces agent Sean Hillinger to give her access so that she can find the truth. Hillinger looks over Chloe's discovered information. As Bauer and Walker are following Dubaku and Marika, they are stopped by the police. They were alerted by Hillinger, who is revealed to be a mole. Burnett informs Dubaku about Marika's plan. Meanwhile, Aaron Pierce arrives and informs Allison's daughter Olivia about Henry, and he starts transporting her to the White House.
155 00. “Day 7 - 5;00 p.m. - 6;00 p.m.”
Marika reluctantly agrees to get in the car to leave the country with Dubaku. The FBI manages to track them in their car; Bauer and Walker intercept them, causing a car crash that kills Marika and critically wounds Dubaku. Bauer extracts a chip planted in Dubaku's body, deducing it contains the list of his associates. Bauer sends it to O'Brian. Hillinger kills his girlfriend, a fellow agent, and tells Moss that she was the mole, temporarily diverting attention from himself. He tries to escape the Bureau, but O'Brian has already opened the list and he gets arrested as a result. Walker is confronted by Rosa for Marika's death, then she in turn confronts Bauer for what he forced her to do during the day. Almeida has discovered there will be another attack on a high-value target, and he informs Bauer. He adds that Burnett has the information they need to try to stop the attack. Burnett receives a message from an associate that the attack operation is ready to be executed. Meanwhile, Buchanan requests that Allison consider getting Jack's hearings cancelled. Allison requests that Mayer and Burnett come to the White House to discuss Bauer. She does not allow Olivia to leave the White House for the hospital.
156 00. “Day 7 - 6;00 p.m. - 7;00 p.m.”
Bauer secretly convinces O'Brian to delete Burnett's name from the list so that he can question him personally. Mayer and Burnett arrive at the White House, and Allison tries to convince Mayer to cancel Bauer's hearings in gratitude of his actions during the day, threatening to negate all of Mayer's efforts by pardoning Bauer. The FBI finds out about O'Brian and arrests her. Bauer starts torturing Burnett, but the agents storm in and arrest him. Meanwhile, Juma is revealed to be in Washington. He sends an operative to kill Iké in the hospital. The operative is spotted by Walker and followed to the boat where Juma and his men are planning. They leave for their mission while Laurent, Iké's son, stays behind to protect the boat. Walker infiltrates and finds out that the White House is the target. She narrowly escapes Laurent and rushes to contact and alert the government while he gives chase. Juma and his operatives start infiltrating.
157 00. “Day 7 - 7;00 p.m. - 8;00 p.m.”
Walker continues running before she engages Laurent, who overpowers her before he gets killed by Moss. Buchanan is alerted and orders Secret Service to be ready, freeing Bauer for help. Having already infiltrated the White House, Juma and his men start engaging Secret Service. Buchanan removes Allison's tracker and starts carrying it in order to lure the assailants away from her. Bauer manages to enter the bunker with her and lock the door while Pierce and Olivia hide. Juma tells Secret Service that he has taken Allison captive, forcing them to exit the White House. Vice President Hayworth refuses to authorize a rescue attempt until he is sure that Allison is safe. Juma's men take everyone hostage and find the bunker impenetrable. He calls his associate Hodges and demands his help, threatening to cancel a specific shipment, which is heard by Buchanan. Hodges informs Juma of Olivia's presence. Pierce and Olivia try to give a signal to agents outside, but Juma's operatives manage to capture them. Juma threatens to lynch Olivia, forcing Allison to open the door and surrender. Juma's plan is to force her to give a statement on a live broadcast before killing her.
158 00. “Day 7 - 8;00 p.m. - 9;00 p.m.”
Bauer secretly reveals to Buchanan that he has filled the bunker space with explosive gas. Buchanan convinces Bauer to let him do the sacrifice, also revealing about the shipment he heard, proving that there are other people involved. As Allison begins stating the forced confession, Buchanan performs the plan, killing himself. The explosion prompts Moss to order a rescue assault, against Hayworth's orders. In the shootout, Juma is killed along with his operatives. Bauer tells Moss about the shipment, which Moss ignores. Walker informs Kanin, who orders Moss to agree with Burnett's interrogation by Bauer. However, Moss decides to suspend Walker. Having anticipated the interrogation, Hodges' assistant sends the assassin Quinn to kill Burnett. As Bauer starts intimidating Burnett, Quinn disables the camera, temporarily paralyzes Bauer and kills Burnett with a knife containing Bauer's fingerprint. He escapes before Bauer regains his motor ability and gives chase. Moss believes that Bauer committed the murder. Meanwhile, Allison decides to appoint Olivia as her special advisor. Kanin disagrees because of Olivia's reckless previous actions, but to no avail.
159 00. “Day 7 - 9;00 p.m. - 10;00 p.m.”
Bauer sends Quinn's image to Walker for identification. She informs Bauer that Quinn is affiliated with Starkwood, a private military company that is supervised by Hodges. She also reveals that Mayer is currently investigating Starkwood's activities, so Bauer heads to Mayer's. Once there, the two men start working on Mayer's computer for clues. Meanwhile, Moss finds out that Walker is aiding Bauer, and he has Gold check her computer. She finds an encrypted file that needs a skilled technician. Morris arrives and agrees to decrypt the file in exchange for Chloe's release. Quinn arrives and kills Mayer before Bauer escapes to a construction site, where he manages to kill Quinn. Bauer checks Quinn's cell phone and finds a location that may be a clue about the shipment and who else is involved. Bauer calls Almeida and tells him to meet him there with the necessary tools. Meanwhile, Ken Dellao, a reporter, asks Kanin about his authorization of the interrogation that caused the death of Burnett. Kanin confronts Olivia for leaking the information, which she denies and persuades Allison that she was not involved.
160 00. “Day 7 - 10;00 p.m. - 11;00 p.m.”
Bauer and Almeida head to the location found on Quinn's phone, a freight yard, where they intercept a security guard who confesses his involvement with Starkwood mercenaries. Moss tells Kanin about his belief that Bauer has killed Mayer, which prompts Kanin to resign. The guard opens the door to the mercenaries on Bauer's order. As they start unloading the shipment, a mercenary takes the guard away to kill him. Almeida tries to dissuade Bauer from saving the guard in order to proceed with the mission, but to no avail. A shootout starts and Almeida is captured while a mercenary starts driving the truck carrying the shipment. Bauer intercepts it and takes the wheel before finding the shipment damaged. When he enters to check it, he finds a biological weapon that exposes him. The mercenaries arrive and reclaim the weapon. Bauer calls and informs Moss, who has found evidence proving Bauer's innocence, and tells him to send a Hazmat team to evaluate him for the biological agent. Olivia is revealed to actually have leaked the information to Dellao.
161 00. “Day 7 - 11;00 p.m. - 12;00 a.m.”
The Hazmat technicians start examining Bauer. Almeida is brought to Starkwood, where Hodges orders his men to torture him for information. Bauer is revealed to have been exposed to a non-infectious pathogen that causes seizures, dementia, and eventually death. The FBI obtains evidence that Starkwood was using the Sangalan population to test the pathogen as the result of a deal made with Juma. Moss reinstates Walker now that she is revealed to have been right to aid Bauer. Greg Seaton, Hodges' assistant, frees Almeida, claiming an intention to stop Hodges in exchange for immunity, which Allison signs. Seaton informs Almeida, Bauer and the FBI as to the location of the bio weapons. Moss informs Bauer not to come along due to his condition. Seaton takes them to a compound, which they find empty. Starkwood mercenaries surround the FBI and demand that they leave, and Seaton is revealed to be loyal to Hodges after all. Meanwhile, Allison appoints Olivia as the Chief of Staff. Olivia convinces Pierce, who has been retired, to stay with her until the crisis is over.
162 00. “Day 7 - 12;00 a.m. - 1;00 a.m.”
The FBI agents leave Starkwood, but Almeida secretly separates from them to continue searching for the bio weapons. Allison orders the Air Force to prepare for an air strike. The FBI finds out that Doug Knowles, the Starkwood chairman, was secretly assisting Mayer with his investigation. They contact Knowles and instruct him to help Almeida, who is able to enter a locked door with Knowles' help. However, Knowles gets captured and is brought to Hodges, who kills him. Almeida locates the canisters and informs the FBI, who gives them to the Air Force. Hodges informs Allison that he has armed missiles with the pathogen ready for launch to populated regions, demanding that she abort the air strike, which she does. Meanwhile, Jack starts showing symptoms of the exposure. The physician informs him of an experimental therapy that requires the genes of family member, suggesting Kim, which Jack declines. Meanwhile, Dellao forces Olivia to meet him in his hotel room, to disclose the situation and have sex with him. She secretly films this and later plays it to him, threatening to disclose it if he does not leave her alone.
163 00. “Day 7 - 1;00 a.m. - 2;00 a.m.”
Hodges arranges a meeting with Allison at the White House. Jack offers her a covert mission by Almeida to destroy the missiles. She approves it by saying nothing. Almeida manages to find the missiles and captures the chief operative, forcing him to open the hatch to the chamber. Almeida plants explosives and detonates them. Hodges is arrested, but reveals that he is part of a bigger secret society. The FBI starts arresting Starkwood operatives and securing the premises. An operative named Robert Galvez is revealed to be carrying a canister of the pathogen. He kills some agents and engages Moss and his team, with only Moss remaining. Almeida arrives and kills Moss, instructing Galvez to leave. Meanwhile, Walker informs Jack that Kim has arrived, angering him for involving Kim. He visits her, and she tells him that she is ready to try the therapy. However, he convinces her to let him die, and she leaves. Almeida finds out about Kim's presence.
164 00. “Day 7 - 2;00 a.m. - 3;00 a.m.”
Jack and Walker arrive at the scene, and he begins to suspect that something is wrong. Galvez is tracked to a building, and the FBI surrounds it. Galvez lures the agents inside and causes an explosion that inflicts massive casualty. He poses as an agent and Almeida helps him leave the scene in an ambulance without attracting attention. Jack realizes that Almeida has been lying about his adventures and confronts him before collapsing as a result of his condition. Almeida takes his medications and leaves him. The agents arrive to check on him while Galvez takes control of the ambulance. Meanwhile, a woman named Cara Bowden disguises as Hodges' lawyer and visits him in detention, revealed to be working for his associates. She gives him a pill to commit suicide, threatening his family if he does not comply. During transfer, Hodges takes the pill, and the guards call for medical care. Kim calls her husband, Stephen, with whom she has a daughter named Teri, and informs him of her flight back to them in Los Angeles.
165 00. “Day 7 - 3;00 a.m. - 4;00 a.m.”
Almeida kills Galvez and claims the canister. Jack tells the FBI about Almeida. Bowden visits Almeida, and the two are revealed to be romantically involved. She starts a secret internet conference between the members of the secret society. Almeida suggests instead of replicating the remaining pathogen, using it instead for one final attack to cripple the government, and shifting the blame to someone else. In a private chat with Alan Wilson, a member, Bowden convinces him to support Almeida's proposal. Thus, the members vote in favor of Almeida, who leads a team and captures two Middle-Eastern brothers named Jibraan and Hamid Al-Zarian. Meanwhile, Hodges is revealed to have survived his attempt and is taken to a hidden location, where he reveals that the secret society consists of military company owners who planned the day's attacks in order to paralyze the government, who would then enlist the help of the private sector. Jack deduces that Almeida is planning another attack while diverting attention from the companies. He enlists the help of Chloe. Hodges is granted witness protection, which infuriates Olivia as he had killed her brother. She calls a man named Martin Collier and arranges a meeting to discuss Hodges.
166 00. “Day 7 - 4;00 a.m. - 5;00 a.m.”
Almeida threatens Jibraan to kill Hamid, if Jibraan does not follow Almeida's instructions. Jibraan announces responsibility for the upcoming attack and promises more in front of the camera. Then he is forced to tell Hamid that he is actually working with Almeida's team to attack the U.S. Almeida's team and Jibraan leave while one operative stays to watch Hamid. Chloe finds out about Jibraan by his internet activity, which is faked by Almeida. Jack and Walker head to the neighborhood mosque and question the cleric, who agrees to take them to the Al-Zarians'. The FBI storms in and Hamid critically wounds the operative. Almeida's target is revealed to be a subway station. Meanwhile, Olivia is paid a visit by Collier in her office. She says that she is determined to have Hodges killed, and he leaves to arrange for the plan. A professional hitman calls Olivia and tells her to transfer the money to his account for the hit. She finally changes her mind and does not transfer it. However, Hodges is killed, anyway. She calls Collier, who arranges another meeting outside.
167 00. “Day 7 - 5;00 a.m. - 6;00 a.m.”
Jack tortures the operative, who reveals a phone number for Almeida, which he calls, and the FBI tracks Almeida's location. Jibraan is given an ear piece and instructed to enter the station where he tries to alert the cops, but a corrupt officer demands that he follow the instructions in the earpiece. He enters a train, where Bowden leaves the canister in a bag. Jack's team captures Almeida and contacts Jibraan, who manages to find the canister and get it to Jack. Jack puts the canister in a chamber for safe detonation, causing no casualties. Jack starts torturing Almeida, who does not talk. At the airport, a man, who along with his female partner has befriended Kim, kills an FBI agent assigned to ensure Kim's safety. The pair secretly records live footage of Kim. Bowden calls Jack and shows him the footage, demanding that he free Almeida. Meanwhile, Collier convinces Olivia to transfer the money. Pierce gets suspicious of her activities and asks Kanin how to access her phone conversation logs, which Kanin states that only he can do. Kanin arranges a meeting with Pierce at the White House.
168 00. “Day 7 - 6;00 a.m. - 7;00 a.m.”
Jack tells Walker about Kim, freeing Almeida by force. Almeida decides to take Jack with him, telling Bowden that they can extract the pathogen from Jack and replicate it. Jack is taken to a warehouse, where technicians start experiments on him. Bowden arranges a meeting between Wilson and Almeida now that the latter has proven his capability and apparent loyalty. Jack manages to free himself and escape, with Almeida and Bowden giving chase. Meanwhile, Walker alerts Kim of Bowden's operatives. They start a shootout and the woman is killed while the man tries to escape. Kim follows him to his car, which burns with him inside. She manages to extract his laptop, which can be used to trace Almeida and Bowden. In the meantime, Kanin arrives and Pierce explains his belief about Olivia's involvement in Hodges' death. Kanin accesses the logs and takes a memory card. Olivia detains him, destroys the card he is carrying and frees him. Having anticipated that, Kanin is revealed to have given the real card to Pierce, who returns it. Kanin listens to the recording.
169 00. “Day 7 - 7;00 a.m. - 8;00 a.m.”
Jack is captured by Almeida, who reveals that Wilson was one of the masterminds of the events of Day 5, and thus, Dessler's death. Almeida reveals that his real plan is to kill Wilson, while he has tried to save the country as his secondary objective during the day. Almeida puts a bomb on Jack, intending to kill Wilson and Jack with it. Wilson and his operatives arrive. The FBI attacks and a shootout starts. Wilson and Bowden run together. Jack manages to remove the bomb and chases Almeida, who kills Bowden and tries to kill Wilson, but is stopped by Jack and arrested. Wilson denies any involvement in the day's events. Jack is taken back to the FBI and advises Walker to make choices that she can live with, not those aligning with the law. As he chooses to accept his apparent fate, Kim convinces the physician to prepare for the treatment mentioned. Walker enters Wilson's detention room and decides to torture him for information. Meanwhile, Kanin plays the tape to Allison and entrusts it to her. Henry tries to convince her to destroy it; but she decides to inform the Justice Department.
Complete Season 8
170 00. “Day 8 - 4;00 p.m. - 5;00 p.m.”
18 months after the events of Day 7, President Taylor is preparing to sign a nuclear treaty with Omar Hassan, the President of the Islamic Republic of Kamistan, in New York City, where Jack has finished his therapy and is preparing to return to Los Angeles with Kim and her family. A friend of Jack's named Victor Aruz survives an attempt made by Russian thugs led by Davros. Aruz visits Jack and informs him that there will be an assassination attempt on Hassan, agreeing to cooperate in exchange for immunity. Jack calls O'Brian, who is working at the reestablished CTU, and informs her. CTU director Hastings sends a team led by agent Ortiz to bring in Jack and Aruz. The duo evades Davros's men until Jack entrusts Aruz to Ortiz and decides to return to Kim, but Davros destroys the helicopter Aruz is trying to board. Before dying, Aruz reveals that the assassin has an inside associate close to Hassan. Meanwhile, Hassan's wife Dalia is revealed to have a personal problem with him while he has a secret affair with journalist Meredith Reed, which is discouraged by his brother Farhad.
171 00. “Day 8 - 5;00 p.m. - 6;00 p.m.”
Jack is brought to CTU, where he is debriefed and released. CTU finds evidence that apparently proves Reed to be the inside person. As a result, she is arrested and brought to CTU. O'Brian is suspicious that it was so easy to find her as the inside person, and asks Jack for help. He refuses and decides to return with his family, however Kim convinces him to help O'Brian. Jack enters the armory to take guns before he is detained by agents. He threatens to reveal Hastings' error of not having enough reinforcements that resulted in Aruz' death, forcing Hastings to let him do his investigation on who the real insider is, with O'Brian's backup. The pair detects Davros on the cameras and Jack heads to the location. Meanwhile, Reed denies the accusation while Farhad is revealed to be the inside person. Davros is revealed to be a police officer, and he pays a visit to his fellow officer, who is preparing to join Hassan's security detail. He holds the officer and his wife at gunpoint and threatens to kill her, forcing him to let Davros replace him. Agent Walsh gets a call from a man named Kevin Wade, who knows her true identity.
172 00. “Day 8 - 6;00 p.m. - 7;00 p.m.”
As Ortiz arrives at the United Nations to lead Hassan's security detail which now includes Davros, Bauer arrives at the alley and finds the house with the help of a local. He finds Davros' partner and wife killed. As Bauer exits the house, he is knocked unconscious by two police officers, one of whom starts torturing him as revenge of the deaths of his partner and his wife. Bauer manages to free himself and convinces the other officer to take him to the UN. CTU gains intel suggesting an attack on the UN, and Hastings orders the evacuation of political figures, including Hassan. Bauer calls Ortiz, telling him about Davros, and that the intel is a ruse. Ortiz pushes Hassan's car out of the route as Davros detonates a bomb in the street. Meanwhile, Hastings continues interrogating Reed, and Hassan reveals the affair to him hoping to prove her innocence. Wade arrives outside CTU and demands sex from Walsh, threatening to reveal her true identity. She agrees for one night and gives her apartment key to him.
173 00. “Day 8 - 7;00 p.m. - 8;00 p.m.”
Ortiz and Hassan both survive the attack. Farhad escapes, revealing his involvement. Ortiz starts chasing Davros, who is killed by Bauer. Jack takes pictures of specific tattoos on his body, and sends them to CTU. Reed is freed, and Hassan decides to end the affair. Technicians find radioactive material in Davros' body, and Hassan reveals that people in his government once intended to buy weapons-grade uranium from Russian associates, meaning that the threat is not over. The pictures Bauer sent reveal the involvement of a Russian mafia group led by Vladimir Laitanan. Walker is revealed to have once been an undercover agent in Laitanan's group. Hastings brings her, who was fired after torturing Wilson at the end of Day 7, to CTU and asks her to infiltrate the group again. Bauer convinces Hastings to let him be her partner. She finds an associate and amputates his fingers to remove his GPS device. Meanwhile, Farhad visits Sergei Bazhaev, the seller, and demands proof of the existence of the uranium rods. Sergei reveals his younger son Oleg, who was exposed to radiation. Wade demands that Walsh come home.
174 00. “Day 8 - 8;00 p.m. - 9;00 p.m.”
Walker convinces the associate to take her to Laitanan. Bauer tasks O'Brian with investigating the history between Walker and Laitanan, who is revealed to have attempted to rape her a few times. Laitanan does not trust Walker, and abducts her and the associate to a secluded place, where he kills the associate and holds her at gunpoint. CTU manages to find their location and awaits Bauer's order to attack and rescue her. She manages to make Laitanan trust her, and Bauer orders CTU to stand down. Meanwhile, Oleg's older brother Josef takes him to a physician for treatment against Sergei's orders. Hassan orders making arrests of the opposition members in Kamistan as a result of the attempt on his life. Taylor tries to dissuade him, but to no avail. Dalia finally decides to leave him. Walsh visits Wade and tries to pay him so that he will leave her alone, but he instead demands that she help him and his friend steal a great amount of money.
175 00. “Day 8 - 9;00 p.m. - 10;00 p.m.”
Laitanan sends his men to meet Bauer, who introduces himself as a German dealer willing to buy the rods, which Laitanan has no current knowledge about. After Bauer transfers the first part of the money, Laitanan orders his men to kill him. However, Ortiz kills all but one of the operatives with his sniper rifle, and Bauer threatens to come after Laitanan if he does not honor the deal. Laitanan orders his operative to bring Bauer to the hideout. Meanwhile, Sergei's operatives find and return Josef and Oleg after killing the physician. Sergei kills Oleg. Hassan orders the arrests to continue, including that of one of his closest cabinet members, Jamot. The arrests make some of the delegate countries consider withdrawing from the treaty. Walsh calls Wade and informs him of a police warehouse that contains a lot of blocked money, meeting him and his friend outside CTU and arranging the plan. Wade gets intimate with her, which is seen on the camera by agent Glass.
176 00. “Day 8 - 10;00 p.m. - 11;00 p.m.”
Laitanan starts making calls to find out about the rods. When Sergei gets the call, he discourages Laitanan from searching, saying that no one deals such material. Sergei sends his men to find out the source of Laitanan, who finishes calling every associate without finding anything. Walker demands that he continue searching; he gets abusive towards her but she who stabs him several times, killing him. She also angrily stabs Bauer, who kills Laitanan's remaining operative and tells her to hide as Sergei's operatives enter and abduct him. Ortiz and other agents arrive, and she tells them about Bauer. Meanwhile, Walsh helps Wade and his friend infiltrate the warehouse and find the money, but Wade's friend decides to continue searching for other materials. When they try to leave, an officer enters but they kill him and escape. In the meantime, After security agent Tarin Faroush challenges Hassan's decisions, Hassan has him arrested. Hassan's daughter Kayla is revealed to have a secret relationship with Faroush.
177 00. “Day 8 - 11;00 p.m. - 12;00 a.m.”
Bauer is brought to Sergei and offers more money than Farhad for the rods. However, Sergei orders his operative to torture Bauer for his source, believing him to be a law enforcement operative. Bauer manages to free himself and alert CTU, which rescues him in time; and Sergei is arrested. Bauer offers Sergei immunity for him and Josef in exchange for delivering the rods, which Sergei accepts and calls his men; but it is revealed that Josef has betrayed him and stolen the rods. He calls Farhad and arranges a deal for himself. Meanwhile, Kayla reveals her relationship with Faroush to Hassan, hoping to have Faroush released, but to no avail. Wade dishonors his deal with Walsh that he would leave her alone after taking the money. She decides to kill him and his friend. Glass shows the picture of the intimacy between Wade and Walsh to Ortiz, who is her fiance.
178 00. “Day 8 - 12;00 a.m. - 1;00 a.m.”
Josef gets a call from Sergei about the deal with the government, but is killed by Farhad's associates, who take the rods. Chief of Staff Weiss advises Hastings to put the blame on Walker to avoid his own prosecution. He sends a DOJ agent to interrogate Walker. Samir Mehran, Farhad's associate, reveals to him his plan of attacking the U.S., instead of Kamistan, with the rods. Farhad escapes the compound and calls CTU for cooperation, having been shot by Mehran's operatives. The DOJ agent accuses Walker of killing Laitanan in cold blood instead of self-defense. Bauer reminds Hastings of his team's low skill status, and he offers full cooperation if Hastings stops Walker's investigation, which Hastings accepts. Meanwhile, Walsh prepares to attack Wade and his friend in a secluded place, but Ortiz arrives and confronts her, and she explains part of her past to him. He holds Wade and his friend at gunpoint and threatens to kill them if they do not leave her. Wade's friend kills Wade and attacks the pair before being killed.
179 00. “Day 8 - 1;00 a.m. - 2;00 a.m.”
Ortiz and Walsh bury the bodies and return to CTU. Bauer and his team arrive to find Farhad killed by Mehran's operatives. Bauer devises a plan to announce Farhad's survival in order to lure an operative to the hospital. Mehran sends Marcos Al-Zacar to finish Farhad. Marcos calls his mother, Elaine, and advises her to leave the city. He arrives at the hospital and is spotted by O'Brian, who manages to recognize the type of the bomb he is wearing with the help of an agent, and defuses it remotely. Marcos enters Farhad's room and shoots the body several times before finding it already dead. He tries to detonate his bomb which has been defused. Bauer and other agents chase Marcos to a containment chamber which he locks himself inside and calls Mehran, who starts instructing him as to how to manually activate the bomb. Meanwhile, Faroush escapes during transfer and goes to a hotel, where Kayla joins him and they start having sex. Hassan tries to call and inform her about the bomb by telling Dalia, who is about to leave for Kamistan.
180 00. “Day 8 - 2;00 a.m. - 3;00 a.m.”
As Marcos continues working on the bomb, CTU identifies him and brings Elaine to the hospital, where Bauer informs her about Marcos's actions and affiliations. He instructs her to convince Marcos to surrender and cooperate, which she tries, but to no avail. Bauer threatens Marcos with keeping Elaine at the city to die in the upcoming attack, forcing him to open the door. Having already activated the bomb, Mehran triggers the detonation. Before his death, Marcos reveals that Faroush is actually an associate of Mehran's. Dalia manages to call and inform Kayla, who reveals their location and is instructed to act normally until CTU's arrival. Meanwhile, Bill Prady, Wade's probation officer calls Walsh and asks about him. She initially refuses to know Wade, but Prady reveals the phone logs and insists on meeting her soon. They arrange a meeting at CTU.
181 00. “Day 8 - 3;00 a.m. - 4;00 a.m.”
Despite (or perhaps due to) the presence of headstrong NYPD SWAT, Tarin escapes with Kayla and brings her to Samir's hideout, an abandoned bank vault. Samir contacts Hassan and offers to trade her life for "File 33," which turns out to be a detailed how-to document on circumventing America's radiological defenses. Jack urges Hassan to stall while CTU track down the terrorists. Dana meets with Officer Prady, who has clearance to obtain CTU's records of the security-camera footage of Nick and Kevin's robbery; deciding to come clean, she calls Cole to wish him a teary good-bye. Kayla convinces Tarin to help her escape, but Tarin is shot as they flee; Kayla takes his car and calls CTU on Tarin's cell phone. Jack and Cole arrive at the bank vault to find Samir and his confederates gone; Arlo's drones monitor them on the street, and facial recognition identifies one of them as Tarin, very much alive, the entire "escape" having been faked. Jack realizes that Kayla's car, currently arriving at CTU, must be armed with a weapon that can take out the entire office. This weapon is revealed to be an EMP bomb. Kayla is evacuated from the car before the bomb detonates, but CTU, the linchpin of NYC's radiological detection grid, has been incapacitated, giving Samir freedom to launch his attack.
182 00. “Day 8 - 4;00 a.m. - 5;00 a.m.”
While Bauer, Ortiz and two more agents chase Mehran and his men, Bauer calls his friend at NSA and tasks him to send a team to assist CTU to become functional again. O'Brian calls Walker, who has returned home, and informs her about Bauer. Mehran orders his men to hold Bauer's team until he and Faroush leave with the rods on a boat. Bauer and Ortiz survive the shootout after Walker arrives and saves them. Meanwhile, the NSA agents ignore O'Brian's recovery method, and she enforces her opinion by using a gun. When her method proves efficient, Hastings demands that the NSA leave. O'Brian manages to return CTU to functionality. In the meantime, Prady decides to talk to Hastings about Walsh, however she first kills him and hides his body. She calls and reports to Mehran, revealed to be a mole.
183 00. “Day 8 - 5;00 a.m. - 6;00 a.m.”
Taylor tasks Bauer to lead Hassan's security detail, and Bauer includes Walker in his mission. Taylor gets a call from Mehran who reveals that the rods have successfully been transformed into a bomb capable of mass murder, and it will be used in New York City unless she surrenders Hassan in less than an hour. Faroush is tasked to watch the bomb and detonate it when Mehran gives the order. A debate starts at the Cabinet on whether to surrender Hassan, which Weiss and General Brucker support, but Secretary of State Kanin opposes. Taylor decides not to surrender to the demand and tasks CTU to find the bomb. Brucker and Weiss team up secretly to execute a clandestine operation to capture and deliver Hassan in order to leave the government uninvolved. Weiss recovers Hassan's route from Kanin's computer before Kanin finds out and is locked in his office. Brucker's team attacks Hassan and his detail, and is defeated; Bauer captures their chief, Adrion Bishop, who reveals Mehran's demand and the purpose of the operation. Mehran instructs Faroush to be ready.
184 00. “Day 8 - 6;00 a.m. - 7;00 a.m.”
Hassan attacks Bauer and tells Bishop his desire to surrender. Hassan and Bishop lock Hassan's family, Bauer and Walker and leave. Bishop calls Mehran, who tells Faroush to stop the detonation. Bauer frees himself and informs Taylor, who has Brucker and Weiss arrested and sends Kanin into medical care for his heart attack during his lockdown. Bishop and Faroush swap Hassan and the bomb. Bishop is arrested and the bomb is secured. CTU starts chasing Hassan and Faroush on satellite. Hassan tries to dissuade Faroush, to no avail. Walsh alerts Faroush, who drives inside a parking lot, where he secretly delivers Hassan to a woman before luring the agents away and committing suicide. The woman takes Hassan in her car and leaves the lot, and Bauer deduces the presence of a mole inside CTU.
185 00. “Day 8 - 7;00 a.m. - 8;00 a.m.”
CTU finds out about Walsh, who tries to escape, but is stopped by an angry Ortiz. She states that she will talk only to Bauer, demanding immunity in exchange for cooperation. Taylor signs it and Walsh gives Mehran's location. Russian Foreign Minister Mikhail Novakovich tells Taylor that Hassan's death will be an end to the upcoming treaty, which makes her believe that Russia does not want to sign it. Bauer, Walker and other agents arrive at Mehran's location, where the latter starts torturing Hassan to force him to confess for a series of crimes in a live broadcast, which he refuses to do. Mehran decides to announce the crimes himself. Bauer's team starts a shootout and Mehran is critically shot before Hassan is found already dead while the broadcast shows his execution. Taylor informs Dalia and Kayla.
186 00. “Day 8 - 8;00 a.m. - 9;00 a.m.”
Pavel Tokarev, a Russian operative, poses as an FBI agent and lethally injects Mehran. He is recognized by Walker while leaving. She tasks O'Brian to investigate him. Bauer and Walker head to her apartment, where they start having sex. Tokarev calls Novakovich, who is revealed to be involved in the day's events, and reports to him his intention to kill Walker and Bauer. Using a sniper rifle, Tokarev critically shoots Walker, but fails to hit Bauer, who takes her to a hospital, where she succumbs to her wound. Meanwhile, Hastings is fired for his incapabilities during the day, and O'Brian is appointed as the Director. Jamot and Taylor convince Dalia to take over from Hassan and sign the treaty, which is not accepted by Novakovich. Kanin convinces Taylor to let Charles Logan, who has a long history with the Russians, persuade them to return.
187 00. “Day 8 - 9;00 a.m. - 10;00 a.m.”
O'Brian tells Bauer about the man Walker recognized. Bauer heads to Bazhaev's bail court, where he threatens the rest of Bazhaev's family if he does not talk. Bazhaev reveals that the Russian government is involved in the day's events and Walsh was their operative. Logan pays a visit to Novakovich and forces him to sign the upcoming treaty by threatening to disclose the Russians' involvement. However, Logan initially does not tell Taylor how he forced the Russians. Bauer offers Walsh another immunity in exchange for her evidence incriminating the Russian government. Logan reveals the truth to Taylor and Kanin, convincing her to cover up the story in order to reach the treaty. Kanin disagrees, but to no avail. She visits Bauer and tries to persuade him to let go of the investigation, but he refuses and she tasks O'Brian to detain him and transfer him outside CTU. Bauer manages to escape during transfer.
188 00. “Day 8 - 10;00 a.m. - 11;00 a.m.”
Bauer's escape convinces Taylor to decide to disclose the story instead of covering it. Bauer calls his friend, Jim Ricker, and orders a series of weapons and tools for his plan. Logan comes up with a scheme to deliver Walsh to private contractors, who can torture her to find and secure the evidence. Taylor agrees and Kanin decides to resign. Bauer apparently convinces O'Brian to help him find the evidence. She delivers Walsh to Logan's operatives after finding their destination. She gives another location to Bauer, and tasks Ortiz and his men to capture Bauer there. Having anticipated this, Bauer overpowers the agents and locks all of them down except Ortiz, whom he persuades to help him with his investigation. Before leaving, Kanin advises Logan not to cross the lines, which Logan ignores. Taylor holds a press conference announcing her intention to facilitate the treaty's signing no matter the cost.
189 00. “Day 8 - 11;00 a.m. - 12;00 p.m.”
Ortiz tells O'Brian that he has captured Bauer and asks her about Walsh's location, which she divulges. Ortiz and Bauer head there. They start a shootout and kill all the operatives, saving Walsh, who reveals that her evidence is in a safety deposit box in a bank. The trio heads there. Bauer stays outside while Ortiz and Walsh go inside, where she knocks him unconscious. She then recovers a memory card from the box and calls the police about Bauer. He manages to escape and capture her in a construction site, where he recovers the card and then executes her. Meanwhile, Dalia gives her statement in the conference after Taylor. Logan and Novakovich decide to team up to contain the crisis. Logan's assistant, Jason Pillar, arrives at CTU and assumes command, challenging O'Brian's decisions to protect Bauer. Pillar is tasked with giving Bauer's whereabouts to Tokarev once Bauer is located.
190 00. “Day 8 - 12;00 p.m. - 1;00 p.m.”
Bauer finds a video in the card showing Tokarev's involvement. He sends Tokarev's photo to Ricker, who identifies him and promises to help Bauer capture him. Bauer calls Reed and offers the evidence, arranging a meeting at a store. The call is intercepted by CTU and Pillar informs Tokarev while sending agents for help. Bauer manages to escape with Reed while Ricker captures Tokarev. Bauer gives the card to Reed, whom Ricker accompanies outside, leaving Bauer alone with Tokarev. Bauer starts torturing him, demanding his boss's identity. Tokarev does not talk, and Bauer discovers that his SIM card is missing, deducing that Tokarev swallowed it. Bauer kills him and extracts the card from his stomach, puts it in the cell phone and finds Logan's number in it. Meanwhile, Ortiz is arrested and taken to CTU, where Pillar starts interrogating him, but he denies knowing anything useful.
191 00. “Day 8 - 1;00 p.m. - 2;00 p.m.”
CTU finds Tokarev's body butchered, and O'Brian begins to worry about Bauer, who attacks Logan's motorcade and manages to get to Logan without killing any security guards using his body armor. He forces Logan out of the bulletproof limousine by throwing a smoke bomb inside and abducts him to a secluded place, where Logan gives Novakovich's name. Bauer attacks Novakovich's hotel room and kills him and his bodyguards. Russian President Suvarov arrives in New York City to sign the treaty. He gets a call from Logan, revealed to be the mastermind of the day's events. Bauer hears the conversation using a microphone he secretly planted on Logan. Meanwhile, Reed calls her boss and tells him about the video. Logan convinces Taylor to order the FBI to confiscate the video before it is disclosed. Reed calls and tells Kayla about the Russians before she is arrested and the card is seized. In the meantime, O'Brian frees Ortiz and tasks him to find Bauer through Ricker.
192 00. “Day 8 - 2;00 p.m. - 3;00 p.m.”
Bauer infiltrates the building across the U.N. in Pillar's car by holding him at gunpoint. He forces Pillar to stitch his wound, then knocks him unconscious. He proceeds to the upper floor and prepares his sniper rifle. Ortiz convinces Ricker to help him find Bauer. Kayla tells Dalia about the Russians. Dalia then asks Taylor who confirms it and demands that she not withdraw from the treaty by threatening to attack Kamistan in retaliation of its alleged involvement in the day's events. Bauer starts recording a video of himself explaining his actions. Jamot convinces Dalia not to withdraw. Suvarov arrives and finds out about Dalia's knowledge. O'Brian finds Bauer and is knocked unconscious by him. Suvarov holds a press conference while Logan gets a call from Bauer, who is watching him by his rifle in the opposite building. Bauer demands that Logan call Suvarov and bring him to his room.
193 00. “Day 8 - 3;00 p.m. - 4;00 p.m.”
Suvarov arrives at Logan's room. O'Brian manages to dissuade Jack from killing him, promising to disclose Jack's evidence in order to ensure Suvarov's prosecution. Jack gives his memory card containing the evidence and his recorded video, the latter intended for Kim, to O'Brian, convincing her to shoot him in order to avoid her own arrest. Jack is arrested and O'Brian leaves with the card, which is later seized on Pillar's order. Logan gives it to Taylor and convinces her to have Jack killed. Taylor watches Jack's video. During transport, he is abducted by Logan's operatives. Taylor, Dalia and Suvarov arrive to sign the treaty. Taylor decides not to sign it and announces the crimes that happened during the day and promises due process. Logan kills Pillar and shoots himself. Taylor calls Logan's operatives and demands that they let Jack go, which they do. She apologizes to him and warns him that both American and Russian governments will chase him for his actions. Jack says goodbye to O'Brian and starts running.
Live Another Day
194 00. “Day 9 - 11;00 a.m. - 12;00 p.m.”
Four years after the events of Day 8, The CIA capture Jack Bauer in London, where President Heller is preparing to sign a military treaty with the British Prime Minister for using drones. Agent Kate Morgan, who is preparing to leave after her resignation because of the prosecution of her husband Adam for the alleged selling of classified information, suspects Jack's capture and starts investigating it. CIA station chief Navarro starts questioning Jack, who does not talk at all. O'Brian is shown to be in CIA custody, being interrogated with truth serum. Kate finds out that Jack intended to be captured and deduces that he is there for O'Brian. Jack's friend Belcheck cuts the power to the CIA, giving Jack the chance to free himself and O'Brian. The duo escapes in Belcheck's car and Jack later lets her go, intending to follow her to her destination. First Lieutenant Tanner takes control of a drone, which is in Afghanistan supporting British soldiers. The drone is hacked by a man who kills the soldiers with it. Meanwhile, Chief of Staff Mark Boudreau, the husband of Audrey who has recovered from her psychosis, decides to keep the news about Jack's capture away from both Audrey and Heller.
195 00. “Day 9 - 12;00 p.m. - 1;00 p.m.”
Navarro allows Kate to lead the search for Jack and O'Brian. Jack and Belcheck follow Chloe, and arrive at the hideout of Open Cell, a hacktivist group led by Adrian Cross. The two men storm in and it is revealed that Derrick Yates, one of the Open Cell members, possesses an override device capable of hacking several military firewalls. Cross reveals that he made the override, but Yates stole it and left the group. Jack forces them to find Yates' location, where Jack heads with O'Brian. Yates gets a call from the woman he is intending to sell the override to, arranging the location. He and his girlfriend leave their safehouse, which is owned by a drug dealer named Aron Bashir. Jack infiltrates Bashir's building while Kate and other agents also arrive. A shootout starts, and Yates and his girlfriend manage to escape and go to a bar, where she kills him and takes the override. She calls the buyer, who is revealed to be her mother. Meanwhile, Tanner's claim that his drone was hacked is not believed and he is arrested. Heller decides to give a statement to Parliament. He begins practising because of his senile dementia.
196 00. “Day 9 - 1;00 p.m. - 2;00 p.m.”
Jack and Chloe start chasing the girl. They identify her as Simone Al-Harazi, daughter of Margot, a known terrorist who lost her husband during a drone strike authorized by Heller. As Jack chases Simone on foot, Chloe loses her as a result of being distracted by witnessing three people reminding her of Morris and their child, both of whom died in a car crash, which she believes was actually intended for her. Simone escapes, and Jack deduces that they can find a clue in Tanner's flight key. Kate forces Bashir to talk. Jack arrives at the American Embassy, where Tanner is brought. Cross secretly manipulates the hack intended to give Jack a fake ID for entering the embassy. Jack escapes and shoots two of the protestors outside, inciting an assault by them inside the embassy, giving Jack the chance to infiltrate while Kate and agent Ritter also arrive. Meanwhile, Mark secretly arranges to surrender Jack to the Russians and fakes Heller's signature for approval. Simone's husband, Naveed Shabaaz, believes Margot's plan for terrorist strikes to be wrong. Heller arrives at Parliament, but the MPs begin a protest against his speech.
197 00. “Day 9 - 2;00 p.m. - 3;00 p.m.”
As Heller manages to gain the approval of the MPs, Jack reaches Tanner and gets his flight key. He escapes to a room and locks the door, taking the staff hostage and threatening to kill them if the guards make any attempt. Jack starts sending the data of the key to O'Brian. Mark is forced to tell Heller and Audrey about the situation. Heller calls Jack, who explains his belief that the drone fleet is not safe with the override outside, which Heller does not believe; he orders the guards to arrest Jack. Mark secretly tells one of the guards to kill Jack. Believing him, Kate infiltrates the room and convinces him to let her help. The guards storm in before the data transfer is complete; and she manages to end the crisis without Jack's death. Meanwhile, Margot forces Shabaaz to pilot the hacked drones by torturing Simone and mutilating one of her fingers.
198 00. “Day 9 - 3;00 p.m. - 4;00 p.m.”
Kate sends the data to O'Brian, who manages to find evidence that proves that Tanner's drone was hijacked and also the existence of the override. Heller orders all U.S. drones to land, but Margot has already managed to take control of a group of drones over the UK. Jack is brought to Heller, to whom he reveals knowing an associate of Margot's who can be used to get to her. However, Jack does not reveal their identity, believing himself to be the only person capable of managing it. Shabaaz tells Simone that he has planted evidence in a room and he has made the drone hijack traceable. The trace is found by CIA, and Navarro leads a team to the location. Cross decides to evacuate the hideout and tries to force O'Brian to leave with him, but Belcheck stops him. Having found out about Shabaaz's betrayal, Margot has him taken away and reveals that her son, Ian, has sent a false trace to CIA. O'Brian alerts Kate about the trap. Margot kills Shabaaz, and Simone does not challenge it.
199 00. “Day 9 - 4;00 p.m. - 5;00 p.m.”
Jack is asked about his lead, and he decides to follow it with Kate's help, as she has proven her capabilities to him. She reveals that Adam committed suicide in prison. Jack tells Kate the name of Margot's associate is Karl Rask, a weapons dealer who knows him. The duo heads to Rask's hideout with a scenario of Jack having captured Kate. Rask orders his men to torture her for information. Meanwhile, Jack proves his innocence with O'Brian's help. O'Brian uploads a virus to Rask's computer that starts checking his logs. It finds Simone's phone number, which Chloe starts tracing. However, MI5 agents storm into the hideout on the Prime Minister's order, as he believes Heller's decisions to be ineffective. Rask commits suicide. Meanwhile, Margot tasks Simone to kill Shabaaz's sister and her daughter. Simone kills the sister, but her daughter escapes; Simone gives chase but gets hit by a bus in the street. In the meantime, agent Reed tells Navarro that he has found leads proving Adam's innocence and another agent's involvement. Navarro secretly calls a man and reports it, revealed to be the true seller of the intel.
200 00. “Day 9 - 5;00 p.m. - 6;00 p.m.”
In a broadcast, Margot demands Heller, threatening to attack British cities by the drones. Jack and Kate arrive at the hospital keeping Simone, and he starts questioning her. An operative of Margot's attacks them. They get in a car before a drone piloted by Ian destroys the hospital, and escape, evading the drone, which tries to destroy the car. However, the trio manage to lose it. Jack tells Heller that Simone needs medical care to be able to talk. Heller tasks him to meet him. Heller secretly calls Margot and announces his decision to surrender. Meanwhile, Navarro calls his associate, who is revealed to be Cross, who tasks him to deal quickly with Reed. Navarro sends Reed to a location to run an errand, but Reed is shot by a mercenary and falls into water. Mark secretly meets Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Anatol Stolnavich, who states that the former's faking of a Presidential signature is an act of treason, and that he will reveal it unless the former surrenders Jack as promised. Mark convinces him to give him time until Jack ends the crisis.
201 00. “Day 9 - 6;00 p.m. - 7;00 p.m.”
Jack arrives at Heller's residence, where Heller enlists his help in sneaking out and going to Wembley Stadium, the location arranged by Margot. Heller also persuades Mark to help him and not tell Audrey. Jack removes Heller's radar tracker and the two head for the stadium. Heller enters the field, and Margot shoots a missile from one of the drones to the location where Heller is standing in the video, apparently killing him. Meanwhile, Simone regains consciousness and gives a location to Kate, saying that Margot is no longer there but telling her where Shabaaz's case is hidden. In the meantime, Reed, who has survived, escapes to a nearby location. He calls and informs Navarro, who gives the location to the mercenary. Reed attacks him and, revealing he knows about Navarro, asks the mercenary about Navarro's motive. They engage in a duel and kill each other.
202 00. “Day 9 - 7;00 p.m. - 8;00 p.m.”
Margot starts destroying her drones as promised. However, Ian finds out that Heller left the field before the shooting and is alive. Margot decides to use the remaining drone to strike London. CIA finds Shabaaz's case, and with the help of O'Brian manages to find Margot's location. Jack heads there and kills Ian before stopping the strike, then he kills Margot. Knowing that the CIA will find out about him soon, Navarro asks Cross for help. Cross agrees to help him leave the country in exchange for delivering the override, which Jack brings to the CIA for analysis. The bodies of Reed and the mercenary are found, and Jack tasks a skilled technician to identify the mercenary and his affiliations. Navarro steals the override and escapes the CIA, successfully evading Jack. With her mission accomplished, O'Brian reunites with Cross who arranges a location for Navarro.
203 00. “Day 9 - 8;00 p.m. - 9;00 p.m.”
CIA manages to capture Navarro, but does not find the override, which he has given to Cross. Navarro states that he has planted a tracker on the override and will trade the code in exchange for immunity, which makes Kate angry. She and Jack formulate a plan and lure Navarro into revealing the code. Jack and Kate head to the location, but are intercepted by Russian operatives working for Stolnavich, who obtained the information from Mark by blackmailing him. Meanwhile, O'Brian finds out about Cross's actions and tries to escape, but he stops her. They head to a location where they are intercepted by Cheng Zhi, who was delivered to the Chinese government after Day 6 and escaped incarceration during a riot, in which he was believed to have died. He and his operatives force O'Brian to activate the override. Cheng uses it to order an American submarine to destroy a Chinese ship, which could start a war. Cross reveals to O'Brian that her family's death was actually an accident, but he'd kept it hidden in order to keep her at Open Cell. Cheng kills Cross.
204 00. “Day 9 - 9;00 p.m. - 10;00 p.m.”
As the Chinese President orders a strike against the U.S., Cheng abducts O'Brian. Jack and Morgan defeat the Russians with the help of CIA backup and arrive at the location, finding an audio recorded by O'Brian, revealing to Jack that Cheng is alive and also behind the attack. Mark reveals to Heller and Jack that he gave the information to Stolnavich. They deduce that Stolnavich and Cheng are working together to start a war between China and the U.S., which will bring benefit to Russia and fulfill Cheng's vendetta against China. Jack devises a plan to use Mark to get to Stolnavich. Mark goes to Stolnavich's residence and claims that he is requesting asylum. However, Stolnavich finds the truth and turns on Mark, who accidentally kills him. Meanwhile, Audrey meets a friend of hers at the Chinese Embassy hoping to delay the Chinese strike until Jack can find Cheng, who has Audrey's friend and bodyguards killed and takes her hostage.
205 00. “Day 9 - 10;00 p.m. - 11;00 a.m.”
Cheng sends live footage of Audrey to Jack, demanding he stop tracking him until he can leave and then free her. Jack tasks Morgan to save Audrey while he can find and stop Cheng. Using information from Stolnavich's compound, they locate him at a dock, and Jack heads there with Belcheck and O'Brian, who provides satellite support for the other two. Meanwhile, Morgan manages to kill the sniper watching Audrey and saves her. However, Audrey is killed by another mercenary. Jack and Belcheck manage to infiltrate the ship and find Cheng, whom Jack forces to confess in a video then played to the Chinese president, who aborts the strike, but demands compensation from Heller, who agrees. Jack decapitates Cheng. He returns and finds O'Brian gone. He gets a call from the kidnappers and arranges the location and time. Twelve hours later, Jack surrenders to Russian operatives, who free O'Brian in exchange for him. Mark is put in custody. Morgan and Heller decide to resign.
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